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Teen Poetry #8
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Deputy Moderator 1 TourDeputy Moderator 1 Tour
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since 2006-06-18
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0 posted 2007-07-20 04:40 PM

My life is in fast forward these days,
my eyes are bloodshot,I'm in a daze,
I can't even cry but I need to so bad,
'cos I just left the life i've always had,

I feel so dead or it's just me going insane,
why does it seem i'm the only one in pain,
rocking back and forth I can't even speak,
and to think I was normal just last week,

I've never felt so alone before,
I can't handle this anymore,
waking up is starting to get tough,
and no matter how much I drink it's never enough,

My life is stuck in fast forward these days,
My eyes are bloodshot,I'm in a daze

~fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me~

© Copyright 2007 Krysti - All Rights Reserved
Senior Member
since 2007-03-23
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Space Camp, IN
1 posted 2007-07-20 04:54 PM

hunnie, you stun me. your so great with words. i love it.
since 2007-06-03
Posts 461
Come find me?
2 posted 2007-07-20 05:34 PM

"I can't even cry but I need to so bad,
'cos I just left the life i've always had"

Oh my gosh hunnie!!! One of my favorite by you! I loved it I abosolutly loved it!!

So no more hiding all your pain, you deserve a new start. That's why i'm closing myself away, this is a message from your heart.

Junior Member
since 2007-06-04
Posts 36
3 posted 2007-07-21 08:37 AM

Awesome- like pretty much all your poems!
Senior Member
since 2007-06-11
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In Love <3
4 posted 2007-07-21 10:22 AM

wow, i loved the rhyme scheme. it is always working out so wonderfully for you. lol.


"I thought I'd just mention in passing . . . I always wanted a Sparkly of my very own." -Jeremy The Crow

Deputy Moderator 1 TourDeputy Moderator 1 Tour
Member Elite
since 2006-06-18
Posts 2567
5 posted 2007-07-21 06:12 PM

thanks y'all...

~fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me~

Member Elite
since 1999-12-15
Posts 2184
6 posted 2007-07-30 05:10 PM

Thanks for your comment on my recent poem, you are very expressive with yours. No bashing here you write great poetry!
since 2007-08-06
Posts 51
New York
7 posted 2007-08-07 10:55 PM

Wow this hit so much. I enjoy your work. It's really pleasant to see. Amazing truly amazing -Tara

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