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Open Poetry #49
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Mr Martini
Posts 366
Beneath The Line

0 posted 2015-11-28 06:45 PM

Crystal pyramids
Raining colors over me
Blissful ecstasy

Here's to you and here's to me and should we ever disagree, here's to me!

© Copyright 2015 Mr Martini - All Rights Reserved
Lori Grosser Rhoden
Member Patricius
since 2009-10-10
Posts 10202
Fair to middlin' of nowhere
1 posted 2015-11-28 07:35 PM

The source of the light
The source of all things blessed
Giver of rainbows

Prism in the dark
Has no rainbows it can throw
its color is black

Mr Martini
Posts 366
Beneath The Line
2 posted 2015-11-28 08:42 PM

Her shimmering face
Adorned with tendrils of gold
Rests within my mind

A vision of light
Captured in forbidden thoughts
I cannot defend

Here's to you and here's to me and should we ever disagree, here's to me!

Lori Grosser Rhoden
Member Patricius
since 2009-10-10
Posts 10202
Fair to middlin' of nowhere
3 posted 2015-11-28 09:13 PM

You see an angel
what your mind can let you see
forbidden is bliss

You choose your color
your bliss is not to defend
bliss is God given

Mr Martini
Posts 366
Beneath The Line
4 posted 2015-11-29 03:38 AM

An omen of Truth
Preying on my weary mind
Unsettling thoughts

Coloring my world
Stroke by stroke paint by number
In oils of Olay

                               You quietly energize me Lori Rhoden. I do enjoy your stellar wordplay.

Here's to you and here's to me and should we ever disagree, here's to me!

Lori Grosser Rhoden
Member Patricius
since 2009-10-10
Posts 10202
Fair to middlin' of nowhere
5 posted 2015-11-29 06:47 AM

rest your weary mind
there is nothing to fear here
bask in your rainbow

we all seek answers
questions get complicated
believe your colors

We inspire each other dear sir~L

Mr Martini
Posts 366
Beneath The Line
6 posted 2015-11-29 07:08 PM

Aligning chakras
Respite from all sufferings
Radial colors

Answers to be known
Beckon questions to be asked
Telling tales untrue

                  To me Lori Rhoden, chasing rainbows is romantic. Catching them is hell.  

Au Revoir mon amie

Here's to you and here's to me and should we ever disagree, here's to me!

Lori Grosser Rhoden
Member Patricius
since 2009-10-10
Posts 10202
Fair to middlin' of nowhere
7 posted 2015-11-29 08:46 PM

Kind sir,

Run with the rainbows
Romance is heady perfume
Hell to catch a whiff

Hell hath no fury
Safer to romance a stone
Loves like a rock

No sweeter nectar
Than pursuit’s perspiration
Sweetest addiction

Embracing your own
Particular kind of hell
Learn how not to catch

I believe I understand your plight. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. ~L

Member Laureate
since 2011-02-06
Posts 16975
South Louisiana
8 posted 2015-11-29 08:54 PM

Very nice.

Mr Martini
Posts 366
Beneath The Line
9 posted 2015-11-30 01:20 AM

Thank you Mr. Bolton for your visit and comment.

Here's to you and here's to me and should we ever disagree, here's to me!

Mr Martini
Posts 366
Beneath The Line
10 posted 2015-11-30 01:22 AM

Once a love pursued
Moss gathering on my shoes
Covering my dreams
A refreshing scent
Awakening my spirit
Warming my soul
Cleaning Moss from shoes
Purchased a tender lover
At Balboa pier
                                                         The adrenaline subsides at the finish line, so I never stop racing.

Here's to you and here's to me and should we ever disagree, here's to me!

Lori Grosser Rhoden
Member Patricius
since 2009-10-10
Posts 10202
Fair to middlin' of nowhere
11 posted 2015-11-30 06:30 AM

Love of the pursuit
The hunter and his conquest
Looking for new game

Does not love the prey
Love of lust drives him wild
Lust sated and done

New scent on the wind
He’s off and running again
Game never gets old

Romance is a drug
Relationship is a drag
Ah, euphoria

Kind sir,
Reminds me of the cat that plays with its prey until it kills it, then it simply walks away.

Mr Martini
Posts 366
Beneath The Line
12 posted 2015-11-30 06:14 PM

A pursuit of love
A  loner and his desires
Seeking tenderness

Loving each woman
Dark sexual arts shared
Which time has dissolved

New scent on the wind
A fragrant heart of jasmine

Romance is an aire
Relationships are feeling
Ah, euphoria

                I'm not quite as coarse as you may think Lori Rhoden, though the responsibility for that belongs to myself. I borrowed some of your material and attempted to reflect my ambiguous heart in doing so. I pray you do not think it vain of me.

Quite enjoying your poetry. I do so hope to continue to see how it evolves.

Merci beaucoup mon amie,

Au Revoir

Here's to you and here's to me and should we ever disagree, here's to me!

Lori Grosser Rhoden
Member Patricius
since 2009-10-10
Posts 10202
Fair to middlin' of nowhere
13 posted 2015-11-30 07:29 PM

Excavating truth
Enigmas overrated
But captivating

A voyeur’s chain and shackle
Watching a rainbow

Head spinning romance
Entertaining images
Full spectrum color

Kind sir,
I'm delighted to hear you have not grown bored of our conversation. ~L

Mr Martini
Posts 366
Beneath The Line
14 posted 2015-12-01 02:07 AM

Imperfect idols
Relegating lies as truth
Rooted in soft ground

An invitation
A word of cats eye wisdom
Hung above my head

Soon you will see me
In a form you will recall
Free from my shackles
                                      A dust cloud obscured my view for a time and then, as it passed, there appeared a group surrounding you Lori Rhoden and everyone in the group held fast to a 10 foot pole, everyone except you. This is why our "conversations" are such a pleasure for me. I like to play.

Au Revoir mon amie

Here's to you and here's to me and should we ever disagree, here's to me!

Lori Grosser Rhoden
Member Patricius
since 2009-10-10
Posts 10202
Fair to middlin' of nowhere
15 posted 2015-12-01 06:30 AM

A kitten smitten
Pawing rainbows on the wall
Purrs in her pleasure

Dust motes dazzling
Defying her soft claw reach
Shows her soft belly

She sleeps in the sun
Dreaming of an adventure
Her tail is swaying

Kind sir,
So intrigued was I, I climbed my 10 ft pole to get a closer look. ~L

Senior Member
since 2009-01-20
Posts 988

16 posted 2015-12-01 10:50 AM

Mr. Martini – Love your work and here’s a surprise for ya. Your poem amazingly fits into a very old historical niche of fact. The ancient Egyptian Pyramid was originally encased in polished marble, later pried off by marauders thru the centuries and evidenced by the top capstone appearing torn and ragged. At early sunrise, the marble acting as a prism diffracted the Sun’s light into an array of colors which spread across the entire land. So when you awoke and stepped from your door into the new day, you literally walked into a rainbow of bliss with its ecstasy thrown in. What a sight that must have been to behold so long ago! Sure could use some of that today! Namyh

[This message has been edited by Namyh (12-01-2015 11:52 AM).]

Mr Martini
Posts 366
Beneath The Line
17 posted 2015-12-01 07:32 PM

Thank you for your visit Namyh, however you're not the first to tell me of such wonders. That being said, after many decades, it sounded better coming from you.

Here's to you and here's to me and should we ever disagree, here's to me!

