08:57 PM
Once upon a time
and a town of heartless people,
stood a girl with a dream
that would never come true.
All she wanted was
to be beautiful and loved,
from the inside out...
not the outside in.
For years this little girl
wished the impossible,
until one day it all stopped,
and she didn't care what they thought.
Finally she could be free
from the horrible lie
they kept her in,
now she could live.
Then one day,
something took her by surprise.
A simple word from her father...
and her world came crashing down.
"What did he say?"
you might ask?
"Step on the scale,
and lose that weight."
All of a sudden she felt conscious
of what people around her thought.
She no longer felt beautiful,
she no longer felt loved.
So here I am now,
writing out some of my story,
while silently weeping.
I'm sorry daddy--I didn't want to be your ugly duckling.

.:.:~]you clicked your heals and wished for me[~:.:.