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Member Elite
since 1999-09-05
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Bewilderment , USA

0 posted 2011-06-27 04:27 PM

The Shroud of Turin was to be sent to small towns for display
In one town all the faithful dropped down on their knees to pray
" Oh Father, let them send it here, for surely we'd rejoice,
We've only one small problem Lord, please guide us with your voice

You see we are a pious town, and thus we've no great hall
Our biggest is the library and even that's quite small
But if you send the shroud to us we promise with respect
We'll not let any harm befall it due to our neglect"

To which the Lord replied " That's nice, but still you'll get no shroud
Afraid a library won't do, no way for cryin' out loud
My faithful servants don't dismay for all shall be revealed
But on this point my word is law and cannot be repealed"

"For while I know among you there is no such thing as sloth
We all know that too many books will always spoil the cloth"

© Copyright 2011 William E.Kleist - All Rights Reserved
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1 posted 2011-06-28 12:07 PM

"We all know that too many books will always spoil the cloth."

...and therein lies the problem.  Ever since Festus spoke the following to St. Paul, "much learning doth make thee mad" we have wrestled with faith's dilemma in the light of learning...excellent write

Member Elite
since 1999-09-05
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Bewilderment , USA
2 posted 2011-06-28 06:57 AM

Thanks for the read and the quote. If "much learning doth make thee mad" and "a little knowledge is a dangerous thing" somehow I feel like I'm guilty on both counts, lol.

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Member Rara Avis
since 2008-01-27
Posts 9318
Lumpy oatmeal makes me crazy!
3 posted 2011-07-17 01:09 AM

I always stop to read your poetry, even if I missed it when it was first posted.  Yep, I do and I am always glad that I did.  Stop.


Member Elite
since 1999-09-05
Posts 3448
Bewilderment , USA
4 posted 2011-07-17 11:27 AM

Thanks gal, but that kinda messes up my " I'm going for most widely unread poet of all time" award, lol.

Member Empyrean
since 1999-11-16
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Kapolei, Hawaii, USA
5 posted 2011-07-18 12:15 PM

Fine writing...James
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Member Rara Avis
since 2008-01-27
Posts 9318
Lumpy oatmeal makes me crazy!
6 posted 2011-07-18 12:18 PM

Nah, I win.  I have one that no one responded to.  So there!

Member Elite
since 1999-09-05
Posts 3448
Bewilderment , USA
7 posted 2011-07-18 06:32 AM


Well now Alison, I'm just going to have to track that one down and give it a nudge, lol.

Well again, if you have one nobody responded to you must have hidden it really well because I just did a complete search of all forums under your name and the closest I could come to no replies was a couple that only had one. My award is still within reach, lol.

serenity blaze
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8 posted 2011-07-18 01:24 PM

Yer a funny guy.

Talented, too.

Word Weaver
since 2011-03-06
Posts 437
California, USA
9 posted 2011-07-18 01:53 PM


You'd be well advised to forget about "I'm going for most widely unread poet of all time". It'll never happen.


Member Seraphic
since 2003-02-08
Posts 22236
10 posted 2011-07-18 01:54 PM

To combine science with faith has always been a difficult and delicate task, but in this case I would say even if the library was filled all up with books about the Shroud and despite all the "Thomases" of this world, it would still touch the hearts. Even the non believers couldn't deny the extraordinary unfathomed "work of art".

Thank you for this excellent and thought provoking poetic offering.


"Love is the One who masters all things;
I am mastered totally by Love."

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Member Rara Avis
since 2008-01-27
Posts 9318
Lumpy oatmeal makes me crazy!
11 posted 2011-07-18 03:18 PM


It was posted under the name "aziza' and was about a bunker.


Member Elite
since 1999-09-05
Posts 3448
Bewilderment , USA
12 posted 2011-07-18 06:48 PM

Thanks dear, I try my best and take great satisfaction in that if I can put a smile on someones' face if but for an instant.

Thanks lol, I'm sure there may be a few who could beat me, but I'm pretty sure I'm still in the running.

Thanks, if you got all that from a simple play on words meant as a pun I'm far more impressed by your understanding than I am with what I wrote, lol.

I must be getting to be quite the old "feeb".
I completly forgot your old pen name. Onward to the search engines Mr. Sulu.
Yep, there it was and still is. Out of respect for you and because the subject matter I won't bump it unless you'd like me to. However, while you may have one, I on the other hand have two so I'm still in the lead, lol.

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