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Teen Poetry #8
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Earl Robertson
Senior Member
since 2008-01-21
Posts 753
BC, Canada

0 posted 2008-09-19 10:49 PM

Good Things?

Is it a good thing
I can laugh while you cry
Didn’t used to manage
Any better than a sigh

Is it a good thing
I need not see you again
Can I excuse myself
From all of that pain

Is it a good thing
My control over this face
The knowledge that passes
Without wisdom or trace

Is it a good thing
I don’t cry for you at night
That I need not wonder
What hurts in your sight

Is it a good thing
I’ll never make this choice
The game never started
I’ll never find my voice

Don't believe Everything you Think

© Copyright 2008 Frank Robertson - All Rights Reserved
Senior Member
since 2008-09-12
Posts 704
1 posted 2008-09-19 10:52 PM

Wow, its awesome

Live in the present but don't forget the future

Senior Member
since 2006-07-08
Posts 820
2 posted 2008-09-20 11:57 PM

aww.. love it.. your such a talented writer..
Earl Robertson
Senior Member
since 2008-01-21
Posts 753
BC, Canada
3 posted 2008-09-21 02:59 PM

Thanks for reading guys.

Don't believe Everything you Think

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