Mr Martini
Posts 366
Beneath The Line
18 posted 2015-12-01 07:48 PM

Love to go cattin'
Visiting Ida's Cat House
Warms me all over

Basking in the sun
Meditating on Ida
Catnip Martinis

Afterglow napping
Ida gently strokes my brow
Making my tail wag

                Sometimes Lori Rhoden, I have had the impression that people who have cats think more of them then they do other people, even spouses if one or the other is more or less the sole "caregiver". That's one reason why I like Ida's. I get there when everyone's purring and leave before the scratchin' cat fights begin.

Au Revoir Mon Amie

Here's to you and here's to me and should we ever disagree, here's to me!

Lori Grosser Rhoden
Member Patricius
since 2009-10-10
Posts 10202
Fair to middlin' of nowhere
19 posted 2015-12-02 06:47 AM

Dog day afternoon
Trying to bury a bone
Getting belly rub

Like a good Rover
When the good time is over
Finds his way back home

Dog house is empty
The mistress’s lights are still on
Scratches at the door

Kind Sir,
Have cat (see "yellow Cat") prefer dog ("Winston on Ice"). Dog is much less demanding and more affectionate.

Mr Martini
Posts 366
Beneath The Line
20 posted 2015-12-02 02:07 PM

Two dogs are not pets
Covering each others back
At my beckoning

Incisors gleaming
Like a Colgate commercial
With a growling theme

Highball and Roxy
Martini's Bandits of Fear
Quieting lovers
                           H&R are second-generation of those names. In the way of most people I suppose, they are more like friends rather than 'pets'. In a similar way, as mentioned in my previous reply, they are thought of more highly by me than most people. In a phrase, I trust them.

Au Revoir Mon Amie

Here's to you and here's to me and should we ever disagree, here's to me!

Lori Grosser Rhoden
Member Patricius
since 2009-10-10
Posts 10202
Fair to middlin' of nowhere
21 posted 2015-12-02 03:59 PM

Trust gone to the dogs
People have dropped that darn ball
The truth is fetching

Whistling in the dark
Friends come running in a pack
Will they sit and stay?

Howling at the moon
A far away voice answers
A wolf sniffs the wind

Kind Sir, Have had many dogs over the years, the smartest was a Vizsla. It had me trained in no time at all.

Mr Martini
Posts 366
Beneath The Line
22 posted 2015-12-02 06:15 PM

"It had me trained in no time at all".

Lori Rhoden, you're a delight. If the neighbors heard my howls of laughter it could spoil the dark and mysterious reputation they have all bestowed upon me.

Merci pour les rires mon amie.

Here's to you and here's to me and should we ever disagree, here's to me!

Mr Martini
Posts 366
Beneath The Line
23 posted 2015-12-03 03:15 AM

A change in thinking
Behind pearl-beaded porte'
Scents of pachouli

Moonglow reflection
Highball's eyes look silvery
Roxy pats perfumes

Aromas wafting
Highball trades in his fixed gaze
Roxy's wants will rule

                         So what is so rough about a "dog's life" Lori Rhoden? While I never considered it until you mentioned how quickly your own had you "trained" (still chuckling over that you know), I have unwittingly fallen right into their trap. I wonder how they will react when they find out that the jig is up and I know what they've been doing.

Au Revoir Mon Amie

Here's to you and here's to me and should we ever disagree, here's to me!

Lori Grosser Rhoden
Member Patricius
since 2009-10-10
Posts 10202
Fair to middlin' of nowhere
24 posted 2015-12-03 08:47 AM

A lap full of love
We are both warm and secure
I am contented

Hates to be apart
Joyous to see me again
Is with me always

In my bed at night
Snuggling ever closer
He is contented

Kind sir,
Nothing like a Winston in the evening with a glass of wine. ~L

Mr Martini
Posts 366
Beneath The Line
25 posted 2015-12-03 04:56 PM

“A lap full of love”
Now a lap-top full of hate
Antithesis kiss

Embrace the war-torn
Prozac Nation on the rise
Kevlar stock is up

Dead-bolt for a mind
Snuggling a Kalashnikov
Dreams of dead children

                                       A day full of decisions should indeed either be interrupted or ended with a Winston, a Highball, a Roxy, and a glass of wine or two. On occasion wine is a good choice for me, and when its shared, Emerald Chablis is a favorite. But not today. There are other things for which to consider.

Au Revoir Mon Amie

Here's to you and here's to me and should we ever disagree, here's to me!

Senior Member
since 2002-12-25
Posts 1088
Ontario, Canada
26 posted 2015-12-04 02:12 AM

Hey you two, Lori and Mr. M, are having fun throwing poems at each other, enjoyed this, but getting exhausted following the ball (er, poem)
Mr Martini
Posts 366
Beneath The Line
27 posted 2015-12-04 02:30 AM

It may not be as you perceive jjote. There are some that are relative, but for my part just having fun with Lori Rhoden is why I'm here. If she felt that she would prefer to do that, I think she would say so. I enjoy our exchanges very much. She expresses what she wants to say with great clarity, don't you think? Thanks for your visit my dear.

Au Revoir    

Here's to you and here's to me and should we ever disagree, here's to me!

Lori Grosser Rhoden
Member Patricius
since 2009-10-10
Posts 10202
Fair to middlin' of nowhere
28 posted 2015-12-04 07:00 AM

Twisted minds killing
Pulling triggers making bombs
Will it ever end?

How do we stop it?
Can we really kill them all
Before they kill us?

How on earth do we
Breed this insanity here?
What makes them convert?

Kind sir,
A nice belly rub at the end of the day with that glass of wine helps soothe the nerves.

Mr Martini
Posts 366
Beneath The Line
29 posted 2015-12-04 10:58 PM

Reason never sleeps
What it is to whomever
Is what it is for all

With a bloodied kiss
The sniper was rewarded
Such are  shielded oaths

Paths of fate converge
The grave is a common place
All wait for a sign

                      Aimlessly we trod through life, stealing a pleasure here and a heartbreak there like picking flower petals hoping the last to fall will make us happy. Pick a good one for yourself Lori Rhoden, even if you have to leave just one.

Au Revoir Mon Amie

Here's to you and here's to me and should we ever disagree, here's to me!

[This message has been edited by Mr Martini (12-05-2015 11:29 AM).]

Posts 185
Scotland (UK)
30 posted 2015-12-05 07:34 AM

It would be quite interesting to see all these responses as parts of one poem and see how it reads. Maybe one set of responses to the left the other to the right. Anyway really enjoyed reading my way down through them all.

Mr Martini
Posts 366
Beneath The Line
31 posted 2015-12-05 04:19 PM

Yes, and then after "columnizing" them Pete_W, little lines could connect the ones that best relate to one another.

Magnifique! (Not!)

Here's to you and here's to me and should we ever disagree, here's to me!

Lori Grosser Rhoden
Member Patricius
since 2009-10-10
Posts 10202
Fair to middlin' of nowhere
32 posted 2015-12-05 04:37 PM

All wait for a sign
That everything will be fine
To breathe easier

To believe again
That there is good in all things
Is our choice to make

Devil be damned
Living just for our today
One day at a time

Kind Sir
I appreciate your bouquet of words more than you know. ~L

Mr Martini
Posts 366
Beneath The Line
33 posted 2015-12-06 01:48 AM

To write as she does
Speaks of her sacrifices
A Maid of Honor

An unraveling
Mysterious tales to tell
Held deep inside her

Freeing her spirit
Striking a pose long since lost
She stands determined

                 Its best to be wary of those who begin their discourses with, "to be perfectly honest with you". Having said that, and to be perfectly honest with you Lori Rhoden, your company is deemed a privilege by myself.

