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Open Poetry #1
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Andrew Scott
Member Elite
since 1999-06-24
Posts 2558

0 posted 1999-07-19 02:48 PM

You can't go wrong by going right,
But, eventually we all go left.
For two wrongs may not make a right,
But, three rights do head west.


What goes up, must come down.
You have to ask if it's worth the fall.
What goes around, comes around.
So why go in circles at all?


Every time you go out,
You always come in.
For entrances and exits
Share the same spin.


It's the same with
Over and under.
There's always something, (or someone)
That's one and the other.


In the end
You occupy the same space.
The question is,
Is it the same place?

© Copyright 1999 Andrew Scott - All Rights Reserved
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
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Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA
1 posted 1999-07-19 03:03 PM

How about "Ramblings of an UP and Down, In and Out, Round and Round, Over and Under, Left and Right Rhymer"?
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
Posts 63354
Listening to every heart
2 posted 1999-07-19 03:11 PM

What about "Miscellaneous Observations"?
Andrew Scott
Member Elite
since 1999-06-24
Posts 2558
3 posted 1999-07-19 04:37 PM

Balladeer: I could see that.
Sunshine: Ah, but there is a connection to it all.

I was thinking about "Uncertin Endings"
I view the piece as a statement about all the choices we make in life that create unexpected results. And how in the end we all come to the same conclusion (death), but by different means. There's even a question of one's final destination, Heaven of Hell (if you believe in such things), in the last two stanzas. At least that's how my mind was working when I wrote this piece.

Senior Member
since 1999-07-06
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4 posted 1999-07-19 05:34 PM

while reading this poem, one thought came to mind, however trite, "that's life"...nice work Andrew

Childhood Memories...your countenance...hoarse whispers...My One and Only...Tribute to M.J... serving wench...the mistress...stolen hours...devotion...Master...apart...

Andrew Scott
Member Elite
since 1999-06-24
Posts 2558
5 posted 1999-07-19 06:39 PM

Thank you Mistress, that one might work. Off course I'll have to seek clearance with Mr. Sinatra's estate.
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