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Member Elite
since 1999-09-05
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Bewilderment , USA

0 posted 2002-05-09 06:09 PM

There's a rumor 'bout some humor in our class this month of May.
'Round my assonance, my bloomers they just wouldn't fit, no way!
It was all alliteration, allegations asinine,
in indecent indignation, I found they weren't even mine!

I was mortified, misnomered, mystified, and mal-abused.
To think anothers' bloomers were the ones I almost used !
So, I ran them up the flag-pole, just as high as they would reach,
( here's where I bet you thought I'd say that they belonged to "Teach"!)

But, that is not the case, I can assure you of this fact.
For, even a jackass like me, knows better how to act!
Such insolence did isolate me in the institute,
now passing them (on way to class) I properly salute!

And "imagery", that is a thing I think I've seen before.
Whenever brisk, the winds they blow, it's quite hard to ignore,
those brightly colored bloomers, just-a-flappin' in the breeze,
o'er my alma-mater (Nan's class) where I learnt my ABCs.

This is mayhem , my dear class-mates, let the games begin, who knows?
We might just find whos' butt was in those bloomers is exposed!

© Copyright 2002 William E.Kleist - All Rights Reserved
Bridget Shenachie
Senior Member
since 2002-01-23
Posts 1056
Kansas USA
1 posted 2002-05-10 08:43 PM

Oh no!  Oh no, Doc!

You've thrown this wide open.  Someone may just shoot the moon and streak on out the back!


Member Elite
since 1999-09-05
Posts 3448
Bewilderment , USA
2 posted 2002-05-10 10:14 PM

Thanks, you're just in time for the next installment...

The plot was getting thicker, not one clue had yet been found,
as to whose those knickers were, a-sailin''bove the ground.
Bob Marley and the Wailers played "I Shot The Sherrif" (Gee)
I wonder if those bloomers belonged to the deputy?

I went out to the playground where I found my good friend Marge.
(She knows enough about this stuff that she should be in charge)
"Of lost and found, I'll tell you Doc"she said most cryptically,
" It's all about the way you swing your lead, poetically."

What-ever could she mean by that? (conundrum that it was?)
At times I'm such a Dumb-Dumb that I can't tell peach from fuzz!
I said " Well, thank you Margie, you are really very sweet."
Then went to see if I could get some help from good ol' Pete.

" Hey Pete, about those bloomers, can you give me any hint,
since you've been "Not-A-Poet" for the very longest stint?
He said, "Well Doc, I'd like to , but my kite she will not fly!"
( his tale is one of deepest woe, his wife won't let him try.)

I said " That's O.K., Pete, you see I really understand,
quite often one must simply take such matters into hand."
"Now Doc" said Teach "I think that you are treading on thin ice,
the playground rules, most clearly state, that you should all play nice."

"I'm sorry Teach, I promise that I'll try hard to behave,
while reaching out for answers 'bout whose bloomers there do wave."

To be continued...

[This message has been edited by Dr.Moose1 (05-11-2002 02:45 PM).]

Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-20
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Cape Cod Massachusetts USA
3 posted 2002-05-11 08:41 AM

So that was MOOSE who hung the undies on my flagpole... All this time I thought it was Balladeer...

Member Elite
since 1999-09-05
Posts 3448
Bewilderment , USA
4 posted 2002-05-11 03:04 PM

Yup, that was me. ( Balladeer did have something to do with it, which I'll explain later)...

So far all of my searching had not turned out very well.
Like Casidy, was in a lurch, been stumped by villanelle.
Perhaps Sunshine and Bridget held some clue in Prairie Ink,
to harbor such delusion's nothing new to how I think.

"Pray tell me, ladies might you know who owns those pantaloons?"
" I've searched for answers high and low, for oh, so many moons."
" Not us Doc," said the Prairie Gals in unison, as one.
" but you had better watch yourself, you're having too much fun!"

Another mystery for me, I really am quite dense.
I asked my new pal Larry C., to help it all make sense.
" Woo Hoo, " he said " this childhood stuff is more my favorite speed."
(I'm with you Larry, up to snuff, I think we're all agreed!)

Perhaps the answers that I seek are not so close at hand.
Be sure to tune back in next week , we're off to Netherlands!

Member Elite
since 1999-10-08
Posts 3544
The Hague, The Netherlands
5 posted 2002-05-11 07:34 PM

Up till this day my Amsterdam's been veiled in mystery
"The Missing Bloomers" been the case of the 20th century
All cops got quite delusional in search of Pant-á-Loons
The only lead they ever found? A Moose alike cartoon!
And many ended in a 'Stute - severe bloomers syndrome!
While all the time 'twas you who took my fav'rite bloomers home!

Member Elite
since 1999-09-05
Posts 3448
Bewilderment , USA
6 posted 2002-05-11 10:27 PM

How you do ink? I see you showed right up on schedule. (liked the reply ,by the way!)...

I hopped a plane to Netherlands , it didn't cost all that much.
It's two for one on E-bay, if you don't mind flying dutch.
I asked my good friend Munda, " Do you recognize that pair,
that flies above the school-yard fifty feet up in the air?"