Merci Mon Amie


Here's to you and here's to me and should we ever disagree, here's to me!

Lori Grosser Rhoden
Member Patricius
since 2009-10-10
Posts 10202
Fair to middlin' of nowhere
34 posted 2015-12-06 08:02 AM

And just who am I
A wife, mother, grandmother
And just a woman

A heart full of words
A soul full of empathy
Being true to me

Happy is hard work
I create it where I can
So my heart can smile

Kind Sir,
Your privilege is my smile. ~L

Mr Martini
Posts 366
Beneath The Line
35 posted 2015-12-06 09:00 PM

Those times were special
Deserving of great respect
Special times roll on

Hard work and marriage
Blended with love and honor
Is as it should be

Having family
Was good for awhile
Reaper's swing is quick

                                  Clear, cool night coming to me Lori Rhoden. Following instincts rather than filing a 'flight plan' has become more and more appealing. It was all so orderly, it nearly was my doom.

Au Revoir Mon Amie

Here's to you and here's to me and should we ever disagree, here's to me!

Lori Grosser Rhoden
Member Patricius
since 2009-10-10
Posts 10202
Fair to middlin' of nowhere
36 posted 2015-12-07 06:32 AM

Be still your sickle
The Reaper's day is not due
No aces and eights

I did not pretend
or say pretty words untrue
I am friend not foe

Better friend than most
Accepts you for who you are
Spoke to man not beast

Was beast presented
A beast I can not abide
Had to look inside

A treasure I find
A friend with similar mind
A Poet's Poet

Lovers come and go
Friends are rare as gold to me
Forgive injury

Kind Sir,
Was never my intent to plunder the treasure I had found. ~L

Mr Martini
Posts 366
Beneath The Line
37 posted 2015-12-08 12:25 PM

Once upon a time
There were pretty words so true
Which were real to me

Though those words are gone
And the time which was has passed
Words still come to call

Words which form so true
Cascading like waterfalls
Words which come from you
                                                Could it be Lori Rhoden,  that you felt you offended me in some way? Bonté pas!
I was writing with a previous relationship in mind and how death intervened and drove my  daughters away from me. It was quite some time ago and I'm terribly sorry if I made you feel poorly in any way. I value your company and your attentions immensely. I'll not repeat my regrettable error my dear friend.

Au Revoir Mon Amie

Here's to you and here's to me and should we ever disagree, here's to me!

Lori Grosser Rhoden
Member Patricius
since 2009-10-10
Posts 10202
Fair to middlin' of nowhere
38 posted 2015-12-08 06:38 AM

Crestfallen was I
To think trust had been broken
Happy all is well

A game it may be
Tit for tat we Haiku chat
Poetry parlez

Entertaining then
Those that follow it along
To see where it goes

Kind Sir,
My brother was in a very similar situation. I know how tragic and painful that is. ~L

Mr Martini
Posts 366
Beneath The Line
39 posted 2015-12-08 09:22 PM

Difficult at best
Caning our way through these words
Keys like a braille punch

Words yet unspoken
Tapping walls in secret codes
Filled with metaphors

An exchange of thoughts
Among two kindred spirits
Whom shall take to task?

              As a young man in the summer, I used to cut grass in a cemetery. It was perpetual work as when you finished the West end, the East end was ready for cutting again. You mentioned on a post that you walked through a cemetery to get to a friends house. It was from a bit of a distance Lori Rhoden, but it may have been you.      
              By the way, "poetry parlez" was executed perfectly.

Au Revoir Mon Amie

Here's to you and here's to me and should we ever disagree, here's to me!

[This message has been edited by Mr Martini (12-09-2015 01:45 AM).]

Lori Grosser Rhoden
Member Patricius
since 2009-10-10
Posts 10202
Fair to middlin' of nowhere
40 posted 2015-12-09 05:25 AM

The mind is a gem
Dazzling in a warm spotlight
Thinking all the time

What’s behind those eyes?
What furrows that brow in thought?
What spills on paper?

Curiosity indeed
Inspiration too

Kind Sir,
The execution was at dawn and luckily hit the mark. Merci beaucoup. ~L

[This message has been edited by Lori Grosser Rhoden (12-09-2015 12:41 PM).]

Mr Martini
Posts 366
Beneath The Line
41 posted 2015-12-10 01:35 AM

Thinkers and dwellers
Proverbial types of folks
Like ships in the night

Candlewick visions
Calm the most fevered of brows
Just below the flame

Turning a few words
Flipping them like a flapjack
With extra butter

                   I've noticed something about you Lori Rhoden that many others in your life undoubtedly know well for themselves. You have a such a sharp wit about you that you can use it with a smile or a rolling pin with equal effectiveness.

A sheer delight mon amie!

Au Revoir

Here's to you and here's to me and should we ever disagree, here's to me!

Lori Grosser Rhoden
Member Patricius
since 2009-10-10
Posts 10202
Fair to middlin' of nowhere
42 posted 2015-12-10 10:38 AM

Tongue sharp as a whip
Can cut a smile in a stone
Make a mute giggle

Rapier insults
Too funny to make you mad
Always make my point

I got a smart mouth
I am a multi-tasker
And a good kisser

Kind Sir,
My mouth isn't as smart as it used to be but it still finds ways to keep busy.

Mr Martini
Posts 366
Beneath The Line
43 posted 2015-12-11 01:39 AM

She cut to the quick
No blind ambiguities
A rare gal indeed

Reared on the South Side
Of a city you all know
Where rents exceed worth

A poem in my eyes
Each step a sauntering rhyme
I could not define

                      My dear Lori Rhoden,  I suffer no doubt that those who have ears to hear must find great joy in you.

Au Revoir Mon Amie

Here's to you and here's to me and should we ever disagree, here's to me!

Lori Grosser Rhoden
Member Patricius
since 2009-10-10
Posts 10202
Fair to middlin' of nowhere
44 posted 2015-12-11 09:17 AM

I’m comic relief
I can keep them in stiches
It is expected

I’m good for morale
And whatever else ails you
I’m hysterical

I crack myself up
Laughing so hard that I cry
And it’s contagious

Kind Sir,
Before I became a person of substance, I was full of laughing gas. ~L

Mr Martini
Posts 366
Beneath The Line
45 posted 2015-12-13 02:04 AM

Levity yes, but
Midnight queens appeal to me
Temporal highlights

Expecting nothing
Savoring all they do have
Giving what I can

Good for my morale
Reciprocating twosome
Love for each other

                                      Of all the crash and burn scenarios one might endure Lori Rhoden, its nice for myself to walk off the tarmac feeling unscathed for a change. Enter laughing as you will with my wishes that someone "reciprocates" your attentions and affections without expecting you to perform every night at nine.

Au Revoir Mon Amie

Here's to you and here's to me and should we ever disagree, here's to me!

Lori Grosser Rhoden
Member Patricius
since 2009-10-10
Posts 10202
Fair to middlin' of nowhere
46 posted 2015-12-13 08:09 AM

deaf to passion for Pip
there in lies the rub

I need my friends here
I need to hear I'm worthy
He says just publish

Ah, to be in print
I don't know where to begin
Its overwhelming

Kind Sir,
Before you leave the tarmac, be mindful of the wreckage you leave behind. ~L

Mr Martini
Posts 366
Beneath The Line
47 posted 2015-12-13 11:43 PM

Sleep comes at late hours
Sometimes its warm sometimes cold

Free in thought and deed
In issues I do not live
They just come and go

Take time as you wish
Relieve the stress of success
Listen to yourself

There was an opportunity today. Instead of attending to it, I bought 8 pounds of organic carrots and two large beets and made fresh juice with a Breville.

