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Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores

0 posted 2000-08-20 07:08 PM

The Spark Of A Poet
~*Marge Tindal*~

Treasuring the words that come to us
Savoring each thought that we maintain
Reaching outside the realm of self
Sharing so others may gain

Trying to pen a simple poem
that will touch the heart of just one
Recognizing that we have a desire
to see the work live on

Inspired by all we see, think or hear
Our pleasure comes from deep within
Cognizant of the power of our words
The thoughts flow from heart to pen

Needing no other recognition
than knowing one heart shares our cause
Reflecting for a moment
Giving just one heart poetic pause

A poet's life is feeling the words
long before they embark
Setting another heart aglow
from just a tiny spark

To set the cinder of poetry
gently in another soul
Blowing it to life
then watching as it grows

Oh, to be a poet is sheer joy !

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

© Copyright 2000 Marge Tindal - All Rights Reserved
Member Elite
since 2000-04-19
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1 posted 2000-08-20 07:14 PM

~And Marge, you ever do that well!!! YOU are like Fireworks!!! The sparks you display for us all. This is an awesome write. Take care MT. As always,...I have so enjoyed my visit. *Peace.
since 2000-08-17
Posts 433
Nahunta Georgia U.S.
2 posted 2000-08-20 07:30 PM

If you only knew the spark that you have given me.  Your poetry is truly inspirational.  And this elegantly penned gem does wonders for the soul.


Member Elite
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Coastal Texas
3 posted 2000-08-20 07:36 PM

Marge, firstly, congratulations on hitting 9000!  Secondly, this poem is awe-inspiring, showing not only your craftsmanship, but also your poetic spirit, offering a call to arms for poets everywhere to aspire to more, to write more, to spark more.  BRAVO!!!
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4 posted 2000-08-20 07:36 PM

"Inspired by all we see, think or hear
Our pleasure comes from deep within
Cognizant of the power of our words
The thoughts flow from heart to pen"

Miss Marge, only you could have said it all this way. Such a treasure, your words. Thank you, my friend.

Love to you,

Could a greater miracle take place than for us to look through each other's eyes for an instant?......Henry David Thoreau

Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
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Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA
5 posted 2000-08-20 07:55 PM

Very well said by the cinder-ella of Passions! ( can I be your cinder-fella? )
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
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Listening to every heart
6 posted 2000-08-20 08:06 PM

Oh Yes, it's our little Margie...leading us on...
Member Seraphic
since 1999-08-22
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7 posted 2000-08-20 08:12 PM

Yes it is, Marge, I agree! Lovely poem!


Marge Tindal
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since 1999-11-06
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
8 posted 2000-08-20 09:38 PM

To share just a spark of what we love
is the greatest gift a poet can give or get.

Oh, how sweet.
I merely share what has been shared with me.

My pleasure comes in knowing tht I got to
read a whole lot of good poetry in my travels
with this family.
Thank you for your kind thoughts.

So true are these feelings.
Just knowing we can share the spark that glows within us ...
is so rewarding.

You send sparks a'plenty to set my heart aglow.
Love ya'

To gather the sparks of another
is a treasure of this heart.

One spark can light a poet's heart forever.
Sharing with another is pure delight.


~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

Mark Bohannan
Member Rara Avis
since 2000-06-21
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In the winds of Cherokee song
9 posted 2000-08-20 11:02 PM

Marge- when I came to Passions two months ago..I was just beginning to write.  It was just a simple wish to try and make one that was good.  I never knew the joy I would get from writing but now it is like I cant seem to learn fast enough or grow fast enough.  I am totally inspired by poets such as yourself and all the others here and I am convinced that if it were not for all of you....I would have given up....I hit search and took the first forum I came to.  It just happened to be here and I am forever grateful for that.  Dont mean to ramble but your poem hit me and I just wanted to share that with you and all here.  YOU have been a big part of that as you know.  Thank you.  Your poem was terrific as usual my sweet poetic friend.
Lone Wolf
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Lansing, MI USA
10 posted 2000-08-21 12:03 PM


What awesome writing here my friend!!  You have said it perfectly.  Poetry is the best best gift one can give or get...I agree 100%.  Loved this one.  

