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Janet Marie
Member Laureate
since 2000-01-22
Posts 18554

0 posted 2002-08-02 01:16 AM

     When I was in 7th grade, the science teacher, Miss Hiles, gave us the traditional assignment of doing the dreaded dead bug collection. Somehow the science behind requiring us to go out into nature, capture, kill, and mount the multi-legged, winged creatures on styrofoam was lost on me.
But when you're twelve you do as you're told and don't dare question the educational value.

     So the following Saturday, the grassy field near our house was full of gangly legged neighborhood kids with jelly jars, assorted nets, and of course, the assigned insect scavenger list.  With my little sister in tow, I walked the field's fence line entwined with years of vines. A chain linked cornucopia of Morning Glories, Honeysuckles, Milkweed pods and a tangled briar of blackberries, raspberries and grapes.

     While cautiously trying to catch a bumblebee, I happened upon a zebra stripped caterpillar feeding on a milkweed leaf. As soon as I saw it, I knew it was a Monarch in the making. I gently broke off the leaf with my prized find on it and placed it into the jar I had brought. Several kids came over to see my catch. I was horrified when one boy offered me a sponge soaked with ether. He assumed this bounty was to be the centerpiece of my bug collection. After defiantly informing him that this bug was destined for bigger things, I headed for home with my new "pet" and "lil sis" still on my heels. I gathered things that I had learned caterpillars eat. Placing the assorted flora and fauna in an old 5 gallon aquarium, I created him a home under glass where I hoped we could witness the magic of metamorphosis. As sis and I spent the next weeks observing our creepy crawly house guest, we couldn't have known how much our own lives would soon be changing as well. Naive and lacking the instincts given to the insects, we wouldn't realize our cocoon of childhood was also on display in glass house. We couldn't know our last season of innocence was a stones throw away.

     Miss Hiles had given me instructions to insure the caterpillar's chances of survival. The hope was that it would give us a view of it's life cycle, and it did just that. After a couple weeks of sitting in the sun in our bedroom, feeding on milkweed leaves, the plump striped caterpillar strolled up a stick and spun himself into a bright lime green cocoon. The metamorphosis's progress was charted and documented in Polaroid photos as an extra credit project. I had to stand in front of the class on a weekly basis and tell the staring and glaring room of faces my observations. I knew then what the bugs must feel like when closed in those jars.
     As the days passed the cocoon began changing. Slowly becoming transparent, giving us a peek of the miracle that had happened inside. Eventually it became a clear skin wrapped around the folded striped wings of its new tenant. We came home from church one Sunday afternoon and there he was. The brilliant orange and black veined Monarch hung from a stick, drying its wings in the sun.

     Miss Hiles had given me instructions on what to do if the transformation was successful. With mom's assistance we made a syrup and sugar water mix to be a mock nectar. I hand fed the butterfly several times a day. To my delight and amazement, he sipped the sticky mix off my fingertip or an artificial flower with his curly, straw like tongue. He showed no fear of my gentle handing, always careful to not touch the wings or get the pretend nectar on him. I would place my finger under his spindly legs and he would climb on allowing me to lift him from the aquarium. He would fly across the room, landing on the window sill, instinctively drawn to the sun and the spring breezes coming thru the screen. Miss Hiles had also told me that I must let him go with in a few days of him becoming strong and flying on his own or he would not survive. So we took him back to the field where he was rescued from the fate of Jr. High school bug collectors and we set him free. He flew to the milkweed vined fence and joined several other Monarchs who were feeding there as well. I remember quietly crying like I had when we had given our latest litter of kittens away. Mom curiously laughed at me and said,
"You get too attached to everything."

     I don't remember much about actually doing that bug collection or the rest of that school year. Just days after we let the butterfly go, shortly before Easter, my mother suddenly packed up us girls and left my father. We were ushered out of the house with police escort and the entire neighborhood looking on. We moved in with her parents, ending a 14 year emotionally scarring game of "two kids raising two kids, playing house."  For some reason, after years of staying in the abusive marriage, even though she had other options, she decided that spring to open the lid on her jar and fly. I remember sitting in the police car, comforting lil sis as the neighbors watched our glass house shatter from all the shouting.