" I'm sorry Doc, can't say I do, you might ask Titia though."
" I'd stay to help you out with this, but , to the "Stute" I go!"
And saying that, she dissappeared, it could be in my head,
this story's really getting wierd, I swear that I saw "Red".

To Titias' I went hoping to identify those shorts.
(In spite of all her smoking she's a real poetic sort)
Said she to me," I'm sorry Doc, but I've got news for ewe,
my sheep I have been counting long before that flag was flew!"

Well, that was that, I thanked them both and grabbed a homeward flight.
No closer than I was before, with that I'll say " Good night "...

Member Elite
since 1999-09-05
Posts 3448
Bewilderment , USA
7 posted 2002-05-14 04:46 PM

And now, the grand finale...

In sleeping there lay dreaming ( where-in )all was not serene.
Of bloomers on a flag-pole pondering what such things could mean.
Who first had hoist those undies, was it not the "Balladeer",
in boisterous profundity to signal loud and clear?

"Tis I who rule the Passions' realm, behold the royal crest,
that all might know my greatness when the wind blows from the west!"
As North and South fell 'neath his pen, he looked unto the East,
and then did spy my message, when he might expect it least.

" Let it be known this month of May, as long as from the flag-pole sway
"Deers'" pantaloons, for all to see, as poets, we'll take liberty!"
I swear that's how the story went, concocted in Bewilderment.
Badda-bing, badda-bang, badda-boom, tee-hee!
(That, onomatapea be.)

Member Elite
since 1999-10-08
Posts 3544
The Hague, The Netherlands
8 posted 2002-05-14 04:50 PM

ROFL! Great job Doc! I think you've got it all covered. (Yep, poetically too )
Lady in Red
since 2000-02-16
Posts 147

9 posted 2002-05-16 04:07 PM

Dear Doc, it seems you're specializing in Deers these days. Does that make you a Deer Doctor? Hmm... there's a thought...

Anyway, this was a delight to read. It almost made me feel like being back home.

Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
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Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA
10 posted 2002-05-16 10:35 PM

Hey, Doc, my friend, it wasn't me
That put those pants up there.
Some evil fiends sneaked in my room
And stole my underwear!
They stripped me while I slept the sleep
That innocents all do
And left me naked as a jay before the night was through.

Kit had some threads of wool, I think,
Beneath her fingernail
And when I questiones Nan I saw
Her face go red then pale.
Mysteria was giggling when
All was said and done
And Hoot Owl's eyes were like eyes that
Had stared into the sun.

Methinks it was conspiracy!
To me it seemed quite clear
The group of them had stripped the pants
Right off of Balladeer!
Then, as they stood above me, staring
At my naked bod
They did agree, beyond a doubt,
That I was really God!!!

They left me in an awful mess
Without my thermal pants
And I was able to survive
By just the sheerest chance.
So now you know the truth, my friend,
Right straight from BAlladeer.
They stole my pants and left me as
The poor wretch you see here....

Not A Poet
Member Elite
since 1999-11-03
Posts 3885
Oklahoma, USA
11 posted 2002-05-17 09:36 AM



Never express yourself more clearly than you can think - Niels Bohr

Justin Genius
since 2001-04-02
Posts 85

12 posted 2002-05-19 12:51 PM

Come off it Balladeer! I know you love to walk around
Stark naked in the 'Stute, leaving the ladies here to frown.
And often have I seen you steal the show from Chip & Dale,
In effort to show everyone you're more than half a male.

I've seen you've been the cause of many fights with Mr. Fudd,
Who always said that none but he could be the real 'Stute stud.
I beg you Sir, don't lead these folks with words to phoney trail,
Or otherwise in my next tale the truth I must unveil!

Doctor Moose - An amazing tale you present us!

Dear Red - "Deer Doctor?" Now there's a thought indeed! I shall keep it in mind m'lady.      

[This message has been edited by Justin Genious (05-20-2002 10:21 AM).]

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
13 posted 2002-05-19 06:21 PM

You absolutely quack me up !!!!!!

Now ... it's YOUR TURN to push the merry-go-round !!!

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
         [email protected]                    

Member Elite
since 1999-09-05
Posts 3448
Bewilderment , USA
14 posted 2002-05-23 08:45 PM

I'd rather not get in to what is covered, or not , these days. I've seen some pretty scary

Dear Red,
Yes ,I too miss my home and all the fun we had. By the way, have you heard from "Drew"?

If this is how you dress for battle, I am very afraid!

For being, (Not A Poet) it would seem very clear, that your loyalties, my son,rest here and not with "Deer"

Bridget Shenachie
Senior Member
since 2002-01-23
Posts 1056
Kansas USA
15 posted 2002-05-24 02:42 PM


Oh no!  The Moose
Has been turned loose!
Has everyone lost their heads?
Or was it just their threads?

Is this the truth?
Have we lost our couth?
Have lesser minds prevailed?
Or was beauty truly unveiled?

Of course, not much is faked
When everyone is naked.
No questions left confused.
The truth is I'm amused.


[This message has been edited by Bridget Shenachie (05-26-2002 12:08 AM).]

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