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Tais Member
since 2004-01-28
Posts 92Ontario, Canada |
I put this post in the 'feelings' forum because it brings sad tears to the eyes of: Americans Every Nation and to those who desire peace and justice Watch this video to the end of it and you will see why it brings tears to our eyes: http://www.kaicurry.com/gwbush/remindus.swf |
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RSWells Member Elite
since 2001-06-17
Posts 2533 |
Makes me angry knowing we are in Iraq where Bin Laden wasn't, where Al-Quida is only now that we are. Sure Saddam Hussein was evil and should have been removed...but by assassination or one of those overpriced 'smart bombs'. But then Bush Inc. would not have had the opportunity for a ground invasion which ignored the looting and vandalism of valuable antiques but made certain the Oil Ministry remained unscathed with no disruption of flow. We should only be in Afghanistan where the 'democracy' so often touted as our mission is not yet established. Whose people suffered long under Russian and taliban occupation and are far more deserving of our tax dollars being spent on rebuilding than a nation with plenty of oil resources. That was our mission. That's where 9/11 came from. Months of saber rattling by Bush assured Hussein's going underground thus securing a ground invasion. An unprepared CIA, lacking enough arabic language speakers, relied on the Mossad for Intel. Such a source would be tainted yet greedily received by an administration whose designs were on Iraq's oil fields before Bush spent even one night in the White House. It would also be supported by a media controlled by a small number whose interests would be more towards Iraq, a concern of Israels than any priority of average American's. Big Oil, Halliburton, Bush Sr.'s Carlyle war profiteers and Israel's lobby and influence, joined by lies have brought us to this point. The self named 'cabal' of unelected, dual citizenship individuals who surround Bush and his corporate handlers were the final ingredient. The good news is Bush will be trounced in November. Maybe Kerry/Edwards can restore, not only some international respect, but a bit of the huge amount of faith lost in our system by 'we the people' Thanks for the post. |
Mistletoe Angel![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2000-12-17
Posts 32816Portland, Oregon |
![]() (tears fall down my cheeks) What is equally as saddening is that just less than half the people here actually still supported Bush's invalid and blood-spilling war. ![]() I didn't have to see the video to be convinced that I'll always be anti-war no matter what kind of war it is, but seeing the video only brought out a deeper catharsis in me, the fact that in all different kinds of veins in the family blood has been spilled, almost 12,000 in all in Iraq and counting. Saddam indeed did evil things to his people, but what Bush and his administration allowed is about as equally of terrorist acts as what Saddam did, and the fact he had no thoughtful Iraqi reconstruction plan also shows that this war was brought about only through raw hatred and the thirst for revenge. ![]() They say "Peace doesn't come free!" but it shouldn't be that way and I believe those who support such a war cannot be true patriots of peace. I personally am deeply heartbroken of this nation, and I vow from here on till November to do all I can to kick Bush out of office into the cold reality where he belongs. Sincerely, Noah Eaton "You'll find something that's enough to keep you But if the bright lights don't receive you You should turn yourself around and come back home" MB20 |
Tais Member
since 2004-01-28
Posts 92Ontario, Canada |
RSWells and Noah, our world asks us all to cry out for peace. The tears we shed are for all, and for the future. Thanks for your encouraging responses. (*caring and loving hugs to both of you*) ![]() When we join in together as brothers and sisters, and fight for peace and justice (in a peaceful way), we will achieve peace. The world will never be 'totally' peaceful, but will be much more just and much more peaceful than it is today if we all try to do our part. Petitions, protests, letters, emails, articles, speeches and so forth have all been done. Maybe we will not see the results of these now, but we will see them soon. We just need to keep on trying, have faith and most of all, show our compassion for the human race by showing how we care: fighting for peace and justice. And showing the truth, seeking the truth and correcting the mistakes which were made. And yes, we need to get Bush and his administration out...or we will not see peace. We can also help each other in this goal for peace: if any of you have any petitions, letters, emails, or anything that I can pass along, sign, and help out with, please send them to me and I will help. At the moment, here in my area (Ontario), we are gathering and organizing a big protest for March 20th. People all over the world are doing the same. It will be one year that our world went through the blood shed, of the greed and power motivated murders. One year, where the world cried and bled. But we can continue to try to stop this. At this March 20th protest, we will have many more voices around the world joining our pleas for peace. It's not about religion, nor about a certain race, nor about a certain country...it's about humanity. The most powerful weapon humans have to combat evil (murders, lies, corruption), is love and unity. But none of this would be successful without prayers. With goodness on our side, with courage, with determination, and with many prayers reaching out to God (whatever religion or belief one might have), we will be able to have peace and justice reign in our world. It is difficult but not impossible. And we can do it if we hold hands as brothers and sisters, around the world, letting go of the differences we each have from one another, and looking only at the love we all have inside. Tais |
Mistletoe Angel![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2000-12-17
Posts 32816Portland, Oregon |
![]() (big angel hugs) And here in Boulder we are planning a demonstration of our own sponsered by Copirg, a program devoted by both students and teachers to "fix democracy" March 20th, the day when this corrupted war began. You're absolutely right in that we protest for the love of humanity and not for religion or any sort of spirituality like that. The fact that Bush bends religion to his will in his politics just makes him more dangerous to the world, as I know for a fact all He desires is when together we can all build a spiritual kingdom of love together, and that "kingdom" is not the political office. His profuse use of prayer without knowing how important prayer is just makes him more of a hypocrite, elating it to war and his privilege to percolate with lies, each one more moth-holed than the last, and this is very unhealthy for the children of the future to live in a world where few ever know what's going on. ![]() What really was heartbreaking to see was this poll in the new Time magazine, asking 1,000 adults if the war in Iraq was worth it even if they never discover weapons of mass destruction, and 53% still declared YES. That is so nauseating to see, and it always reminds me exactly how many vultures there truly are that believe violence, carnage is the only way. I'll tell you something, if Martin Luther King Jr. rose from the dead that day Bush laid a flower at his grave, he would literally vomit discovering his policies. ![]() Freedom is not meant to come with a price, saying that is a cardinal sin as that is one big whopper. If only everyone opened up their hearts to the world with unadulterated, unrestrained love, then true freedom and peace can blossom. So no one better not dare to tell me that freedom comes with a cost, that is one of the utmost ridiculous things I can ever imagine hearing! The potential for peace is in us all, and WE are the people, WE are responsible to let it bloom within ourselves first, then blow the dandelion seeds to the hearts of our holy family, free of weapons, free of suppression. To put it simple, "All we are saying is give peace a chance!" ![]() Sincerely, Noah Eaton "You'll find something that's enough to keep you |
Tais Member
since 2004-01-28
Posts 92Ontario, Canada |
I agree totally with you Noah, my angel friend. ![]() And I am also sure that this protest of March 20th is going to change something or at least help prevent further harm to our world. God bless, Tais ![]() |
kissa~rachelle Senior Member
since 2003-11-27
Posts 988nowhere special |
I dont know what to say. I dont know a lot about the war, but i do think that the video was sad. ~kissa~ **~kissa~** |
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