     There have been many other butterfly moments in my life, literally and figuratively speaking. Moments and metaphors that have come to encompass who I am. Seems I've had a penchant for getting too attached to things that aren't mine to hold. Added to a habit of "bringing home strays," the preverbal wounded birds, only to be heartbroken when they mend and fly away. Anyone who knows me well, knows the metaphor I use for myself -- the moth to a flame.

     Recently, on a yellow moonlit night, I sat at on a restaurant patio with my "significant other."  While eating in the smothering silence that has become the norm, just inches from our table, a huge orange Cecropia Moth crashed to the parking lot pavement. Apparently stunned or blinded from flying into spotlights on a flagpole, he hit the asphalt with an unsettling slap. I got up to see if the winged beauty was badly injured and to rescue him from being run over. My dinner companion protested about "touching a dirty bug." The moth was exquisite in its colors and markings. He sat on my palm and allowed me to carry him to the table. As I delightedly explored his beauty, came more disinterested, demeaning, remarks. The true rareness of the moment was lost on him, as was my admire of the moon's glow or desire to go for a late night drive by the lake. So much distance between two who have been together for so long.

     The moth slowly recovered from his crash landing and began fluttering its wings. His first attempts to fly resulted in him back on the ground. I feared he was too injured by the hard fall. I decided to put him in a petunia filled flower box that lined the patio, hoping he might just need more time to rest. As I leaned forward to lay him in the pink and purple petaled bed, he lifted up and flew from my fingertips, straight up past the light poles towards the night sky. My delighted celebration and awe at his recovery and graceful flight was met with an impatient request of, "Can we go now that you're done playing bug doctor?" I rode home in silence, staring out the window, watching the world go by, wondering when I would find my own strength to fly.
Until I do, I know I'm just another moth under glass.

Thank you to K.A.
This only exists for your encouragement.
The moody muse needed a swift kick in the mothy behind        

Cecropia Moth

[This message has been edited by Janet Marie (08-02-2002 05:41 PM).]

© Copyright 2002 Janet Marie - All Rights Reserved
Member Elite
since 2000-03-06
Posts 3733
1 posted 2002-08-02 08:16 AM

Oh have such a flare for this kind of writing...
A chain linked cornucopia of Morning Glories, Honeysuckles, Milkweed pods and a tangled briar of blackberries, raspberries and grapes

You make me smell it and see it...and live it.  

The beauty of what you told..the pain...the mirrors..the things that I will never feel...yet through you I feel and I live.

So much for one child to live through and so much for an adult...I want to see you fly baby and if I could I would crush that glass so that you would never feel captured again.

I love you've always been a butterfly...and you were made to be free~

Member Ascendant
since 2001-08-07
Posts 5455

2 posted 2002-08-02 08:24 AM

So, this is why I woke up way before I should've today.  You know, I understand and relate to this.
Jams...You've written a beautiful piece of life here.  Its depth not always pleasant...but real.  Not sure what else to say at this hour when my mind is still just trying to understand what the 'AM' on the clock means.
I love a good story.  And ya didn't dissapoint with this.  The chapter where ya'll come.  And I will be here.....cheering!!!!
Gotta tell ya that the restaurant scene...I saw it all happening.  Felt it.  Heard the remarks of one who doesn't 'get it'.  Also...felt what you did, moth in hand.  Inspired.  So glad ya wrote/finished this.
Otherwise, what would I be doing at this hour?  lmao
Night...I'm goin back to bed.

I was standing
You were there
Two worlds collided...


Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
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Listening to every heart
3 posted 2002-08-02 11:25 AM

she decided that spring to open the lid on her jar and fly.

Excuse me...
lunch couldn't wait...
now I have to find some Kleenex...
you didn't issue the right warning...

and I have a feeling
I'm not going to find enough Kleenex...

I'll come back to pull out more vivid images shortly...

[This message has been edited by Sunshine (08-02-2002 11:26 AM).]

Deputy Moderator 5 Tours
Member Rara Avis
since 2000-01-03
Posts 7855

4 posted 2002-08-02 12:14 PM

God your writing's beautiful, Janet. And it's inspired a poem idea. Check open!


