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~one voice~
Senior Member
since 1999-07-08
Posts 664
Billings, MT USA

0 posted 1999-07-21 05:44 AM

Today I broke out in a fit of laughter,
because I could not cry any more.
I pointed my finger, and you left me...
You walked right out the door.
Now, I know I have pedantic tendencies,
and my fits of mania are way up there...
You know I never mean them...
You think that I don't care...

but I do...

Today I broke out in a sweat
at the thought of leaving you.
It was 72 degrees outside,
and I did not know what to do.

So I sat down at my CPU...
began writing you...

"Dear Love,

You hurt me with your fits of rage and icy, piercing words.
And then you leave things be and there is nothing to be heard.
You don't go when I say, 'leave;' you won't leave me alone.
Your hatred makes my sorrow and eats its way in to my bones.
You hurt me more than words can say, and this one thought is true.
I never know where I should turn, if I should stay, or, should I leave you?
Where are the vows you promised me? When did we lose our way?
And why won't you just work with me? That might be why I stay...
I'm hoping that some time you might just let me in your soul.
Perhaps, you'll even make our life your most important goal."

and then I went on to say
in a most delicate way...

"You embrace the wreckage of all my shattered dreams.
You kiss me only for the pleasure to stifle all my screams.
You carve me up in pieces and then you eat me whole,
never leaving room inside for a constant, loving soul.
Your main concern is vengeance; revenge upon the damned.
And my love, you know this, for damned is what I am.
You pay no heed to all the anguish that I am battling each day.
All I ever wanted was your light to guide my way.
Now, it's only dark here...I don't know you any more.
My love, there is no score to settle when we aren't waging any war."

I signed the letter,
"Love Always, for worse or better..."

I sealed it tight,
gave it to you,
and told you good-night.



"I never kissed somebody so that they would break my heart."

[This message has been edited by ~one voice~ (edited 07-21-99).]

© Copyright 1999 ~one voice~ - All Rights Reserved
Member Elite
since 1999-06-22
Posts 2396

1 posted 1999-07-21 05:46 AM

Boot to the head of some deserving soul. Good work, my dear. I't's one of the reasons I love you.

Shall I indulge in flights of fancy hampered by clipped wings?

~one voice~
Senior Member
since 1999-07-08
Posts 664
Billings, MT USA
2 posted 1999-07-21 05:49 AM

Thank you to my wonderful Dreams...


"I never kissed somebody so that they would break my heart."

since 1999-07-14
Posts 138
Highmount,NY ,USA
3 posted 1999-07-21 05:55 AM

This is why I read your poems.....heartfelt,and very moving!
~one voice~
Senior Member
since 1999-07-08
Posts 664
Billings, MT USA
4 posted 1999-07-21 12:26 PM

Thank you very much, Dragon, for all your kind praise!


"I never kissed somebody so that they would break my heart."

Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
Posts 25505
Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA
5 posted 1999-07-21 04:07 PM

onevoice, you have very deep emotions displayed here and you express them very well. Well done.
Andrew Scott
Member Elite
since 1999-06-24
Posts 2558
6 posted 1999-07-21 04:55 PM

That was one of the most emotionally charged pieces I've ever read. I'm as stunned as the one who would receive such a letter. Your exploration of emotions is amazing. You've attained a level of quality here that all should strive for. I bow to you and yours.
~one voice~
Senior Member
since 1999-07-08
Posts 664
Billings, MT USA
7 posted 1999-07-22 12:58 PM

Balladeer, Andrew...thank you so very much. I truly appreciate your response!


"I never kissed somebody so that they would break my heart."

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