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since 2009-05-17
Posts 74

0 posted 2009-07-06 06:10 PM

Beware the Patriot, the man who loves what he calls “his country”
above real human beings.

Beware the Military Man, the man whose hands drip with blood.
His uniform is a wall he hides behind,
a bunker in which he crouches, afraid of the light of the Sun.

Beware the Journalist, the man who views the world in a fairground mirror,
distorting the dream into a Nightmare, for filthy lucre’s sake.

Beware the Lawmaker, the man who climbs the Spider’s Web,
rewiring it as he goes. His portion is in the Pit.

Beware the Preacher, whose noisy delivery
disguises the thunderstorm of his doubt; who uses others
as a ladder on which to climb to Heaven.

Beware the Artist and the Poet; both shall be judged “guilty”
of doing too little to open eyes
through fear and greed.

Beware the Humanist, the man who holds up a mirror to nothing,
and falls in love with his own reflection.

Beware the Fascist of the Left who, wallowing in the vat
of low self-esteem,
projects the worth of others onto himself and,
angry as only the worthless can be,
espouses values he doesn’t understand.

Above all,
Beware MAN, whose heart is black

© Copyright 2009 vampirelover - All Rights Reserved
since 2008-12-03
Posts 186
Toronto, Canada
1 posted 2009-07-07 03:08 PM

I enjoyed most of this poem.
The first few lines I really wasn't feeling.
Considering it takes the patriot and military men and women to give you the freedom you enjoy all day and protect you from the horrors of this world and that allows you the freedom to write poems such as this. This poem was written well, as usual, Vamp.


- If I cant bend Heaven, I shall move Hell -

since 2009-05-17
Posts 74

2 posted 2009-07-08 05:04 AM

Dear Def-init,
              I thank you for your kind comments, especially as you were not in sympathy with the entire poem. I would make two points:

1) This is a poem, not a treatise on theology, or moral philosophy,or science, or history. In other words not everything in it is to be taken at face value. It might be about evoking certain reactions, making people think about certain issues etc. For example, I don't believe that all journalists are necessarily corrupt; but I do believe that a certain amount of corruption is very difficult to avoid in that profession.

2) Having said that, I disagree with you profoundly about the legitimacy of patriotism and the armed forces. In my view, what is generally known as "patriotism" is inseparable from prejudice and unfairness; it is what our rulers use to con us into joining the armed forces or to get us to support their twisted policies. What can it mean other than the lie that our country is necessarily better than other lands? Patriotism is divisive and evil, in my view.

Regarding your claim that "it takes the patriot and military men and women to give you the freedom you enjoy all day and protect you from the horrors of this world" I find thia an incredible claim. Take the Iraq war. It is widely accepted nowadays that this evil, illegal war( apart from what it has cost in the lives of children, men and women) has made the world a much more dangerous place.I cannot get excited about the fact that one gang of gangsters sends another gang of gangsters across the world to kill thousands of innocent people.
The American government and my own government(UK) has practised plenty of terrorism, torture etc ( look at Guantanamo Bay) so we are in no position to call others "terrorists".

It is likely that you disagree with all of this. One thing about poetry is that it gives us all the freedom to express our own views, and above all to try to get others to see matters in a different light. Personally, I see controversy and disagreement as positives, providing that mutual respect is manintained throughout.

I thank you again for you appreciation  of my little poem .. all the more valuable as we don't see eye to eye on this subject. vampirelover.

since 2008-12-03
Posts 186
Toronto, Canada
3 posted 2009-07-30 03:53 PM

Corruption can be found in every aspect of life.
But you can’t let that be your guiding force. Patriotism is a choice. Not what "Our Leaders" force on us. We the people choose to be or not to be one. Patriotism doesn’t necessarily mean we think our lands are better then another’s. It just means we have love for our lands and will protect its best interests against ALL others.

Just a question but since you said the "Iraq War" is evil and illegal, does that mean you support all other wars that were deemed legal?? I find that a bit of a hypocritical view. War is war. It is all evil. In war there is nothing to get "excited about" really. That "gang" sent across the seas might have killed thousands, but has saved millions in the process. Would you suggest that we just turned an eye and let it go on? What if we did that in WW2 and didn’t make a stand against Hitler? Are we still the same "gang" sent across the seas? or are we saints gone to make sure our life is not altered by an invader?
I do agree that we have "terror" in our own practices. But that is in retaliation. If the terrorists were not there to begin with. We wouldn’t have to resort to their level of play. This is just how the world works. It doesn’t make it nice. It doesn’t make it fair. That’s just the way it is. I also don’t totally agree that this war has made the world more of a dangerous place. I just think it has opened everyone’s eyes to the fact that this danger has always been there and now we are dealing with it.

