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since 2003-05-31
Posts 294

0 posted 2005-03-17 03:26 PM

I just wrote a poem. posted in dark poetry. the title. The End Prehapse A Begining. And I wanted to explain it a bit. It is not supposed to be scary or offend anyone or even hint at death or the likes. But it might. Because this is the last poem I will be posting here. Or anywhere. I need to figure out where I'm going. who I am. What I've become. And I have to get out of the grasp of a mental demon in the process. This will take time. And prehapse when I am donr I will come back. But I dout it. I guess what I am saying is that this is my good bye. and for those of you that I have reached. i'm sorry to leave you so suddlenly. my e-mail address is [email protected] talk to me anytime. so long friends and thank you for your time. your support and your words of whisdom.

As I look at this world and realize that I am the only one to have seen the end of all Good I let the tears out that and ask the world to see them.

© Copyright 2005 Jian Sterry - All Rights Reserved
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since 2004-02-01
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1 posted 2005-04-17 05:56 AM

take care~
your spirit wants to fly
yet your fear keeps you grounded
follow your gut feelings but listen
to your heart, your growing, your healing, yet it is hard to move on, i totally understand, i have been there, we will always endure pain of some kind, oppisition of some kind, but we must not put our life on hold, do what makes you happy, it is your life, if you fall, like we all do, get up and know that didnt work so try something else, till it works, your smart, your caring, your creative and talented, share your gift,  you may not realize it but your reaching out, touches others who are in need themselves, or just need to heal old wounds that keeps them chained.  take care   you'll be alright,  i feel it. you will be great, actually

My spirit will rise
above the sea~
There will be no drowning
of my soul or me~

since 2003-05-31
Posts 294
2 posted 2005-04-24 03:10 PM

Thank you. I guess maybe I was running away too. but Until I know why I am going to stay away from these sites. I will be back though. I promise.

As I look at this world and realize that I am the only one to have seen the end of all Good I let the tears out that and ask the world to see them.

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since 2003-12-29
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In your dreams
3 posted 2005-04-25 01:45 AM

I actually understand.  Sometimes Poetry can cause harm, by making one dwell on the subject.  I will pray for you.  The best advice I can give you is to pray. It sounds corny, but sometimes demons fear the light.  You may disagree with me, but I found that when I told some one I trusted... a preist or my family, it makes things alot easier to recover. Admitting is the first step. Then not to hide. then to say no - start little and make your way up. These "demons" often get worse with stress. So be wary and always aware thatthe temptation is there.

Good luck my friend.

Juju - 1.) a magic charm or fetish 2.)Magic 3.)A taboo connected woth the use of magic

The dictionary never lies.... I am magical (;

since 2003-05-31
Posts 294
4 posted 2005-05-02 05:20 PM

Im afraid of light too. I stopped beliving a while ago. and I cant trust my family. I have said no. but its hard to be taken serious when no one realizes you truly are human and not some rag to be used and thrown away.

As I look at this world and realize that I am the only one to have seen the end of all Good I let the tears out that and ask the world to see them.

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since 2003-12-29
Posts 3429
In your dreams
5 posted 2005-05-02 09:42 PM

Well, You could try confiding in a psychologist... but they cost money. You have to try. BElieve me.  The only reason you can't trust, is because of the demon.  It doesn't want to leave you and it will do any thing to stay. Mental illness or just any thing negative it has that effect.  You got to beleive in your self.  It is really hard. but find a way to release in a pausitive way. Try volinteer work. sometimes that helps too.

If you lost your faith I will keep you in my prayers, my friend if that is all I can do.


Juju - 1.) a magic charm or fetish 2.)Magic 3.)A taboo connected woth the use of magic

The dictionary never lies.... I am magical (;

since 2003-05-31
Posts 294
6 posted 2005-05-03 11:43 AM

I am actually in counceling and i am going to keep posting here. wweeeeeeee! Im on a sugar high

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since 2003-12-29
Posts 3429
In your dreams
7 posted 2005-05-03 10:17 PM

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since 2004-02-01
Posts 3802
8 posted 2005-12-11 11:05 PM

i can understand where you are coming from;l too have a family i cant trust. its not from something inside of me, its things that have been done. i have let go, and given trust to them, but nothing ever seems to change.  there my family, i love them, but i am me , i have my own life, so i just stay away.  they cant help who are what they are. they only know what they know. so accept that and move on.  i know it doesnt stop the hurt. but eventually when its looked at differently. it does.  your are special, yuou have a gift.  a free spirit  keep it.  take care

My spirit will rise
above the sea~
There will be no drowning
of my soul or me~

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