Said if I only could ...

Member Rara Avis
since 2000-07-29
Posts 9082
Victoria Australia
5 posted 2002-08-02 08:37 PM

Stunning story, stunning imagery real and painful emotions. *Kiss on the cheek*

Here in the midst of my lonely abyss, a single joy I find...your presence in my mind.  Unknown

Janet Marie
Member Laureate
since 2000-01-22
Posts 18554

6 posted 2002-08-03 08:26 AM

my means much to me that youre here on this one...and yes...I know that you know--and we both know we have to "break the glass" on our one can do it for us. The past makes us who we are now...and I know many many who went thru much more than I did. We get by with a little help from our friends?
Love ya back H-girlie..thanks baby.

Dunc is that you first thing in the morn? I am honored my porch pal ... LOL
thank you for letting me know I wrote this so that it held your interest...if it kept that infamous attention span of yours happy..then Im happy And yeah...I knew youd relate to parts of this. After all me and sen made you an official man moth, remember? LOL Thanks Dunc....muchly.

Janet Marie
Member Laureate
since 2000-01-22
Posts 18554

7 posted 2002-08-03 08:27 AM

Kari-- no crying at lunch, ok? the moth mascara is flame proof --not tear
thank you for letting me know you felt this..and I look forward to seeing any other part of it thru your eyes...I'll leave some Puffs out just in case thanks Sun girlie.

Mikey...your reply is beautiful!!...and that poem is printed out and going in a frame..thank you so much groovy guy. It means more than my mothy words will convey.

Keth...thank you girlie..for the stunning reply and the kiss...from things you've shared, I know you understand this one all too well. thank you for taking the time to read this, Im happy to see your name here.   

Mark Bohannan
Member Rara Avis
since 2000-06-21
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In the winds of Cherokee song
8 posted 2002-08-03 09:28 AM

From two moments of altering come thrice more the pain ridiculed as more moments add their fingerprints to the hour"glass" of our lives.  We are all under glass in some circumstances ... that is what makes us human.  Well ya'll anyway!LOL  You did real good here "sweetness" in telling a story that will never have an ending.  You held our attention with a "impact" lines laced throughout and some very wonderful images and others just plain ole powerful.  You also placed us behind the scenes of "EMOTIONS" (Lord I hate that word) without making us feel like we were forced there...but instead, offered a chance to step inside and feel.  You know my feelings and beliefs on each chronicle of our lives and thus you know I see moments of promise and release in this versus the sad.  Gentleness when reached to levels of comfort for any of nature's creatures is not one to be taken lightly..........USE IT!!  Rewards have been and will continue to be bestowed upon those that feel with their heart instead of their mind and so being that, I don't worry about you too much. You don't need to break the glass, you need only tip it enough to breathe once in awhile before exploring.  I know of one moment that could be a sequel to this but you know you are on your own in figuring it out and you should really think about it because your prose reads divine as does your talent for showcasing those "E" words and still incorporating imagery to add a dimension to the read.  Pat yourself on the back and polish off those just learned how to fold them versus expanded rest and we both know where that puts ya.

p.s.  Yeah, I noticed the "words" you hinted about and I bet you are right...(shall we see?)

my best friend is a bug and I wouldn't change that for the world.

serenity blaze
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since 2000-02-02
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9 posted 2002-08-03 04:26 PM

At Last!!! *chuckle* I'm so thrilled to see this!

and funny, I don't find this is as sad as I do hopeful-- (but then, I'm feeling oddly serene today! )

There is so much metaphor in the chrysalis/butterfly imagery, and there is so much of YOU in this--and quite the contrary, I am not feeling pity here, but a bit of sadness for the one who does not have the sense to realize the artistry of company of a butterfly! how sad for HIM...more later? I have to go tend to my business yanno. There seem to be people waiting to see me...

