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since 1999-07-04
Posts 52
San Juan, PR

0 posted 1999-07-04 10:48 PM

The sky is clearing up,
The clouds are forming shapes of you.
All I could do, is think of you.
The day you said yes, to being my girlfriend,
My mystery of searching for the right girl came to an end.

Juliet, I'm in deeper love than I thought.
The past feelings that I had to fight away.
Are now my true feelings left to stay.
I really care, and now I care more,
Since you are my dear.

Who said fantasies don't come true,
I think they do, how could I explain me and you.
Who said dreams weren't meant to be.
I followed my love, and she loves me.
What were the chances of us finding each other,
Now I think about you, there is no other.

I'm falling head over heels for you,
I can explain, yet I just do.
Your smile makes my heart beat.
Your laughter stops me from falling asleep.
Today, I say, I love you,
Every word I say, everything I do, it's just for you.

- Enrique

[This message has been edited by Enrique (edited 07-04-99).]

© Copyright 1999 Enrique - All Rights Reserved
Junior Member
since 1999-06-29
Posts 44
Abbotsford,British Columbia, Canada
1 posted 1999-07-04 11:45 PM

Why I never knew you felt that way!! LOL wonderful poem! Keep up the great work!


since 1999-06-17
Posts 306
Yuma, AZ, USA
2 posted 1999-07-05 04:50 AM

Juliet, I told you your "Romeo" would show up one day. Well I guess he's your "Enrique".
Congratulations, it is about time huh?


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