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Teen Poetry #2
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Junior Member
since 2000-04-30
Posts 36

0 posted 2000-05-02 10:28 PM

Letter To Your Heart

I will always remember you.
The first day we met
In first period
Our first day of 7th grade.
You smiled at me from across the room.
My heart raced.

Later that year you asked me out.
My heart raced.
I wanted to be perfect for you.
We danced at my birthday party.
I danced with your picture.
But I wasn’t good enough.

Junior High went on.
Boyfriends I had, girlfriends you had.
But every night we talked for hours.
Sometimes we sang "I swear."
We dance in my dreams.
My heart raced.

Then we were separated,
And sent to rival schools.
I thought I would loose you.
But that summer we grew closer.
I thought we could last through anything.
My heart raced.

I was struggling with my family,
But you always rescued me.
You became my big brother,
You became my best friend.
My heart raced.
Then you kissed me.

But I got scared.
I didn’t want to loose my best friend.
So I stopped kissing you back.
And you stopped caring.
My heart raced.
I cried every night.

I promised you I would always be there.
I talk to you every now and then.
Sometimes we kissed.
Then you make a mistake.
My heart raced.
Now you are a daddy.

Never again will I love my best friend.
You were my first love.
You were my first heartache.
I’ll miss you forever.
You make my heart race.
I will always remember you.

Please remember me.


© Copyright 2000 Karen Moyes - All Rights Reserved
since 2000-01-19
Posts 194
Massachusetts ~USA~
1 posted 2000-05-03 02:07 AM

First of all, Welcome To Passions!
This piece kinda' made me feel how you feel while I was readng it by the way your wording was. It's hard to be more than friends with someone who you are already close to, and it's even harder to lose you first love. I know that EXACT feeling because he left me for someone else back in February. I felt like I wasn't ggo enough for him, but in actuality, he was the one who didn't deserve me! I know you are hurt, and it's hard to deal with, but keep you chin up, and keep writing poetry. It helps. Don't EVER keep antyhing inside because it just makes you feel worse. If you EVER feel the need to let it all out feel free to e-mail or IM me.

[email protected]

"A true friend will always stay a friend
whether or not you feel as though the friendship or relationship is about to end."

Member Elite
since 2000-02-02
Posts 2797
2 posted 2000-05-03 06:43 AM

Welcome to Passions karen!

This is a emotional poem to enter in with. I liked reading it a lot. The pain of losing a best friend is always difficult especially when they have shared what it appears you two did.

I agree with everything that Stephanie said..Listen to her for she always has the best advice!!

Nice job on a touching piece well written.


 "Poetry is the language in which man explores his own amazement."
Christopher Fry

since 2000-01-31
Posts 228

3 posted 2000-05-03 03:46 PM

Welcome to passions, I can see that your poems are good. I can undrstand where your coming from with htis poem -- it's beautiful.


 "The worst of what people do to one another is deceive.
Because when you love someone you control their version
of reality. If you lie to them that's like making them
autistic so that what they believe is reality is in fact,
not their true situation at all."

It's not the angry words that break the heart, it's the silence.

Someone said that true love is like a ghost -- often spoke of but never seen.
I've seen both and yet in my darkest hours, tend to believe that neither exits.

Member Elite
since 1999-06-16
Posts 3850
In the space between moments
4 posted 2000-05-03 11:12 PM

Very powerful and well done!  Welcome to passions!

 *Krista Knutson*

"Lonliness is the human condition."
*Mark Twain, in the book "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn"*

since 1999-11-14
Posts 69
5 posted 2000-05-04 12:16 PM

Hey this is great poem that I can definitly relate to... I loved how you told this story with such emotion and especially liked "my heart raced".  This is an excellent poem, welcome here and keep up the great work!
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