HUGS YOU. Love this. (and full critique later, but ya gotta stay on me, sort of the way I stay on YOU... )

Janet Marie
Member Laureate
since 2000-01-22
Posts 18554

10 posted 2002-08-04 09:00 AM

Mark ... do ya know that your reply was poetic prose?? Ya need to be writing more in this forum...ya know how I feel about your prose writings. As for those "Emotions" ... sooner or later the moth will make you fly in the flame.  
Thank you my wise friend, for this beautiful reply, thank you for seeing all that you do, teaching me all that you do...thank you for being my breath of fresh air...(who knew all one had to do was poke a few holes in the lid)  
thank you MC

my best friend is an Aquarian cowboy, but I wont hold that against him.
(wakka wakka) wasnt meant to be your seeing it right .... and if youre feeling serene...then Im one estatic moth....thank you for BUGGING ME to do this one. LOL
Thank you me twin for the faith in me moody muse...and for knowing I could write inspite of me. Love ya girlie

[This message has been edited by Janet Marie (08-04-2002 09:02 AM).]

paper doll
since 2002-08-04
Posts 133
Floating on Uncertainty
11 posted 2002-08-04 09:32 AM

Wow...this was so beautifully written. You've got prose down pat. There is so much emotion and the imagery is exceptional. I am truly envious of your talent for this style of writing. I can't wait to see more of this.


Imagination=nostalgia for the past, the absent; it is the liquid solution in which art develops the snapshots of reality.

Moon Dust
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Skelmersdale, UK
12 posted 2002-08-04 09:40 AM

Wow you change the way I look at moths its a delightful story.

If your afraid of the dark, then why did you come?

Seymour Tabin
Member Empyrean
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Tamarac Fla
13 posted 2002-08-04 10:26 AM

Dear Tink,

I give to you a bouquet
For today and yesterday.
You are the chrysalis of my dream
And far exceed the moth of theme.

You’ve learned your lesson better than most
For that I offer a champagne toast
A fly within the sky of wile
To touch our souls and stay awhile

You are a field of daffodils
My vitamins of magic pills
How poor I’d be without your tea
When served with my poetic plea.

I cannot say how glad I am
To be your nectar of exam
Held within your light of deem
Your coffee with a drop of cream

In other words you make me smile
With your subtle and humble style

Winkiewinkie Randy Stinky

Janet Marie
Member Laureate
since 2000-01-22
Posts 18554

14 posted 2002-08-04 03:09 PM

paper doll..thank you for such a wonderful encouraging humble me...
Welcome to Passions, its nice to meet you.  

MoonDust...thank you muchly...they say moths are butterflies in disguise?
your stopping in is appreciated.

Sy-babes.. some will tell ya that I'm about a sublte as a train wreck  *L*
you always see me in a better light and I thank you for that...and for this beautiful poetic reply...ya make me mothy heart smile... thank you Stinkylove

Thank you to all for coming by.

Tell me we belong together
Dress it up with the trappings of love
Ill be captivated, Ill hang from your lips
Instead of the heartache from above

Member Empyrean
since 1999-09-21
Posts 28049
15 posted 2002-08-04 10:00 PM

Janet Marie

As always you show us an honest piece of yourself...and a lesson learned from childhood.  I think some are just born to be in tune with some inner core of life that is a teacher.  You are lucky to be open, like wings, if I may use that analogy.  

This is a lesson that when shared gives to others..and continues to grow.  The child who flew with her mother away from the abuse...put the butterfly to such good use...and can again.  

You wrote this so well, I can't critique the hold it had on my heart from beginning to end.  That is what good writing does...and I don't want to pin it up, dried and brittle for examination, any more than you did your butterfly.  

You write with a pen that connects to a universal feeling in all of us...and you express it, where others can't.  

In other are remarkable!

Janet Marie
Member Laureate
since 2000-01-22
Posts 18554

16 posted 2002-08-05 07:17 AM

and I don't want to pin it up, dried and brittle for examination, any more than you did your butterfly.

