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Open Poetry #46
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Senior Member
since 2010-05-20
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Mi now

0 posted 2010-11-23 02:00 PM

Yeah, you know her...
that one-
the one you love to hate...

all over town,
on every busy corner
these days, isn`t she,
ubiquitous face
smiling smug
like a cat in the butter churn
while it`s still cream.

Look at her-

thinks she`s "all that"
and a bag
of fritos.

Time she learned
a dusting
of humility...

But da**, she`s good
at catching the eye;
I just can`t seem

to look away.

*sorry mods, i edited  it ok  

© Copyright 2010 Amaryllis - All Rights Reserved
Eusta B. Mae
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1 posted 2010-11-23 02:28 PM

Amaryllis- So sorry I missed seeing you on the street the other day, I would have waved and offered you a frito! LOL

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2 posted 2010-11-23 03:13 PM

Some women are like that. Traffic stoppers. Exploiters. Why not? If you've got "it," exploit "it." Don't know about the Fritos though, maybe Cheetos. Haha!!

. . . and the Raven said, %!~#&(&#!$!

Earl Brinkman
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Osaka, Japan
3 posted 2010-11-23 08:48 PM

Da** I couldn`t stop reading this.  It was good.
Member Patricius
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By the Seaside
4 posted 2010-11-23 11:02 PM

I'm cracking up at ebm's reply...too funny!!

Cute poem, gotta love those fritos.

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Member Rara Avis
since 2008-01-27
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Lumpy oatmeal makes me crazy!
5 posted 2010-11-24 01:28 AM

I loved this poem and cracked up at EBM too.  I think "damn' is an okay word here.  FYI, astericks don't get us outta hot water.

Love the poem.


Prasad Nataraj
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6 posted 2010-11-24 04:12 AM

Fine writing this, Amaryllis. Poem and the replies, made me chuckle.

"Hardwork pays in the long run"

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Mi now
7 posted 2010-11-24 12:22 PM

Lol!  Thanks, guys... just a silly write... it wasn`t about anyone here on pip      And thanks, Alison, for the heads-up on the `d` word~!  hah!

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Southeastern USA
8 posted 2010-11-24 07:01 PM

Entertaining... and here I thought you might've meant a series of billboards just crying out for moustaches.
Member Empyrean
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Listening to every heart
9 posted 2010-11-24 09:51 PM

I think not only is the poem creative and genuine, but so are the responses! Good stuff, m'dear!

since 2010-05-07
Posts 246

10 posted 2010-11-25 01:05 AM

Not a silly write at all. I feel strong emotional content behind the casual style. I think you're talking about jealousy, a very human feeling. Poetry that brings readers to the truth is good poetry. Bravo.
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Chicago Il
11 posted 2010-11-26 06:41 PM

Envisioned myself in the grocery line. Its like a car accident.....
Andrew Scott
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12 posted 2010-11-26 07:19 PM

Ya, she's everywhere. Like they say in advertizing, "Sex sells!" Whether it be a bag of Doritos, the latest fashions, or denture cream. Go figure. I thought your poem said a lot. Not silly at all.

"We'll chase them like rats across the tundra."

since 2009-07-30
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13 posted 2010-11-26 07:20 PM

Entertaining and thought-provoking.. that's really hard to do, at least for me, and you pulled it off flawlessly!
serenity blaze
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14 posted 2010-11-26 08:09 PM


I was thinking, "yeah--get her, get her--whoever is not in the room is "it"!"

So of course I had to sign in...


Hugs, you. It's been a while.

Senior Member
since 2010-05-20
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Mi now
15 posted 2010-11-26 08:49 PM

Thanks to all,..I`ve been so busy (family, turkey-scorching, etc.)~! I stop by and find I`m `it`! Haha  *Gotta go find a Serenity poem to tag...  
Thanks again, my best to all~

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