Lone Wolf

Poetry should surprise by fine should strike the reader as a wording of his own highest thoughts and appear almost a remembrance. -J.Keats

Member Rara Avis
since 2000-07-25
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Somewhere... out there...
11 posted 2000-08-21 02:11 AM

  Just had to come check this out since
  you mentioned it in your response to
  'My Heart's Friend'.  I love it!
  Thanks for being a spark of inspiration
  to all of us.  

          your words-
          are as spun gold-
                 into my heart


  love friend,


Member Patricius
since 2000-05-14
Posts 11858
New Brunswick Canada
12 posted 2000-08-21 02:59 AM

Oh Marge you have said it so well. It is truly a gift from the heart and a burning desire to express that gift never dies. I could feel the warmth of this piece as I read and I understood one more time how we are so connected by this wonderful medium. This is a wonderful tribute to the nature of the poet Marge and who better to express it than you.
Keep up the fine work dear poet lady!!

Sudhir Iyer
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since 2000-04-26
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Mumbai, India : now in Belgium
13 posted 2000-08-21 03:35 AM

Oh, to be at the same place as such a poet is pure delight...

To read your work is a pleasure forever...

Regards, Marge,


psst... please check out announcements...

since 2000-06-07
Posts 84
14 posted 2000-08-21 04:13 AM

Beautiful....Loved this part ecspecially...great writing here...

Needing no other recognition
than knowing one heart shares our cause
Reflecting for a moment
Giving just one heart poetic pause

Marge Tindal
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since 1999-11-06
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
15 posted 2000-08-21 07:27 AM

You certainly validate my thoughts.
Just look at how we all grow from the touch of others.
Thank you, my friend.

Giving of ourselves, sharing thoughts and feelings that matter ...
to someone, somewhere ...
that's what matters !

Oh, your poem in Corner Pub certainly says
what I was attempting to get across.
Thank you.

Connected we are !
Isn't that a great feeling ?  Yep !

To be anywhere with a poet is to be in 'heaven' !
I thank you for everything, my friend.

Thank you for the reply.
To touch another is a poet's dream.


~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

Member Rara Avis
since 2000-07-29
Posts 9082
Victoria Australia
16 posted 2000-08-21 07:36 AM

It only takes a spark
to fire up passion's heart
for you it's just a walk in the park
for us a work of art
Congratulations on your 9000. Wow.
Be well

"It is the image in the mind that links us to lost treasures;
but it is the loss that shapes the image,
gathers the flowers weaves the garland."-

Marge Tindal
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since 1999-11-06
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
17 posted 2000-08-21 10:21 PM

Thank you so much for your lovely rhyme !
This lady is smiling.  

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

Member Rara Avis
since 2000-04-30
Posts 7563
Spring, Texas
18 posted 2000-08-21 10:25 PM

Gee marge, I've been saying this all along...just like everyone else...but be dog potty if any of us ever said it like you!  Enjoyed this much!


passing shadows
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19 posted 2000-08-21 10:26 PM

marge, true, how true...

I have so enjoyed being here these two days that my love has been away...I finally had the time to read and write without interuption and it's GREAT!

Marge Tindal
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since 1999-11-06
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
20 posted 2000-08-21 10:52 PM

I'm actually (for real) laughing out loud
@ 'dog potty' ....  
Thank you.

Well, it's a pleasure to have you here to share.

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

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By the sea
21 posted 2000-08-21 11:31 PM

Hi Marge,

Very well said.  I've many reasons I write and I think you just cover several of them with great syle, my friend.


Marge Tindal
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since 1999-11-06
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
22 posted 2000-08-22 12:46 PM

Thank you ... keep writing ...
you're pretty darned good at it !  

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

Senior Member
since 1999-09-23
Posts 727
23 posted 2000-08-22 12:51 PM

Quite the words
you've penned for us
on a day as fine as this
like the birds
you fly for us
and send us through your bliss!

Great Job, once again  

Strive for higher levels, if they seem out of reach... Grow, and they will get closer.

since 2000-07-27
Posts 374

24 posted 2000-08-22 12:59 PM

Words any writer would find extremely encouraging!!!



Marge Tindal
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Member Empyrean
since 1999-11-06
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
25 posted 2000-08-22 10:43 PM

Thanks for the 'great job' on your quip !

Ahhhhh !  
My intent - EXACTLY !
Thank you.

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

Senior Member
since 2000-04-05
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North Carolina
26 posted 2000-08-23 12:08 PM

Poety is does show so many facets of our lifes. Sadness, happiness, ups and downs but this one thing I know I wouldn't change a thing about it. Wonderful poem!
Member Elite
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Between a laugh and a tear...
27 posted 2000-08-23 03:40 AM

It all starts with just one spark!  

"The heart and soul have no illusion of boundries when friendship is the quest"
~ My Angel.

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