OH so yer gonna use my metaphors against me huh? LOL     

As for the remarkable...yes...your reply is and to use your words back to you...SO ARE YOU!!  
thank you Martie...for such generous,  encouraging reply..ya make me mothy heart smile.     

since 2002-05-15
Posts 312
between the gutter & the stars
17 posted 2002-08-06 01:04 AM

two kids raising two kids, playing house....boy i know the feeling.

to say i relate to your metaphor is to earn an award for understatement.

i'm happy that you've shared this, but i'm sad that you feel stuck in a jar. as much as we are enjoying seeing you evolve under the glass, we'd like to see you let out.

a bittersweet tale, but i think there's hope in your eyes.
and good background music for this story?
leonard cohen's "if it be your will"
just luck o the draw on my winamp, but it fit.

it's our struggle for identity that leaves us all unknown

Sudhir Iyer
Member Ascendant
since 2000-04-26
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Mumbai, India : now in Belgium
18 posted 2002-08-06 05:50 AM

I rode home in silence, staring out the window, watching the world go by, wondering when I would find my own strength to fly.

Until I do, I know I'm just another moth under glass.

Strange that I should say this... This is exactly what I feel of myself...

Andt deep in my heart I know you have the strength, it is only a matter of which spring to choose to take off...


Great writing, my friend...

Regards to you,

Janet Marie
Member Laureate
since 2000-01-22
Posts 18554

19 posted 2002-08-06 03:10 PM always find me and the right tune...thank you for that...and? I'm not surprised at all you related to this...we've reflected one another before....
thank you for coming by and reading this...hope youre doing groovy TY

Sud ... me thinks we all feel that way sometime...I guess the difference in being a moth and becoming a butterfly is not being afraid to try not being afraid to fly.... I'm hoping I find my change of season before it all dries up. Thank you for giving this a read poet sir....its always a pleasure to find your name on my work.

thank you both guys

Tell me we belong together
Dress it up with the trappings of love
Ill be captivated, Ill hang from your lips
Instead of the heartache from above

Member Ascendant
since 1999-12-26
Posts 5372
Ontario, CANADA
20 posted 2002-08-08 10:59 PM

Janet, as I type these words I am speechless with that proverbial lump in my throat...your writing is beautiful, touching, with a melancholy introspective.

I'll be back to comment on this with more depth, but, you've moved me more than I can express. I've told you this before, and although you and I are different people with different lives, I see pieces of myself and my mother in your are a true writer, you've grown leaps and bounds in your expression, and, I find it's the personal ones that are the most amazing.  I'm keeping this one~

Take care and heart-hugs,

"Poetry is not an opinion expressed...
it is a song that rises from a bleeding
wound...or a smiling mouth"

~Kahlil Gibran~

Janet Marie
Member Laureate
since 2000-01-22
Posts 18554

21 posted 2002-08-09 07:40 AM

Melis....your reply is so sincere and heartfelt ...thank you for such generous and wonderful encouragement of my writing...and for letting me know of the parts of your life you found in the words, that tells me I did something right to reach the reader on that level...and that is special "depth" of a critique all its own.
thank you for comming by and reading this girlie...and I am smiling to see you posted something over here too
mothy hugs to ya Melis Thank you.

thank you again to all who came by to read and reply.
love to Poetry Land

If all the tear drops went to heaven
And if all the pain was confined ...
Would I be your salvation
could I make your spirit shine.


since 2001-12-13
Posts 428
central nj
22 posted 2002-08-09 04:06 PM

Your story is beautiful and eloquent.  I enjoyed your metaphors; and the integrity of the story.  Excellent!!
Member Patricius
since 2000-05-14
Posts 11858
New Brunswick Canada
23 posted 2002-08-10 06:32 AM

Now that's a story and a half if I ever read one. I cant imagine your free spirit being trapped under glass. However, may the Gods strike me dead if my words interfere with the emotional decisions of a friend's future.
You're decisions are your own but you're something else poet pet! Put your shoes on Suzie you're in the city now!

Janet Marie
Member Laureate
since 2000-01-22
Posts 18554

24 posted 2002-08-11 11:03 AM

GOlDsparklESS & Eric...thank you so much for your wonderful, kind replies and taking the time to come by and read this...and worries..the "gods" love ya for your words of insight and encouragement. thank you always for your generous spirit and encouragement of my work.

my humble thanks to all.

If all the tear drops went to heaven
And if all the pain was confined ...
Would I be your salvation
could I make your spirit shine.