- If I cant bend Heaven, I shall move Hell -

since 2009-05-17
Posts 74

4 posted 2009-08-02 09:18 AM

“Not what "Our Leaders" force on us”: Insofar as propaganda and lies are concerned , they are forced on us.

“and will protect its best interests against ALL others”: Even when we are in the wrong? This is disgraceful, and proves my point.

No, I don’t support legal wars; I was making the point that those governments involved were hypocrites.

“That "gang" sent across the seas might have killed thousands, but has saved millions in the process”: There is no evidence to support this wild statement.

“If the terrorists were not there to begin with. We wouldn’t have to resort to their level of play”. This is called demonising the opposition. It is the western nations who have tortured arab nations for centuries and who are the real terrorists.I respectfully recommend reading up on the history of the relationship between the Arab nations and the West.

“I also don’t totally agree that this war has made the world more of a dangerous place” Many international commentators would disagree with this. It has inspired a new generation to fight what they see as( not without reason ) demonic forces.

As for Hitler, I politely suggest you read a good modern history book. The war was much more complex than you seem to think.

Best wishes, vampirelover

[This message has been edited by vampirelover (08-02-2009 12:34 PM).]

since 2008-12-03
Posts 186
Toronto, Canada
5 posted 2009-08-04 01:10 PM

"This is disgraceful, and proves my point." How are we wrong?? I agree we shouldn't be in Iraq but Saddam had to be removed from power. To do that and give the country back without another warlord stepping in is why we stay. (along with the oil) I do suggest you look into all the horrors he did to his people. All the suffering that was caused.
This is the real world. I do suggest you leave your bubble and try and experience it.

"There is no evidence to support this wild statement."
There are tons of evidence to support this "Wild Statement" Might wanna spending years as I have with the veterans of war, it might open your eyes, and will allow you to seek other information sources other then googling everything or using wikki.

As for reading history. I am a history major.
They are both to blame. Saying the west started it is extremely naive and proves your lack of knowledge in this area..

"Many international commentators would disagree with this. It has inspired a new generation to fight what they see as( not without reason ) demonic forces."

Well... "Many International Commentators" would also disagree with you as well. These forces have always been there, Weather or not there aims were directed at the western world doesn't matter. It is still wrong to allow these horrors from happening to another. Weather it be another country or another single individual. We are all human we all live on the same planet. You gotta stop watching "FOX News" lol.

As for the Hitler statement, it still stands. I was refering to the Jewish he killed and that our "gangs" stopped him from killing more. That one time in history proves our "gangs" as you like to call them has saved millions by killing thousands and that is just one time in history. There are many many others. I do suggest you take your own advise and read a little.

But yeah, Best Wishes,      

- If I cant bend Heaven, I shall move Hell -

[This message has been edited by Def-init (08-04-2009 02:03 PM).]

since 2006-11-30
Posts 228
Curiousity, and wonder
6 posted 2009-08-06 05:40 PM

Beware the man who's heart is black. Oh wonderful words, and a amazing poem. I will be sure to read more of your work.

Words have power, Im going to unleash the power of my soul.

since 2009-05-17
Posts 74

7 posted 2009-08-07 07:50 AM

Thank you, Abbeon, for your kind comments.
Senior Member
since 2008-06-19
Posts 1435
8 posted 2009-08-08 12:30 PM

Ha ha ha ha ha! Wow. Passion gets a high mark in here!


since 2009-05-17
Posts 74

9 posted 2009-08-08 05:27 AM

I've learnt my lesson,XGarapanX: never argue with a man who can't recognise the modus tollendo ponens.  :0 )
since 2008-12-03
Posts 186
Toronto, Canada
10 posted 2009-08-09 04:06 PM

lol yeah it does Gara.
Some people's children get all huffy and puffy when they cant take reality. Never argue with a woman when her cerebral atrophy starts to act up. They start to sound like 'Felicity'.

- If I cant bend Heaven, I shall move Hell -

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