I digress: If I want my arm behind my back, I'll put it there myself. You're a pleasure to me Lori Rhoden and too wise in your ways to allow anyone to steer you where you do not wish to go.

Au Revoir Mon Cher Ami

Here's to you and here's to me and should we ever disagree, here's to me!

Lori Grosser Rhoden
Member Patricius
since 2009-10-10
Posts 10202
Fair to middlin' of nowhere
48 posted 2015-12-14 06:30 AM

beggars cannot choose
pleasers cannot always please
you make it easy

my human is flawed
my words can appear flawless
it is what it is

My words stir feelings
that I can control
only on paper

Kind Sir,
You'd be surprised how often my arm ends up behind my back, keeping me from where I want to go...and I'm the one holding it there.

Mr Martini
Posts 366
Beneath The Line
49 posted 2015-12-15 01:05 AM

You are everyone
Until you think your own thoughts
And act upon them

Marriages of minds
Like goods at the antique stores
Last beyond ones' life

Comfortable talk
Easy in each others' arms
Little else matters

I risk being vain Lori Rhoden when I say I am not conventional. I have always enjoyed being a non-conformist. I am not a good fit in any shape of hole on the psycho-board. Now then, if my count is correct my dear, I have used 'I' seven times in two sentences. That is telling.

Au Revoir Mon Amie

Here's to you and here's to me and should we ever disagree, here's to me!

Lori Grosser Rhoden
Member Patricius
since 2009-10-10
Posts 10202
Fair to middlin' of nowhere
50 posted 2015-12-15 06:32 AM

Ah, the I’s have it
Vanity in proportion
Makes a person strong

Need a transfusion
Blood such as your very own
Do not hesitate

That mind of my own
I gave away at sixteen
Been gone ever since

Kind Sir,
Men seem immune to the pitfalls of domestication. Where as I felt born for domestic sixteen. ~L

Mr Martini
Posts 366
Beneath The Line
51 posted 2015-12-16 01:58 AM

Anticipation is sweet torture
as I wait on you
There is no substitution,
only you will do.
I sit with my imagination
wondering what will be.
It is all I can do
just to wait and see
what you have up your sleeve

Mystique is a good thing on both ends, as an inextinguishable flame
You make me think and laugh
and somehow want to breathe
that something in your air.

Sometimes its nice to share space with someone other than the ones we tolerate
You have me half believing
you might just care
about things greater than Idaho.

You mean "Ida the ho[e]"? Your play is clever and safe with me Lori Rhoden because you are a pleasure to me. I appreciate you and value your company so much. No man would utter the same. I protect those I like. I would do as much for you should you and I be in the same sphere at the same time.

Not that it’s a bad thing,
there’s just so much more, you know.
Yes, I know Lori Rhoden. It is my sincere wish that the "much more" has been your experience.

I’ll come clean and admit
to a bit of infatuation
that motivates my curiosity
and feminine observation.  

I have no doubt that a woman such as yourself possesses a keen sense of intuition. Little gets past you. You see much, hear much and understand more than you are given credit for. In a phrase, some people just don't get it. That's why there's so many channels and wavelengths.

I’m only human,
I am not immune
to your  sophistication  

You, Lori Rhoden, are deserving of respect. No "piper" melodies do I play. You and I seem to enjoy writing to and fro as we do and in my view, you allow me this pleasure for which I am grateful. I am not known as a man who writes on a poetry board. "Passion Poetry" in a search eventually led me here a long time ago and I have dropped by on occasion. In my own life, I am free, however there are those who I allow to inhibit my actions, so you see Lori Rhoden, I too am quite human and vulnerable like you my dear.

and pied piper tune.
Have mercy on me,  

What would you have me do Lori Rhoden? Tell me true, and I will do it.

kill me now and end it.

Yes, of course, that would "end it" wouldn't it. But then, who knows of me? And I to remember you. No one ever said these things to me and meant it. If you're searching for a soft spot, I'll have a shave and a haircut. Both will bring your words closer to my ears. Are we having ourselves a "flirt" as the 16 year olds' may say?

Better yet,
write that Haiku and send it.

So I shall endeavor mon amie, so I shall endeavor.

Good thoughts, good woman
All in time and proportion
Makes a perfect mix

Weary of the race
Rest with me and tell me true
What I mean to you

We need not go far
To know what no one else knows
Hidden in crystal

Its my opinion that healthy relationships are not founded on the "Stockholm Syndrome". You and I both have histories Lori Rhoden, albeit different histories, but nonetheless we understand a little about time and its passing and the people that have come and gone and of course, those that remain. Sometimes, I could feel the air itself squeezing me from all sides, tight as a straitjacket. For me, being free was slipping out of it and slithering into the darkness never to be found again.  

Au Revoir mon cher amie

Here's to you and here's to me and should we ever disagree, here's to me!

[This message has been edited by Mr Martini (12-16-2015 03:01 AM).]

Lori Grosser Rhoden
Member Patricius
since 2009-10-10
Posts 10202
Fair to middlin' of nowhere
52 posted 2015-12-16 11:54 AM

What you mean to me
you would have to ask me that
put me on the spot

I will have to think
to put my feelings in words
under scrutiny

yes there is flirting
that is icing on the cake
there is more than that

you are warm and wise
your company a comfort
compliments a gift

I like to see me
Through your kind and gentle eyes
That does mean a lot

I call you my friend
With my best interest at heart
You listen so well

I wake up at 3:00
And think is he writing me
What is that about

Well obviously
You are a special person
I hold dear to me

I dare not let you
Mean more than my world to me
Such complicity

is all I possess of you
one word at a time

Kind Sir,
I hope this answers your question to your liking. ~L

Mr Martini
Posts 366
Beneath The Line
53 posted 2015-12-17 12:17 PM

What you mean to me
you would have to ask me that
put me on the spot

I apologize for this Lori Rhoden. Its not my place to do so.

I will have to think
to put my feelings in words
under scrutiny

Again mon amie, it is not my place nor am I deserving of your considerations in any respect.

yes there is flirting
that is icing on the cake
there is more than that

This I feel, is in good humor. I fully respect your obligations and would never entertain thoughts to compromise them. Never mon amie.

you are warm and wise
your company a comfort
compliments a gift

Forgive my simplistic vernacular mon amie, but in a word, likewise.

I like to see me
Through your kind and gentle eyes
That does mean a lot

Then please continue to accept my humble perceptions. Be they right or be they wrong, they are always presented sincerely and with care so as not to offend.  

I call you my friend

This is an honor mon amie

With my best interest at heart

Oui mon ami, but I do not see you as a child in need of me,  but as a most expressive and intriguing woman, writer, and friend who has sacrificed much for the good of others.

You listen so well

If this is so, then my hearing is only exceeded by the sound of your words Lori Rhoden.

I wake up at 3:00
And think is he writing me
What is that about

There are words, difficult words that one wrestles with at times. There are secrets to be revealed, yet held back by a mighty dam built of resilience and stifled fears.  