Member Elite
since 2000-01-06
Posts 3129
25 posted 2002-08-14 01:58 AM

Janet, this was a very moving write. I know you'll find the strength one day. Just find a petunia or an arch to rest on.
Mothy-baby... come fly away.


Deputy Moderator 10 ToursDeputy Moderator 10 ToursDeputy Moderator 10 ToursDeputy Moderator 10 ToursDeputy Moderator 1 TourDeputy Moderator 1 TourDeputy Moderator 1 Tour
Member Laureate
since 2001-03-07
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British Columbia, Canada
26 posted 2002-08-14 03:49 AM

Well now you did it!  I have to think about a reply that is worth putting here, so I will be back.  Watch for a typical Janet Marie response coming as this deserves the best I can do, and I have to think about it Be back tomorrow!
Janet Marie
Member Laureate
since 2000-01-22
Posts 18554

27 posted 2002-08-15 12:30 PM

P-man...thank you for coming by and finding this means much to me to find your name here...I'll follow the sweet teases...they shouls lead me to the Arch

Sharon...your sincere reply is more than enough...
thank you for taking the time to read my mothy prose

thank you both for your generous support.

If all the tear drops went to heaven
And if all the pain was confined ...
Would I be your salvation
could I make your spirit shine.


Larry C
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Member Patricius
since 2001-09-10
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United States
28 posted 2002-11-01 06:14 PM

I was away when this came through. Watching my father die. How you use nature for its metaphors in life to teach such crucial wisdom. I am forever inspired by you. Bless you dear friend, bless you.

If tears could build a stairway and memories a lane, I'd walk right up to heaven and bring you home again.

Deputy Moderator 1 Tour
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since 2001-05-18
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29 posted 2002-11-01 11:46 PM

Geez JM! I never read this one before, as I moved in June and didn't even have a 'puter for a long while. I rarely visit the prose forum. Boy, I have been missing out on some of the best writing I've ever read!
Mothy, I am honored to be on the same leaf,, as you. And you already fly high and free, on my list.  

Janet Marie
Member Laureate
since 2000-01-22
Posts 18554

30 posted 2002-11-02 06:50 AM

Larry and Kacy...thank you so guys are so good to me...Bless you both. should try writing some prose..with your gift for writing imagery...youd be great at it..and its good way to stretch the muse and pen, Also cool for when the poetry isnt flowing.
There are so many outstanding offerings here in Prose from many of Passions prized poets...I hope more will discover this forum for both reading and writing pleasures.

thanks again guys...ya make a moths heart smile

Unknown to us, there are moments when crevices open for time to come alive with begining.

John O'Donohue
Conamara Blues

Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
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Listening to every heart
31 posted 2002-11-02 08:00 AM

Deputy Moderator 1 Tour
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32 posted 2002-11-03 08:21 PM

JM, thanks for the prose encouragemnet. I used to write a lot, but rarely for posting in public. I'm so rusty! But thanks, I actually have one started, but it takes so much more time for me to write prose than poetry. Maybe I'm just lazy these days. Hmm....a story about laziness maybe, or procrastination? I'm a pro at the latter affliction.
Senior Member
since 2001-03-25
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swimming in fairy floss...........
33 posted 2002-11-05 01:15 AM

Loved this JM...very inspirational

Are you scared?                            BOO! Are you now?

Member Rara Avis
since 1999-08-02
Posts 8296
Purgatorial Incarceration
34 posted 2002-11-05 02:35 AM

I read this quite some time ago - not long after you initially posted it. I was in no place - emotionally - however, to comment to it at the time. Since then, I've read it perhaps a half dozen times, each time reading portions of myself and others I've known in the wisdom of your words. Each time, I've told myself that I needed to reply to you, if only to let you know I'd read it.

But a few words (for me) are hardly sufficient to respond to something of this quality. Metaphor and reality - you said it well. Though not a wholly unique metaphor (no offense), the butterfly syndrome is undoubtedly one of the most apt when used in the context of interpersonal relationships. As you wrote so well, we are all in a glass house, studied and studying, forming our cocoons, or spreading our wings. I think at one time or another, everyone experiences at least the initial stages - the caterpillar, then cocoon stages.

