Open Poetry #49 |
The Acme Clone Co. |
Cari Member Posts 411 Englnand |
The Acme Clone Co. Papers please for a Parent Warder Thank you, yes, their quite in order You’re authorised to provide a home For a model 20 Type B clone In this coloured brochure you may choose From our extensive range of hygienic stews Made with selected strands of D and A Delivered free, just a week today You may consider, it may suffice Faulty goods at a knock down price Note the absent eyes, it cannot see But buy one now and get one free On our macho model, you may rest assured The problem’s fixed, the fault is cured We’ve eliminated his disgusting trait To nail his bits on your garden gate Our frisky girl, she’s a lively soul Crafted from a Barbie Doll Or the brainy one, we call her Nancy If a high IQ is what you fancy The athlete is a sure fire winner But you want an opera singer Sorry madam you’re out of luck Most will sing like Donald Duck I see you have picked that blond female A very wise choice, thank you for the sale And now you’re late, you must get away Well, thank you again. Have a nice day * * Is this the future when you can ditch the conventional way of procreation and order a fully grown addition to your family from a local store? The Acme Clone Company seemed to have cracked it but not without a few hiccups. * * * Mr Joe Soap, 72, Beverly Gardens, Little Piddledown on Sea. Dear Acme, I am very interested in your range of clones, however I wonder if you do a Magaret Thacher version? I could chase that little minx round the garden all day. * * The Acme Clone Company 54, Goldhawk Rd; London Dear Sir, We are in receipt of your letter requesting a Margaret Thatcher clone; unfortunately this model has been recalled from existing customers and is no longer available. There were two faults with the product that our technical staff were unable to remedy, namely the model incessant arguing with their owners and at times, subjecting them to a severe hand bagging induced by them on uttering certain key words such as Tony Blair However you may be interested in our Queen Mum clone as she is not very sprightly and considering your age rather easier to catch. She will of course demand the observance to the strict protocol conversant to her station. So when you have your evil way, be sure to say ‘Wham Bam and Thank you MAM. I remain Yours faithfully, W.D Forty, M.D, V.D and bar. |
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Ari Squire Member Posts 488 In The Phallus Lane |
While your poetry is well constructed and imaginative, it fits closely with an episode of Twilight Zone. No offense nor accusation intended, mind you. Just hit me right from the top. More feelings and fewer words please |
ice Member Elite
since 2003-05-17
Posts 3404Pennsylvania |
This started a long time ago.. In the sixties, folk culture it, was the realization of the breakdown of the individual by society..lump them all into one shape, one form-one uniform...repeat-put them in "little boxes, little boxes, all made out of ticky tacky, that all look just the same" (in my mind, tract houusing, was a form of cloning) Commercial intrest in the society decided that it was better for buisness if they sell in bulk ( the same product0 On, and on it went..moving along, making cloned robots out of everyone..until today, when I read this, I hadn't felt it would lead to the total breakdown of unique individuals... you poem has convinced me that that may happen if things to do with genetic engineering go too far. Excellent read.. |
Cari Member Posts 411 Englnand |
I agree friend a serious subject and sometimes a touch of humour helps the medicine go down. Yes, animals have been cloned and in a few countries women are offered the choice to abort a malformed foetus. Didn’t Darwin form his evolution theory on mutations? I don’t know if you are familiar with Lebensborn (The Spring of Life) the Nazi attempt to breed a master race. I wrote a poem on the subject and will post it if I can find the damn thing. Thanks both for your comments. Cari. |
latearrival Member Ascendant
since 2003-03-21
Posts 5499Florida |
Cari, I remember the time they clowned a child and trying it with animals and yes letting people chose between boy or girl.And artificial inseminating women who wanted a child with out a male connection, and then finding too many half brothers and sisters because the men were paid for sperm donations. The "Ticky Tacky" little boxes was a song sung after the first housing complex that were made mostly for the Veterans coming home to I think New Jersey.I remember that song. I think it was an IT&T start up. The Chinese are finally finding out they made a huge mistake when they Ruled one child to a family an the little girls were either given away or adopted out.Thereby reducing the future population. Yes we live in a confused cockeyed world. Liked your post.JO Perry |
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