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Member Ascendant
since 1999-12-26
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Ontario, CANADA

0 posted 2006-05-27 08:13 PM

Poet, Touch The Keys
Across the phantasms you take me
over the bridge of breathtaking
and into the sea of your salve
and I bathe there tenderly, knowing...

My black and white
sits separate and alone
until you
touch the keys
like dipping fingers into milk
swirling the zephyr white -
the slow glide
making breeze
as you lift your gifted hand
and whisper -
"Come, be the wind."

You touch me
like an old lover
a beckon of rediscover
polishing the dusty keys
my piano plush poignancy.
Your fingertips are my power -
the spill of quill across skin eyes
and my strings play your passion
as we become understanding.

I lay naked before you
though fully clothed in ink -
the tears, the laughter, the love
vulnerable in verse
from within your soul speak.
I race the rhythm of your rue
and freefall in your reflection
you make see beauty
as if I have been blind for too long;
It is the voice of your heart
and I savour the sup of it's song
the vibrato of vibrancy
my listening knows your value.

Yes my friend, take a bow
and smile for your applause...
painter, magician, artist, poet
you are the inspiration,
you are life itself.

Melissa Long-Monette

Dedicated to all poets here
I've wanted to write this for many years now -
Finally it is finished
Thank you for your support, friendship and for
sharing your talent!

[This message has been edited by Honeybee (05-27-2006 09:43 PM).]

© Copyright 2006 Melissa P. Long-Monette - All Rights Reserved
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Member Empyrean
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1 posted 2006-05-27 08:38 PM

this is
keeper keeper keeper

Member Empyrean
since 1999-09-21
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2 posted 2006-05-27 08:44 PM


This is amazing, you know?  So very heartfelt and the writing astounds me with its own special beauty...thank you for writing this!

S Arthur Grey
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since 2001-03-19
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woven by a poet's loom
3 posted 2006-05-27 09:07 PM

Enjoyed this!
Amazing how it works, isn't it?
And thank you for saying so.

Member Elite
since 2003-05-30
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4 posted 2006-05-27 09:23 PM

A fine tribute to the poets here..but also showing how much credit you too are among us you are part of us..thank you for this Melissa..


Member Ascendant
since 1999-12-26
Posts 5372
Ontario, CANADA
5 posted 2006-05-27 09:59 PM

Thank you so much everyone, as always your kindness and encouragement means the world to me

And yes, I do find a lot of wisdom and pieces of myself in your poetry.....I remember joining PIP when I was about 19/20 years old, no biggie, but luckily now that I'm 26, I think that I've grown leaps and bounds in my expression and style - also due in part to the inspiration I've gained by reading your words.

GAWD I love this place!


Intellectually I know that Canada is no better than any other country. Emotionally I KNOW that Canada is the best country in the world!

[This message has been edited by Honeybee (05-28-2006 12:39 AM).]

Gentle Spirit
Member Patricius
since 2000-10-09
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6 posted 2006-05-28 07:48 AM

Melissa I don't think anyone can join this place and NOT fall in love with it, and also not be able to grow.  
I smile when I see the new poets come
and watch their words take wing.
You are a gift to us all Melissa, as are your words.

thank you for this.  I'm keeping it.  

Member Empyrean
since 2001-08-14
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Canada eh.
7 posted 2006-05-28 08:55 AM

Melissa~A Beautiful outpouring of feelings.
This is wonderful poetry!!
A keeper for my library indeed.
And you m'dear continue to inspire us!

~ Trace my body with your words,
  in doing so, you touch my heart ~

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
8 posted 2006-05-28 09:16 AM

This beauty from you warms all our hearts~

Grown by leaps and word-bounds you have~

Always a pleasure to see you splashing the ink here~

Have a beautiful day~

~*The sound of a kiss is not as strong as that of a cannon, but it's echo endures much longer*~
Email -       [email protected]     

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Member Elite
since 2002-02-07
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Beneath the northern stars
9 posted 2006-05-28 12:59 PM

Thank YOU, Melissa, for this lovely gift for everyone here! It is always nice to be remembered, and you remembered so well in this poem. Thank you again, and have a wonderful day!


I hope someday you get the chance to live like you were dying....
~Tim McGraw

Seymour Tabin
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Tamarac Fla
10 posted 2006-05-28 02:56 PM

Your open heart is a refuse for us all.
For we all are shopping in this mall.

Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
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Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA
11 posted 2006-05-28 03:19 PM

Patootie, this is you at your very best. Your descriptions and metaphors are perfect, especially the piano keys, sitting there alone mute until the touch of a talented hand can join the black and whites into creating glory. For all of the thanks you give to the poets on this site, let me return them in kind for you have enriched the lives of many of us, also, with your talent and your friendship. May the songs never end...
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Member Seraphic
since 2000-01-18
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with you
12 posted 2006-05-28 06:05 PM

"I lay naked before you
though fully clothed in ink -
the tears, the laughter, the love
vulnerable in verse"

oh I LOVE that part!!

this is really beautiful

Earth Angel
Member Empyrean
since 2002-08-27
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Realms of Light
13 posted 2006-05-28 06:38 PM

Melissa, this poetic piece of pie may have been in the oven for a long time, but it was baked to perfection!
Love Letter

I am saving it so that I can savour it from time to time!

You know what being a poet is all about ~ because you are one yourself! Bow To Each Other

Love & Poets' Light,

Pen 2

Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
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Listening to every heart
14 posted 2006-05-29 09:04 PM

...until you
touch the keys
like dipping fingers into milk
swirling the zephyr white -
the slow glide
making breeze
as you lift your gifted hand
and whisper -
"Come, be the wind.",,,


There are three, four or perhaps five poems of mine own that can be found in Passions, encompassing this passion for music...particularly, my mother's passions.  On this day, for Memorial Reasons....I would share a brief passage from one of them...

Captivating Music

the music swelled
as fingers dipped in milk
black to white’s full orchestration
met me and thee in express symphony
grand piano which seized the keys
black & white would greet we
in this spell, held
bass black I wore
swerved in music’s own chord
sway of hip met greet of eyes’ groan
click of heels’ intent, low one’s heart did moan
sweet a dream to meet in music
dark met day in sun’s light
in this spell, held

I do believe it was the mothering of milk that let me share this with you; a heart rending comment my deceased sister Dee said when she had watched her step-Mom, my mother, dip her fingers upon the keys...for she was not playing them, but stroking a fine white line of black and white, to make music that fulfilled her passion...

and left us wanting for more.

Did I tell you yet
how much I appreciate this poem?  If not, then let it be said,

it is a

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Member Rara Avis
since 2003-01-23
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Visiting Earth on a Guest Pass
15 posted 2006-05-30 11:10 PM

I am trying do this, be this....God help me, I cannot....not yet, but maybe in time again....maybe.

~~(¸¸¸¸ºº>   ~~(¸¸¸¸ºº>  ~~(¸¸ ¸¸ºº>    ~~~(¸¸ER¸¸ºº>

Liz Sinclair
since 2006-05-06
Posts 93
16 posted 2006-05-30 11:23 PM

This is truly a beautiful piece.  Your entire heart, your core is there for all to see.  I am dutifully impressed.  Thank you for sharing yourself.  Take care.  Liz...Carpe Diem
Tom Zart
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since 2006-05-18
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17 posted 2006-05-31 04:50 PM

Amazing,wounderful write I could never compose any better I know a good poem when I see one.

Tom Zart
The Westport Poet

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