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Member Elite
since 2007-07-28
Posts 3410
Australia, Victoria

0 posted 2008-10-15 11:36 PM


          THE VIXEN

When the dark shadows fall
And the wise mopokes call,
The vixen then starts on her prowl,
She pricks up her ears
As a pathway she steers
Away from a dog’s distant howl.

Her memory is clear
For she remembers with fear
Of the hunt and the hounds that were in it,
For she slept in the hay
Of a stack yesterday
And escaped only at the very last minute.

In a flash she set sail
With hounds hot on her trail
Followed by men in red capes,
Nor did her pace ever slacken
As she fled through the bracken
Until at last she made good her escape.

Now with her senses alert
She’s the perfect advert
Of wild things that are tuned to survive,
And her cubs in their lair
In hunger wait there
For the food that will keep them alive.

She’s very much in need
Herself of a feed,
Food to keep up her strength,
And at last I suppose
Through using her nose
She scents out her quarry at length.

A sharp piercing squeal
Is the last final seal
Of death, in the darkness of night,
And that young rabbit’s mate
Who missed the same fate
Trembles deep in his burrow in fright.

She eats up her meal
Then with conscience she feels
The urge to take food to her den,
With energy regained
And whiskers bloodstained
She sets out on the hunt once again.

© Copyright 2008 Lindsay P Wilson - All Rights Reserved
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Member Rara Avis
since 2008-01-27
Posts 9318
Lumpy oatmeal makes me crazy!
1 posted 2008-10-16 01:59 AM


Although I just posted a poem about eating moose, I hate hunting for sport.  I have watched the fox around my place and enjoy their intelligence and curiousity.  

I love rabbits too, but it's a harsh world for the animals.  They have enough trouble surviving each other without humans making a game out of killing them.

Okay, I'll shut up - and may take it in the shorts for eating moose meat and then pulling out my soap box.  We all have our buttons and your poem prodded at one of mine.

Thank you for such a good poem.


Roniece Dawson-Bruce
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since 2000-01-29
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Sydney, Australia
2 posted 2008-10-16 04:26 AM

hugs our Ali-girl..

you tell such a vivid and captivating story our dear Lindsay..


Be kind at heart....for everyone you meet has their own battle to fight.........

Robert E. Jordan
Member Rara Avis
since 2008-01-25
Posts 8541
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
3 posted 2008-10-16 09:08 AM

Yo LindsayP,

This is a well done poem.  It makes good use of end rhymes.


Member Elite
since 2001-06-21
Posts 2903
Victoria, Australia
4 posted 2008-10-16 02:44 PM

Hi Lindsay, enjoyed the poem Lindsay, well written with good flow and story. Take care mate and see you soon.


Member Patricius
since 2001-10-23
Posts 10549
By the Seaside
5 posted 2008-10-16 03:46 PM

I throughly enjoyed your story telling.

I especially liked this verse...

Now with her senses alert
She’s the perfect advert
Of wild things that are tuned to survive,
And her cubs in their lair
In hunger wait there
For the food that will keep them alive.

We are all born with a natural instinct to protect and care for our babies.  
I think we humans are pretty much on the same page,
survival is what it is....isn't it!!

You captured the "need" with a wonderful rhythm and flow.

Bill Charles
Member Patricius
since 2000-07-11
Posts 10619
highways, & byways, for now
6 posted 2008-10-17 03:32 PM

LindsayP - great write of the life of a vixen. Surely tells it true...


Member Elite
since 2007-07-28
Posts 3410
Australia, Victoria
7 posted 2008-10-17 10:52 PM

Dear Alison I'm so glad that you liked my poem and I thank you for making the effort to respond, but by the same token a lot of folk haven't any idea the death rate among
native animals and birds and domestic
livestock exacted on them by the wiley fox.
Three times in a period of twenty years the foxes raided our fowl house and killed every single fowl that they could catch,
biting their heads off and leaving them strewn all around the place. I cannot count the times that I've seen new born lambs, dead with their tongue eaten out by foxes.
I have hunted them all my life but since I have retired, I must be getting soft, as we have a wild fox coming each night to the back door for his nightly meal.
Rabbits are lovely cuddly little creatures
and my two youngest daughters kept show rabbits for a number of years as teenagers and showed them with great success, however the wild rabbit in Australia has been an absolute catastrophy, costing the nation millions and millions of dollars in lost grazing lands and the destruction of native plants and trees. People who have never seen a rabbit plague just could not imagine
how thick they can be. They will denude every green thing that they can reach and before they introduced myxamotosis they ran in millions in times of plague. many farmers
have been made bankrupt through the ravages of the rabbit. But on top of all that I sold my guns twenty tears ago and today I would not shoot a living thing. Sorry to be so long winded with my response.
Love to you dear lady.


Member Elite
since 2007-07-28
Posts 3410
Australia, Victoria
8 posted 2008-10-17 11:07 PM

To my very good friends Roniece, Bobby, Rick, Blue Seranade and Bill, Take a bow all you generous folk for it is responses such as yours that make writing poems such a pleasureable pasttime. May the sun shine upon you always.


Member Seraphic
since 2003-02-08
Posts 22236
9 posted 2008-10-18 07:05 AM

And that young rabbit’s mate
Who missed the same fate
Trembles deep in his burrow in fright.

Though the above lines touch my sensitive heart, I know that reality out there is a matter of survival and it is a tough tough world for all the animals.

I enjoyed reading your very beautiful poem and also your reply to Alison. I know of the rabbit problems in Australia. You reminded me also of my stepfather's participation in exhibitions of Belgian giant rabbits. He had this passion and won almost always the first prize. They were so biiiig and beautiful. There was a champion named Rudi and I always went and caressed him and talked to him ... Will never forget the shock, when I realized he had been "sacrificed" because of age. I didn't speak to my stepfather for a long time. No motivations could comfort me.


Member Ascendant
since 2008-03-12
Posts 6825
by the sea
10 posted 2008-10-18 04:43 PM

very vivid and descriptive poem, very concerned about this beautiful animal...There is a french film in 2007 called Le renard et l'enfant which is very poetic and interesting about animals personnality...I hope you could see it...

have a nice day


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Member Rara Avis
since 2008-01-27
Posts 9318
Lumpy oatmeal makes me crazy!
11 posted 2008-10-18 07:12 PM


I know just what you mean.  We see much of the same thing here with the wolves and the moose.  Wolves were coming into people's yards and killing dogs on their dog runs and chains.  It was like a wolf buffet.

Thank you for your response - I do love animals, and I do understand the need to manage populations.

Hugs to you, my friend.

Member Elite
since 2007-07-28
Posts 3410
Australia, Victoria
12 posted 2008-10-21 08:33 PM

Margherita, Yann and Alison, your kind comments are always appreciated and I thank

you for them. I do so enjoy all the wonderful friends that I have met here on PIP. Have a great day folks and take care.


Earl Brinkman
Senior Member
since 2010-03-03
Posts 1183
Osaka, Japan
13 posted 2011-03-13 06:00 AM

This was very well written and a treat as always.
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