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Member Patricius
since 1999-07-05
Posts 10750
Glen Hope, PA USA

0 posted 1999-07-05 09:06 PM

(Dedicated to Laurel)

I awoke last night,
thinking I felt your movements,
and as my hand
traced lazily down my abdomen;
I remembered you were gone.
The flatness of my belly
suddenly felt so foreign;
and the memory of you
caused my breasts to weep
in tears of milk.
I reached to clasp the tiny box,
containing a foot print card
and a lock of your hair,
with the same hands
that only days before
shook as they touched your perfect face.
You were born in silence ~
and something inside me died.

© Copyright 1999 Ruth Kephart - All Rights Reserved
one voice
Junior Member
since 1999-06-29
Posts 38
Billings, MT USA
1 posted 1999-07-05 09:13 PM

I really liked this one a lot. It is sad, but expressed with beautiful words.

~one voice~

***For myself I Live,
Live intensely and am fed by life,
and my value, whatever it be, is in my own kind of expression
of that. -Henry James

Junior Member
since 1999-07-02
Posts 39

2 posted 1999-07-05 11:28 PM

The beginning of the poem made me think it was a love lost poem and then, when the true meaning became clearer, it added to the emotional impact of the poem. Beautifully written and powerfully done.
Sally S.
Senior Member
since 1999-06-07
Posts 847
3 posted 1999-07-05 11:29 PM

It's so hard to express your feelings in such a way during a tragic loss. What words could I use to convey my sympathy? I cannot begin to realize what the loss of a child does to your soul....that is until I read something like this.
It takes great courage to lay your heart out on the table like this (so to speak). Thank you for sharing this with us.

since 1999-07-01
Posts 169
Houston, Tx.
4 posted 1999-07-25 08:01 PM

This is one of those poems that invokes such sadness, leaves you wordless...
Deeply poignant work of art.

Member Patricius
since 1999-07-05
Posts 10750
Glen Hope, PA USA
5 posted 1999-07-25 08:08 PM

Thursdays Child...thank you for reviving this one from the got so lost in the shuffle when it was posted and I think it is one of those poems that needs to be read. There are many out there that have dealt with similar circumstances. Thanks so much for your comments

"Nobody has measured, not even poets, how much the heart can hold" ~Zelda Fitzgerald

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