Well obviously
You are a special person
I hold dear to me

A question then; Have you never feared to have your heart broken?
How and when I act, I do so guardedly. Some perceive this as heartlessness, but a dagger to my heart is perhaps above all other things, the one thing that I fear.

Another question: Is it unforgivable to be betrayed by someone close to you?

I dare not let you
Mean more than my world to me

This I would not want Lori Rhoden. If I felt things were moving in that direction, with no other recourse, I would vanish as I appeared.

Such complicity

is all I possess of you
one word at a time

And I, you mon amie.

I hope this answers your question to your liking

It has. It has also justified my respect for you, Lori Rhoden. You are a fine woman of good integrity.

P.S  Now then Lori Rhoden, comes the news you don't want to hear. Our airfare tickets to Ho Chi Min City were non-refundable. Do you suppose we could split the loss mon amie?

Thoughts of you remain
Soft and sassy to a fault
You play your hand well

Chips fall as they do
We take our wins with losses
Shooting the dealer

Writing love stories
Thinking of all the good times
Spent in days of youth

It's good to know something more of you Lori Rhoden. Perhaps you will come to understand more of myself. I will share what I can. I could share many things with you mon amie, but those many things would be a pack of lies.

Au Revoir mon cher amie  

Here's to you and here's to me and should we ever disagree, here's to me!

Lori Grosser Rhoden
Member Patricius
since 2009-10-10
Posts 10202
Fair to middlin' of nowhere
54 posted 2015-12-17 06:41 AM

Tickets did you say?
My pockets are so empty
My apologies

Have I been betrayed?
My forgiveness is worn out
Oh yes, many times

Fear my heart broken?
It is patched together
Still believe in love

Thank you dear Capo
for defending my honor
understanding me

You don’t ask for more
than is mine to give to you
A fine gentleman

You continue to
put to rest all my concerns
Bless your heart , Kind Sir.

My friend,
If you don't mind, I'm really not one for formalities, could you please just call me Lori?

Mr Martini
Posts 366
Beneath The Line
55 posted 2015-12-18 01:19 AM

Tickets did you say?
My pockets are so empty

"Empty pockets" eh? Well then my good woman, how did you ever expect to support me?

My apologies

No mon amie, my apologies for the stale humor in the above remark.

Have I been betrayed?
My forgiveness is worn out
Oh yes, many times

This is the way of it if two or more people are involved. Like yourself my dear, I too have been betrayed, but unlike you, I have also betrayed others if it was in my best interest at the time to do so.  A suffering of mine is justifying, and nothing of true value ever came of it.

Fear my heart broken?
It is patched together
Still believe in love

This sets you apart in a most conspicuous way Lori Rhoden. When you say that your "forgiveness is worn out", I don't think it is. For if it were,  you would no longer "believe in love".

Thank you dear Capo
for defending my honor
understanding me

You have never made it difficult for me to understand you my dear, though you could have if you wished it to be so. For this, it is I who am honored.

You don’t ask for more
than is mine to give to you
A fine gentleman

I have no desire (or right) to impose myself on your emotions. We are who we are and feel as we do without guilt or remorse. We have harmed no one and have no such intentions.

You continue to
put to rest all my concerns
Bless your heart , Kind Sir.

If I have given your warm heart and feelings some rest mon amie, then I will feel deserving of a few more breaths.

My friend,
If you don't mind, I'm really not one for formalities, could you please just call me Lori?

I never considered my use of your name a formality Lori. You can't hear me, but when I say your name, "Lori Rhoden", its pleasing to me. For example, when I say "Lori",  my tongue lays in the middle of my mouth, which is fine if you like that sort of thing. But when I say "Lori Rhoden", my tongue ends against my lower teeth, which is my personal preference. If you insist, I shall do as you wish. You, on the other hand, may call me by any name you like, or any combination of names if I irritate you to the point where you wish to accent my moniker with several well seasoned expletives.

A mystery...
                      If you relate in your poetry or in our 'little corner' that you are ready to meet 'Lori', I will know it and send you to her. You will allude to this without stating  your desire to do so mon amie.

Do not let what I just said befuddle you or confuse you in any way. That is not my intent. Only that I will know. Its no game. If it were, I would tell you. Also, you cannot ask me anything further about her. I will know for as long as I am here if you want to meet her.

You're a treasure.

A story...

There was a shade tree
A short walk from where I lived
That would speak to me

It spoke magic words
Words like no one ever spoke
So I listened close

Then the shade tree died
Leaving me to remember
Every word it spoke

Men cut down the tree
Firewood was needed they said
To keep some houses warm

After they had gone
I found some pieces of bark
Of my dear old friend

Chopping the bark up
I stirred it into my milk
And drank it all down

Soon after drinking
I began to find my voice
Friends never leave you

...Au revoir mon cher amie, au revoir

Here's to you and here's to me and should we ever disagree, [i]here's to me!

Lori Grosser Rhoden
Member Patricius
since 2009-10-10
Posts 10202
Fair to middlin' of nowhere
56 posted 2015-12-18 06:52 AM

You make my head spin
so much to try to absorb
I am quite hooked

Call me as you wish
Now that I understand you
That is all I need

To be assertive
And to always speak my truth
I am working on

My needs are simple
But are important to me
Mistaken as not

The fool in tarot
Is only bound by himself
Can set himself free

I’m the enemy
Prisoner of past decisions
If you only knew

Dear Capo,
Thank you from the bottom of my heart! ~L

Mr Martini
Posts 366
Beneath The Line
57 posted 2015-12-19 01:18 AM

You make my head spin
so much to try to absorb
I am quite hooked

I look forward to your words with the same anticipation mon amie. Had you and I not begun writing each other, I would already have left Pip. You're a mature woman, seasoned well from your experiences of pain and pleasure and I respect and value that. Your personality, at least as much as has been revealed to me through your poetry and writings with myself, makes you unique and interesting to me. Few women, or men for that matter speak freely to one another with such wit and candor. Sometimes, one can soon feel very alone even when such a person is only a few feet away. I know this to be true. Perhaps you do as well.

Call me as you wish
Now that I understand you
That is all I need

This pleases me a great deal Lori Rhoden. Merci beaucoup.

To be assertive
And to always speak my truth
I am working on

I believe what you say mon amie. It can only do you good. It is said that "the truth hurts". Well, who does it hurt? Only those who have been either walking the "walk" with blinders on, taking us for granted or have been taking outright advantage of us without regard to our feelings and emotions. You spoke kindly of being "hooked". At the risk of sounding effeminate, I found that to be quite adorable Lori Rhoden. But on a darker, more sinister side, there may be those who want us to feel just that way. Unlike the worm they think we are, we can get ourselves off of that proverbial "hook". All kidding aside, who wants to feel like that? Two people can do better than imprison each other, don't you think mon amie?

My needs are simple
But are important to me
Mistaken as not

Again, I agree with you Lori (had to say that just to check and see if it rolled off my tongue like I said it did...yes, it did) regarding simple needs.  Now then, regarding your last line, if someone (or others) feel your needs (simple or not) are not important, that is a serious mistake. In my previous response above I alluded to such a situation. Perhaps a bigger hammer is required mon amie. When driving home a point, sometimes a tack hammer just won't get the job done. "The right tool for the right job" as the good natured tradesmen say.

The fool in tarot
Is only bound by himself
Can set himself free

"Amen" Sister Lori Rhoden!