But that's where it diverges. See, not everyone is aware that there is a transformation possible, that they have wings. Most importantly, many never see that they don't have to fly away to spread them - sometimes you can fly with other butterflies.

You have done so with this exquisite piece JM, with captivating prose, pertinent points, and the calm, peaceful heart that is trademark You. So forgive me for taking my time and recognize it as applause, not neglect. I was too busy flying.

Janet Marie
Member Laureate
since 2000-01-22
Posts 18554

35 posted 2002-11-05 08:56 AM

Kari ...

Kacy....well ya cant rush a masterpiece so just write when the words flow... we arent going anywhere LOL Thank you girlie.

Cherish... thank you so much for taking the time to read this and share your thoughts.

Chris..... *smiling at you*  forgive you???!! You make my mothylife and then you ask me to forgive you?? LOL.... my goodness...what do I say to this....its not often the moth is speechless.....and thank you seems far too little to say for such a generous reply..for sharing so much of you....but I do thank you...most sincerely...not just for the compliments and praise of the writing..but for the recognition, acceptance and understanding of both the work that went into the piece...and the emotions that breathe in the words. Coming from you, one whose prose work I have both admired, respected and more importantly learned from...well, needless to say your words mean much. If you can find any reflections of you in this...then I am in damn fine company...and I am honored that you gave me a " fly by"  Thank you Chris ... very very much for coming back and sharing your enlightenment with me and your airspace.  

Has anyone ever told you that you are wise beyond your years...
yeah...I'm sure youve heard it before....and you'll hear it again...lots.
TY poet sir. Keep flying my friend...its a most impressive view.


No one has ever shown me how to see the world the way I see it now ...
and I never saw blue like that before.

~Tom Kimmel~

[This message has been edited by Janet Marie (11-05-2002 08:57 AM).]

brian madden
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36 posted 2002-11-06 02:19 PM

There are rare occasions when I am too awe struck to put into words how a piece of writing has affected me. This is definitely one of those times, mere praise hardly seems appropriate.   All I can say is that the images and words will stay will me for quite a while.

The ladders of life that we scale merrily Move mysteriously around So that when you think you're climbing up, man In fact you're climbing down-Nick ca

Janet Marie
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since 2000-01-22
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37 posted 2002-11-06 04:28 PM speechless????
No way...then I cant hear that Irish tater accent   
I am very pleased you got to see this one...
and any part of it you take with you makes this moth in very good company. Thank you some prose..PLEEEEEAAASE

No one has ever shown me how to see the world the way I see it now ...
and I never saw blue like that before.

~Tom Kimmel~

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38 posted 2002-11-06 10:49 PM

so much, i am nearly speechless. i feel so stupid sometimes, the peices i like best i have the hardest time writing about.
Janet Marie
Member Laureate
since 2000-01-22
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39 posted 2002-11-07 01:09 PM

majnu... thank you for this kind reply...
youre not "stupid" at all...I just read your wonderful prose...
speechless when sincere is a fine compliment...I thank you so much

No one has ever shown me how to see the world the way I see it now ...
and I never saw blue like that before.

~Tom Kimmel~

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40 posted 2002-11-07 01:13 PM

LOL, I missread your reply to Chris the first time through...thought you said
'You are wise beyond your ears' After I stopped laughing I realized my eyeballs had misfocussed.

Either way would be OK.

Posts 250

41 posted 2002-12-11 11:44 PM

Oh you do it too? At least now I know I'm not alone. Alone in taking in strays, hurt animals, etc... when I was 10 I found a skinny stray little cat underneath the shed in out yard. My mom said I wasn't allowed to have another cat (I have three), but I could certainly take care of it. I named her Cleo and fed her everyday. I spent hours with her and I cried when inevitably I had to go back inside.. and inside.. my warm, loved cats.. and Cleo.. alone outside. I know that wasn't the full point of your story, but I wanted to show that I understand.. what it's like to give your heart to everything.. no matter what the consequences are.

As for your situation, maybe you need to take back your heart for once despite the consequences. Sometimes a blessing is shrouded by pain.

I understand now. I think. *hugs* Thank you for writing this.

