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Teen Poetry #8
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Earl Robertson
Senior Member
since 2008-01-21
Posts 753
BC, Canada

0 posted 2008-04-18 07:55 PM

Thanks to Assasin of Verse and his exelent challenge for this one.


Spinning like a spiders web
My words go subtly round
The dark secluded corners know
The secrets of the ground

What is our condemnation
It is as our cities walled
Defended by gorillas
Forever cruelly sound

Here is our poetry
The prose of simple slang
The bells of defeat they rang
Signaling these lovers pains

These are the grins of severed words
Our Twisted sense of power
The subtlety of word and deed
Delay the reckoning hour

"Be Strong and Always Remember what made you you." Earl

"Ooo!!! Ooo!! I know! I know! um...he he" Earl
(Yes I am crazy)

© Copyright 2008 Frank Robertson - All Rights Reserved
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Member Elite
since 2006-06-18
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1 posted 2008-04-19 04:15 PM

ohh Frank I loved this!!!! great poem for the challenge

Senior Member
since 2007-06-11
Posts 1062
In Love <3
2 posted 2008-04-19 05:32 PM

waaaaaaaaaaa-ohhhhhhhhh frank! my waht a wonderful thing it is- library .  . . . lol. I really loved it!@


and in the daylight i miss the nightmare- but deathly fear it in the dark of night

Senior Member
since 2008-02-07
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at the beach... i wish
3 posted 2008-04-19 11:45 PM

good job!! i really like this


Earl Robertson
Senior Member
since 2008-01-21
Posts 753
BC, Canada
4 posted 2008-04-20 05:48 PM

Thanks guys!

"Be Strong and Always Remember what made you you." Earl

"Ooo!!! Ooo!! I know! I know! um...he he" Earl
(Yes I am crazy)

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