I’m the enemy
Prisoner of past decisions
If you only knew

I will show you mine (binding past decisions) if you show me yours. When you say, " If you only knew" without letting me "know"...then you have agreed to remain a "prisoner", and of course then, your own "enemy". Again my dear Lori Rhoden, why would anyone want to do that to themselves? We two have our reasons for flagellating ourselves.

Tale of two people
In all respects quite normal
All respects but one

They write poetry
They know the good and the bad
They feel with their hearts

They've been brow-beaten
They've taken every punch
They've sworn a blood oath

Spent years in labors
Feeding mouths of babes
Too old for diapers

Freedom has a cost
Enslavement does too
This they both accept

Then, there are the words
Which flow from their dry chapped lips
Warm and comforting

Yes, a Tale of Two
A wall a thousand miles thick
Yet not there at all

Its cold inside so take care not to step on thin ice.  Feel peaceful as you can my dear friend, and above all...carry on.

Au revoir mon cher amie, au revoir

Here's to you and here's to me and should we ever disagree, here's to me!

Lori Grosser Rhoden
Member Patricius
since 2009-10-10
Posts 10202
Fair to middlin' of nowhere
58 posted 2015-12-19 09:05 PM

Tale of two people
In all respects quite normal
All respects but one

How sweet of you to say so, that either one of is normal in all respects but one.  I’d like to thinks there is something more different about you and I.

They write poetry
They know the good and the bad
They feel with their hearts

And maybe poetry is our only way of reconciling our abnormalities. Maybe we feel too much, think thoughts too grandiose.

They've been brow-beaten
They've taken every punch
They've sworn a blood oath

Yes, I’ve even written one in blood…so this is surely madness on my part, but it feels more like my survival.

Spent years in labors
Feeding mouths of babes
Too old for diapers

Freedom has a cost
Enslavement does too
This they both accept

Then, there are the words
Which flow from their dry chapped lips
Warm and comforting

A comfort yes, and more. You give me inspiration with your affirmations.

Yes, a Tale of Two
A wall a thousand miles thick
Yet not there at all

Untouchable, yet touched all the same, a game of tag in the ethereal.  I’m still at times baffled by our connection. I’m not so fine or rare, though you do have a way of making me feel that way.

Your uncanny sense
References made
Has me curious

What have you studied
would you be familiar with
alternative arts?

An old memory:
Martini glass on rail car
I always wondered…

If you only knew
If I would have just said no
Grief I’d avoided

Still the point remains
If only you were Ida,
Eyebrows not cocked

All that head spinning
I guess I made myself sick
Or coincidence

In my weakened state
confines of format do chafe
and weary my brain

my apologies
so much more I want to say
on another day.

Dear Capo,
I had a bizarre yet vivid dream in which you put in a cameo. ~L

Mr Martini
Posts 366
Beneath The Line
59 posted 2015-12-20 04:12 AM

I’d like to think there is something more different about you and I.

Would you agree Lori Rhoden, that if it were not true, neither of us would be here? After all, you may have said to yourself, "why should I want to befriend a cannibalistic, homicidal maniac who cavorts with damsels of the dark nights and wants me to uproot myself and run off to Ho Chi Min City with him? I could understand how one might dance to the "hesitation waltz" to that tune.

And maybe poetry is our only way of reconciling our abnormalities. Maybe we feel too much, think thoughts too grandiose.

Au contrare mon amie. The feelings are just right and if anyone is thinking thoughts of grandeur, it is I. You are cute, funny and you write with a straightforward honesty. You are kind and thoughtful, yet will tear anyone limb from limb who crosses you in political debate. This I like. Politics needs more strong women. Its too late in my opinion to save anyone's nation,  including our own, but I don't go down without a fight and neither does a good woman. That includes you my dear Lori Rhoden.

Yes, I’ve even written one in blood…so this is surely madness on my part, but it feels more like my survival.

Blood rituals are nearly as old as Man. Some followers of the church of Satan (Anton LeVeys' followers) and perhaps Crowley, to name a couple participated in such things. The idea was in order to make a deal (pact) with Satan, one needed to write their name in blood, along with a few other garnishments. "Cutters" are a little different. They need to feel love and have trust that it isn't going to fly away. That is a much longer issue to talk about though. Obviously, I don't know what led you to write in blood, therefore I can't associate it with your "survival". You're here, so clearly mon amie, you survived.

A comfort yes, and more. You give me inspiration with your affirmations.

It pleases me to learn that I have some positive effect on someone like yourself Lori Rhoden. There have been too many instances where just the opposite has been the case.

Untouchable, yet touched all the same, a game of tag in the ethereal.  I’m still at times baffled by our connection. I’m not so fine or rare, though you do have a way of making me feel that way.

Indulge me briefly Lori. I will be using a few 'I's here. I am a man who understands "party manners". I have said things to people and made them believers. I grew up in a big city, learned the ways of it while very young and made most of my living there and in numerous other cities. The people I knew in those times were as unsavory as myself and we relied on one another, both the girls and the guys. 15 years ago, I stopped lying. The "jig" was up and I was smart enough to know it. I carry a lot of baggage, but I feel the better for it. So why tell you all this? Because I want you to know something of the person who compliments you and treasures your friendship, and why. I don't question our "connection". You are here with me and I with you. No one else is posting here but many are reading. They seem to feel that it is "our" place and apparently respect it as such. I didn't tell anyone to stay away and I know you didn't either mon amie, so you see, like it or not, we've "connected".  I like to use french as an accent to english because it is like handing you an occasional rose or other flora of your preference. I have no agenda. If I did, you would have known by now. It is my understanding that you are a married woman and a mother. I would never do anything to disrespect you or lead you to believe that I wished to somehow influence you to do something morally wrong, or at the very least, distasteful. As it is, I have no guilt, nor should you. If we have hurt someone, it is because of their own preconceived ideas of you and I and what we're "up to". I like you vey much Lori Rhoden. There is no one else that writes to me from the same chemistry lab. If it were not so, well, I've already said that enough times, so I know you catch my ...drift.

Your uncanny sense
References made
Has me curious

I listen, I read and I have studied many things, not to mention the many vagaries of a misspent youth. I don't care for novels, save one. Peter Beagle's "A Fine and Private Place", though I didn't like the ending, so I made up one of my own. Other than that, non-fiction is what surrounds me in a wide variety of colors. On its own, "alternative arts" is broad and varied, so mon amie, you'll have to be more specific. Don't be bashful now my dear friend, I'm very open. As far as my "uncanny sense", it only seems that way right now. Once you feel you've heard enough, you'll see that I'm actually pretty stupid and possess no intuitive powers at all. You'll then find me dull, drab, and kick me out into the street, bag and baggage.

An old memory:
Martini glass on rail car
I always wondered…

Wonder no more mon cher amie. My email is [email protected]. Write anytime. I'd be pleased to hear from you. How's that for a coincidence?  

If you only knew
If I would have just said no
Grief I’d avoided

My dear friend, I, like you, could say as much and be very successful singing the blues. That's not what you or I were cut out to do. Your wit and charm wants far more than equal time. Don't let me make you think of things you can't change.

Still the point remains
If only you were Ida,
Eyebrows not cocked

If I were Ida...Now there's a concept I've never considered Lori Rhoden. Imagine the impact that would have on my wardrobe. Tell me more about those "cocked eyebrows", and make it good.

All that head spinning
I guess I made myself sick
Or coincidence

"Well you can't go home like that, here, drink this" (hands Lori a brandy Alexander).