Life is where you look for it.

Janet Marie
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since 2000-01-22
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42 posted 2002-12-12 12:11 PM

Im so pleased you found this you will better understand my reaction to your so very cool moth prose piece...the "moth to the flame" has become a metaphor that I use to describe the way I let my heart and emotions lead me blindly and influence me in ways that I usually end up hurting myself on....and all too often so much of our self esteem comes from the way we feel validated by being makes for an emotinally unhealthy balance. Something I've been trying to work on of late.
as I often say in here..
it aint easy being a moth when there are so many butterflies.
thank you for sharing your story with me...
thats the beauty of this place...thru our words...we find out we're not alone..
most of the time we are in fine company.

just one line ... one rhyme ... one metered verse ...
if only I could inspire in you ... promised poetic coerce.

Member Rara Avis
since 1999-08-02
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Purgatorial Incarceration
43 posted 2002-12-12 06:48 AM

beyond my EARS??? ROFL!
Janet Marie
Member Laureate
since 2000-01-22
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44 posted 2002-12-12 09:59 AM

[email protected] ok...we understand..youre still adjusting to having the sun go down each day

Chris...yea..the ears are cute too

bunch a wise guys around here!   lol

thanks again to all for the wonderful replies to this piece. its one thats special to mothyme.

just one line ... one rhyme ... one metered verse ...
if only I could inspire in you ... promised poetic coerce.

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45 posted 2002-12-13 11:39 AM

LOL, glad I came back to this one. And doesn't he have the absolute cutest ears?
Makes you want to whisper sweet nothins in there.  

Larry C
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46 posted 2003-05-17 02:14 AM

I stopped by for another must read. I recalled several mothy moments from my childhood including the night I cried in bed for two hours until dad relented and let me take in the two stray kittens I found to place for adoption. And the two times I held delicate little hummingbirds until they gathered their wits enough to fly away. Awww...what you do for me.

If tears could build a stairway and memories a lane, I'd walk right up to heaven and bring you home again.

Member Rara Avis
since 2000-07-25
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Somewhere... out there...
47 posted 2003-07-19 07:48 AM

Ya know?...I read this awhile back and I would have
sworn that I replied at the time.  Apparently I didn't.
I was probably in awe and at a loss for words.
So, let me just tell you now, how much this touched me.
This is an incredible write, penned in your own unique,
mothy style, and I absolutely love it.

Big hugs to you, my friend.

"So here I am with pockets full of good intentions
But none of them will comfort me tonight..."  ~Carpenters

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48 posted 2003-07-19 04:36 PM

I am so glad this came back!
It gave me another chance to read one of the best writes in the blue sky.

Janet Marie
Member Laureate
since 2000-01-22
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49 posted 2003-07-19 06:19 PM

Larry, Vicky and Kacy...

the "Y" gang LOL

THANK YOU so much for your generous support of my work and your return visits...I appreciate it so much.
I hadnt read this one in a while...
and I needed to be reminded of some I thank you twice..

mothy hearthugs to you all.

"I'm good at two things and this is the other one."

C. Jaks

Dark Angel
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50 posted 2005-06-15 06:28 AM

Oh man, this is awesome..just magnificent Mothy one.



"we all have wings, but some of us don't know why"

Michael Hutchence (INXS)

Dark Angel
Member Patricius
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51 posted 2005-06-15 06:29 AM

er keeping now
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Member Rara Avis
since 2000-09-09
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In Your Poetic Mind
52 posted 2005-06-15 05:17 PM

this is awesome....JM I was expecting this to go on a book would be nice (hint hint) I love your words, and miss reading them....hugsss you

I keep a fragrance bottle my
muse gave me when I met him
in endless winter and he
settled me into remembering
who I am.

Member Ascendant
since 2003-03-21
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53 posted 2005-08-19 04:33 AM

Janet Marie, Wow. I am so happy I have more time to read this morning! Getting to know you better with each one. You are one good writer and your heart shows also. And Yes you do have a book in you... or a series on nature..martyjo
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British Columbia, Canada
54 posted 2005-08-19 11:40 AM

In fact, she is a book
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