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since 2003-05-31
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0 posted 2003-06-11 07:28 PM

im new to this site and for some reason i dont want to write anymore. iv been writing for almost two years now and this is the first time it has happened. eveything with me is so screwed up right now i just dont feel any urrg to do anything. im on new meds for depression but it isnt really working yet. i just......i dont know. i want to need to write again. but i guess thats asking for a merical......

i am in trouble but no one knows it if you can figure out my messages thenhelp me.

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1 posted 2003-06-11 07:48 PM

Hey... first off to you, and welcome to the site. I unfortunately have experienced this problem, and I honestly don't know how I started writing again. I'm a huge journal writer, and when I get periods of not wanting to write, I'll go for months without making a single entry in my journal. To be honest, I haven't posted a poem here in months, and my efforts at prose have been somewhat pathetic (compared to the standards that I used to hold).  
If this is the first time it's happened in two years, then consider yourself very very lucky and or blessed. :-/  
Sometimes, I find that it's best to just not write for a while. It gives me a break from constantly looking for my notebooks and pen, and when I am ready to write again, then I can remember why it's so important for me to get things onto paper (or disk).
You can try forcing yourself to write, but I've found that to be counter productive, ESPECIALLY when things are screwed up. It just takes away any urge that I may have had to be productive with my time.
*hugs* not having any urge to do anything is also a symptom of depression, and you say that you're on new meds... just try giving them time to work, and if they don't work within a month or two, maybe talk to your doctor. It's possible that they aren't the right meds for you. I had to go through two or three meds before we found the one that works best for me. *hugs*
"i just......i dont know."
honey, you sound exactly like I have so many times in the near past, it's almost creepy.  
Maybe try just floating around the blue pages for a while until you can write again. It's amazing what being a floater in here can do for your perspective on the way that people interact with each other, and believe me, you have become a part of the best family there is out in the inet. *BIG HUGS* If you ever need a listening ear, don't be afraid to email me, ok?

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Saluting with misty eyes
2 posted 2003-06-11 11:03 PM

Spiritrider- We've ALL been there... even those not dealiong with depression. It comes with the territory. Instead of forcing yourself to write poetry, what I tell the foster kids to do (one of whome is dealing with depression) is to start the day writing about what you are feeling, and what you hope the day will bring. Then end the day with writing about how it went, and what you hope for the next day. Before too much longer, you'll be posting on here again, and allowing us to share in your talent.
Hope It Helps

Day after day I'm more confused,
So I look for the light through the pouring rain...

since 2003-05-31
Posts 294
3 posted 2003-06-12 04:57 PM

hey Skyfire i cant get through with the e-mail

i am in trouble but no one knows it if you can figure out my messages thenhelp me.

since 2003-02-14
Posts 292
Jersey City NJ
4 posted 2003-06-13 08:34 PM

I started posting again. I'm still keeping clear of the poetry forums, until I can get my creative juiced flowing again and can actually write a piece of good quality. I find going to the lounge and even the alley, for some reason, helps me to feel into the flow again. Slowly, but surely. Soon, you might see me write a poem in a while. But if you can't write, then roam. More ideas will come, and help ease you back into maybe writing a small haiku, then maybe even a cincuain, until you might even be ready enough to try one of Nan's poetry challenges. That's what I'm doing right now. Small simple sentences, not even poems, but at least I'm writing something. I'm being optimistic, but I think I'll post a poem or two again before I graduate (June 25). Until then, I'd be happy to just browse around the site with you. =)
passing shadows
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5 posted 2003-06-14 02:51 PM

it happens to all of us
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6 posted 2003-06-14 05:45 PM

hmmm... try [email protected]   my Skyfire account has been acting weird lately (if that is indeed the account that is listed here lol...). Sorry bout that!
since 2003-05-31
Posts 294
7 posted 2003-06-17 11:40 AM

hey thanks everyone. hope i write soon..... its been three and a half weeks. i miss writing.  and the fellings i got while doing so. see u around....i hope........later.....

i am in trouble but no one knows it if you can figure out my messages thenhelp me.

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8 posted 2003-06-17 11:41 PM

hey there spritrider
I think most of us can relate to this. I've had dry spells that lasted years. I'm not kidding! I started writing when I was six years old, then quit off and on. I've found its best to not force my seems she comes and goes on her own schedule.
As for some of the other issues, life takes many turns, not always in the direction we want to go. Hang in there, stick around here with us, and read some of the silly stuff at the board. Some of us get a little goofy, but laughter and smiles can carry you for many many miles. hugs to you, Kacy  
hey, do you have any pets?

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9 posted 2003-06-25 03:48 PM

Happens all the time. Take a break.

I said I'm going to buy a gun and start a war,
If you can tell me something worth fighting for

since 2003-05-31
Posts 294
10 posted 2003-06-29 12:07 PM

still not writing...... been a month now i think... yeah im done.

at the end of the rope taking my last breath

Poet deVine
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Hurricane Alley
11 posted 2003-06-29 12:24 PM aren't done. You are in a slump. I am in one too. It makes it harder for me to read and reply! How dare all these people write and post when I can't? A bit of jealousy I think..LOL.

Ask someone to give you about 20 phrases. Write them down and force yourself to use them in a poem. Even if all you write is 4 lines, that's still a poem.

Or switch to writing a short story. Maybe something that has happened to you recently. Or write about writers block!! LOL

since 2003-05-31
Posts 294
12 posted 2003-07-12 04:51 PM

i finalt did it i wrote one but im not sure if i want to post it oh well. i guess we'll see.

"i am in troble but no one knows it if you can figure out my messages then help me.
at the end of the rope taking my last breath "

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