In my weakened state
confines of format do chafe
and weary my brain

"Yes, one must stick to the script mon cher...feeling better"?

my apologies
so much more I want to say
on another day.

"I'll drop in to check on you mon cher".

Dear Capo,
I had a bizarre yet vivid dream in which you put in a cameo. ~L
Dear Lori,
For you, mon amie,  that could be good or that can be bad.

NightWing knew the score
Entered through an open mind
Out the rascals mouth

From there to an ear
Where he spoke his magic words
Entering their mind

And so it went on
NightWing was growing stronger
His voice loud and clear

Masses came to hear
NightWings' long-winded discourse
And passed it on down

Now NightWing is King
Knowing all needed to know
Sits upon his throne

Then a woman came
In colors with words of charm
Begging the Kings' ear

NightWings' days now end
Paying homage to the Queen
Who begged the Kings' ear

Mon cher amie, I do wish for your heart to find peace.
Au Revoir

Here's to you and here's to me and should we ever disagree, here's to me!

Lori Grosser Rhoden
Member Patricius
since 2009-10-10
Posts 10202
Fair to middlin' of nowhere
60 posted 2015-12-21 07:45 AM

My heart has found peace
In places where I left it
When lost in the dark

Burdens by wayside
As I journey on awake
I sense joy be near

Far from out of woods
From here I see a clearing
And my home’s front door

Dear Capo,
The truth is a powerful thing to tell… It can fell trees in the forest of proclivity. ~L

Mr Martini
Posts 366
Beneath The Line
61 posted 2015-12-21 05:43 PM

My heart has found peace
In places where I left it
When lost in the dark

This is a profound thought mon amie, one that I can never assure myself of.

Burdens by wayside
As I journey on awake
I sense joy be near

Its always just around the corner from where you are. Just make a left at the light. Don't forget to signal or you might get rammed from behind.

Far from out of woods
From here I see a clearing
And my home’s front door

When in the woods, watch for wolves and gingerbread houses.

Dear Capo,
The truth is a powerful thing to tell… It can fell trees in the forest of proclivity. ~L

You are so right mon cher

Au Revoir

Here's to you and here's to me and should we ever disagree, here's to me!

Lori Grosser Rhoden
Member Patricius
since 2009-10-10
Posts 10202
Fair to middlin' of nowhere
62 posted 2015-12-22 06:19 AM

NightWing rules the night
With his Queen he does take flight
with their souls in tow

They escape life’s state
into the Ethereal
to whisper sweet words

Until the dawn comes
to bring them back home again
with their souls in tow

Dear Capo,
Whispers are for when we listen with more than just our ears. ~L

Mr Martini
Posts 366
Beneath The Line
63 posted 2015-12-22 08:00 PM

*~~*  *~~~~~~* * *~~~~~~*  *~~*
"Whispers are for when we listen
With more than just our ears"

Whispers speak to the hearts
Of those willing and wanting to hear

Whispers like a gentile breeze, that once lifted
Creases the brow as a lovers finger

Whisper to me mon cher
Things you've only thought before

Whisper to me mon cher
Things you've never said before

Whisper to me mon cher
Things you never meant to say

Whisper to me mon cher
That you regret not a word

My dear Lori Rhoden, this tune is among my favorites. I used to set my turntable on '33' because I thought the music sounded more mellow.
I heard it in your "whispers", so I had to "dig it up".

Au Revoir

Here's to you and here's to me and should we ever disagree, here's to me!

since 2014-04-01
Posts 433
Just A Slice Of The Pie
64 posted 2015-12-23 01:43 AM

Is anyone here? I saw a lot of posts like the haiku post and was curious. Hope you have a nice xmas!

[This message has been edited by DaysofView (12-23-2015 02:18 AM).]

Mr Martini
Posts 366
Beneath The Line
65 posted 2015-12-23 02:31 AM

Are you still enjoying your Scotch DaysofView? I do hope never to hear a similar tale from you. Billy Joe could do with a talking to as well, and I don't mind if you tell him I said so. You are his precious cargo and he yours. To blazes with the damn Christmas tree.

Other than that my good woman, thank you for your visit.    

Here's to you and here's to me and should we ever disagree, here's to me!

Lori Grosser Rhoden
Member Patricius
since 2009-10-10
Posts 10202
Fair to middlin' of nowhere
66 posted 2015-12-23 06:54 AM

Heart full of whispers
Waits to be listened to
Hear my heart beating

Whispers like a song
That I carry in my head
Hum a tune of you

My sigh a whisper
Saying hurry don’t be long
Whispers I miss you

Dear Capo,
Murmurs in your sleep are secrets you can’t keep. ~L

Member Ascendant
since 2003-03-21
Posts 5499
67 posted 2015-12-23 11:32 AM

Enjoyed this all the way through.It should be made into a book,so Readers could turn the pages.I chanced to do this back in 1999 with a person on a different site,who has since died. Unfair to him as I was twenty years older and we wrote as friends. We were also page friends and wrote to each other real notes and letters via e-mail. We wrote of family,life and the maddening world around us.I have a large ringed note book  with poems,stories and world happenings up until his death in 2008.A lot of history   is in that book. I was already a widowed old lady and he had liked some things I had written when his mother was dying.I keep finding sons who care. Best to you both and keep on writing.It is hard to reply in verse but we also did that in the
Mr Martini
Posts 366
Beneath The Line
68 posted 2015-12-23 03:18 PM

You are most kind Madame. Your experiences were indeed, a pleasure to read. Many thanks for your welcome visit.


Here's to you and here's to me and should we ever disagree, here's to me!

Senior Member
Posts 710
69 posted 2015-12-23 03:53 PM

Martini...Just what's going on down here? Are you about to spring one of your evil traps on Miss Lori and Miss Jo?

Better not! I have friends and I know how to use them!  

Happy Hell-i-days Martini     

She told me "play one for your supper Danny and maybe you'll get breakfast".

Mr Martini
Posts 366
Beneath The Line
70 posted 2015-12-23 08:24 PM

Mr. Fingers, have you ever contorted yourself into the form of a pretzel?

I could help you with that.

Here's to you and here's to me and should we ever disagree, here's to me!

[This message has been edited by Mr Martini (12-23-2015 09:56 PM).]

Mr Martini
Posts 366
Beneath The Line
71 posted 2015-12-23 08:29 PM

My dear Lori Rhoden, you make it easy in the dark, to find the light.

Hearing a silent sound
To touch air and feel her skin
Falling in linens

Secrets from afar
Dimly lit in distant thoughts
Rest within my heart

Waking without her
A most harsh reality
Penitence deserved

Balanced on my Libra scale, time seems to measure what can never be again ... against all that is. Now I need to find how much the butchers thumb weighs.

Au revoir mon cher    

Here's to you and here's to me and should we ever disagree, here's to me!

Lori Grosser Rhoden
Member Patricius
since 2009-10-10
Posts 10202
Fair to middlin' of nowhere
72 posted 2015-12-24 09:48 AM

Eve falls slowly
but comes so early on now
colored lights brighten

cheerful thoughts fill me
as I think of special one
close but far away

snow starts falling soft
like a Christmas card outside
I am sending you

Dear Capo,
Wishing you a warm and wonderful Holiday…Hoping no coal for you this year.

Mr Martini
Posts 366
Beneath The Line
73 posted 2015-12-24 06:14 PM

Time purchased today
Was of no value to me
'Til your smile reached out

I could have done more
I could have said more to you
Still, your smile reached out

I am not alone
You bring a smile to many
Save one for yourself
                ...and pretend it came from me

Nigh on three short weeks
Like three hundred years or more
Time is my Master
                 ...I, its humble slave

Thinking well of you
For your struggles in your time
A double-edged sword
              ...honed to perfection

My Dear Lori Rhoden,

Are there any others like you at home mon amie? In your town? State? Country? World?

Au revoir mon cher, au revoir......


Here's to you and here's to me and should we ever disagree, here's to me!

Lori Grosser Rhoden
Member Patricius
since 2009-10-10
Posts 10202
Fair to middlin' of nowhere
74 posted 2015-12-25 08:10 AM

Where are my people?
Are there none like me to see?
In the asylum

Have not found me yet
I tend to look so normal
I keep my mouth shut

Crazy like a fox
Joy in bringing you smiles
No matter the miles

It is Christmas Day
There are goodies to be had
Happiness to share

Raise a glass to us
and to all that is good in life
in days to come. Cheers!

Dearest Capo,
I’m so delighted you wish to meet the ‘others’. Visiting hours are posted on the Asylum doors.

Mr Martini
Posts 366
Beneath The Line
75 posted 2015-12-25 09:20 PM

Stealthy blend of characters
Keeps the joint open

Many act like you and I
Yet are different

Looking for ourselves
Each other hides in plain sight
Not making a sound

Smiles are silent talk
Some sardonic and some not
Yours is always warm

Yes, a toast to us
And to those who feel such hurt
In this brave new world

Mon cher Lori Rhoden,

Your "Asylum" is something I would have related to some time ago. They never should have let me go. Of course at the time, they had no way of knowing what they had released upon the world. I, Quasimodo and Esmerelda, who sooths my savage brow...even as the end is ever-nearing.  

Here's to you and here's to me and should we ever disagree, here's to me!

Lori Grosser Rhoden
Member Patricius
since 2009-10-10
Posts 10202
Fair to middlin' of nowhere
76 posted 2015-12-26 08:28 AM

Dear Quasimodo
Your name seems to ring a bell
Just call me Essy

Our tastes are the same
Craving not for caviar
More for tuna fish

Plain conversations
than baloney piled so high
we cannot swallow

Entertain me now
with all your wit and humor
saving laughs for you

Dear Capo,
A giggle in the hand is worth two in the bush.

Mr Martini
Posts 366
Beneath The Line
77 posted 2015-12-26 01:37 PM

Dear Quasimodo
Your name seems to ring a bell
Just call me Essy

My dear Essy, yes the bells toll my lovely, and each peal takes you further from view as I fade into the netherworld.  

Our tastes are the same
Craving not for caviar
More for tuna fish

This I know is true mon cher Lori Rhoden. It is the most attractive part of you I see and is a somewhat unusual experience for me.
More than thought-provoking, it is endearing.

Plain conversations
than baloney piled so high
we cannot swallow

Of this I have no doubt mon cher.

Entertain me now
with all your wit and humor
saving laughs for you

It brings me great pleasure to do this if I can by any means mon amie, great pleasure indeed.

Dear Capo,
A giggle in the hand is worth two in the bush.

My Dear Lori Rhoden,

Those in your company that hear such a "giggle" are fortunate souls for certain. I would take liberties to a much greater extent and say your "giggle in the hand" is priceless far beyond the confines of a bush.

Now then mon cher, I will be leaving Pip for awhile. For how long, I do not know. You do however, know where I am and I will always be with you in that place within a place. Your presence has been a great joy to me here and there. When I return mon amie, this is where I will look for you.

Beaucoup d'amour mon cher Lori Rhoden, beaucoup d'amour,


Here's to you and here's to me and should we ever disagree, here's to me!

Senior Member
Posts 710
78 posted 2015-12-27 05:52 PM

Martini, I'll miss your stealthy somebody around here.

Like everybody that leaves somewhere knowing they left something in their wake, you'll be in for a peek now and then. You've nothing that important to do.

Okay, I'm an 'eavesdropper' bordering on a 'voyeur' sue me, or in your philandering lingo, 'Sue me'.

Don't shoot Martini, I'm just the piano player!

See ya around pally. Don't make it long.    

She told me "play one for your supper Danny and maybe you'll get breakfast".

Lori Grosser Rhoden
Member Patricius
since 2009-10-10
Posts 10202
Fair to middlin' of nowhere
79 posted 2015-12-29 06:48 AM

Oh where can you be
Mysterious Martini
a cemetery?

In a morgue perhaps
chilling and writing memoirs
Hanging out with friends

Just lurking about
stalking around here and there
disturbing the peace

Ida’s Netflix and chill
Dressed in your new birthday suit
just for the New Year

Just where can you be
on this your flight of fancy
Are you missing me?

Dear Capo,
Absence makes the heart grow fonder…

since 2014-04-01
Posts 433
Just A Slice Of The Pie
80 posted 2015-12-29 07:49 PM

I think TF thinks he's dead. Who would know?

It was just a thought which made them run. It was just an act that killed them.

Lori Grosser Rhoden
Member Patricius
since 2009-10-10
Posts 10202
Fair to middlin' of nowhere
81 posted 2015-12-30 08:45 AM

the coroner
Member Laureate
since 2011-02-06
Posts 16975
South Louisiana
82 posted 2015-12-30 11:22 AM

badass attitude
I see Lori has got hers'
it must be catching

~ If they give you ruled paper, write sideways. ~

Senior Member
Posts 710
83 posted 2015-12-30 11:38 AM

He's dead I tell you. He was born dead, lived dead and he's always going to be dead.

Study this Miss View because there will be a quiz in the morning!

88 questions, one theme. If you call the coroner, I'll consider that a 'cheat'!

She told me "play one for your supper Danny and maybe you'll get breakfast".

since 2014-04-01
Posts 433
Just A Slice Of The Pie
84 posted 2015-12-31 12:05 PM

What morning TF? I don't like tests can't you just tell me? I won't tell anyone I just wanna know. You and everybody talk about him being dead and he 's not here to defend himself.    

It was just a thought which made them run. It was just an act that killed them.

Lori Grosser Rhoden
Member Patricius
since 2009-10-10
Posts 10202
Fair to middlin' of nowhere
85 posted 2015-12-31 09:05 AM

Daysof View,
I'm pretty sure he isn't dead, I think he is just on vacation or something. Please remain calm. Tf is just a silly rascal having a little fun at Martini's expense, hoping to provoke a response. ~L

since 2014-04-01
Posts 433
Just A Slice Of The Pie
86 posted 2015-12-31 07:47 PM

thank you lori. I feel better listening to you. What a mean thing TF says to say about someone! It just feels bad when you like somebody and then TF says he's dead!

It was just a thought which made them run. It was just an act that killed them.

Lori Grosser Rhoden
Member Patricius
since 2009-10-10
Posts 10202
Fair to middlin' of nowhere
87 posted 2016-01-01 10:24 AM

I think Tf was speaking metaphorically about Martini being dead. None the less we have amassed our wet noodles and the flogging begins at dawn. ~L

Mr Martini
Posts 366
Beneath The Line
88 posted 2016-01-06 12:48 PM

"Look what they've done to my poem Ma,
      Look what they've done to my poem,
Well its the only thing that I could do half-right and its turning out all wrong Ma,
      Look what they've done to my poem"

Thanks to my adored Melanie Safka:

Mr. Fingers has had it right all along. I am.

Au revoir

Here's to you and here's to me and should we ever disagree, here's to me!

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