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since 2006-06-23
Posts 87
Oregon USA

0 posted 2006-07-06 03:12 PM

~ Shalom ~

I cry for you,
my tired friend,
with tears so great
their falling sucks my breath away.
It hurts me not to speak to you,
but the words get strangled
in my too-tight throat.
For soon now you must die,
and with you
part of me,
followed later
by the rest

© Copyright 2006 Ned Johnson - All Rights Reserved
Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
1 posted 2006-07-06 03:15 PM

There is such aching in this touching write~


~*The sound of a kiss is not as strong as that of a cannon, but it's echo endures much longer*~
Email -       [email protected]     

Member Empyrean
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2 posted 2006-07-06 03:19 PM


I know this have written the clean tear of it so well.

since 2006-06-23
Posts 87
Oregon USA
3 posted 2006-07-06 03:29 PM

It is so good to remove the invisibility cloak. Thanks to Martie and Marge, and those who have not yet responded. As is now my custom, here is the backstory.

One cold and misty Autumn morning, years ago, I was sitting in a Denny's restaurant having breakfast. I saw an old woman shuffling down the sidewalk past Denny's. She wore a heavy coat with just a hint of the lining hanging down on one side. She was carrying a shopping band and walked so slowly I wondered if she'd make it to wherever she was going.

To my surprise she turned up the walk to the front door and came in. She sat at a stool at the counter and ordered a pot of tea. I was overcome with emotion and, as was my custom at that time, decided to express my feelings by writing a poem. It didn't take long, and she was there for some time after I had finished it.

A Battle Royal ensued within myself. I wanted so badly to share it with her, but it seemed so presumpuous of me. Nor did I want to intrude on her privacy. Neither did I want to essentially tell her that she wasn't long for this world, even if it was true, even if she knew better than I did.

In the end, she finished her tea, put her coat back on, and was last seen shuffling down the sidewalk on her way to her own destination. It still brings tears to my eyes when I think about it. Regardless of its meaning, it was indeed a true human moment we shared, and that I now share with you.

A poem's just a poet in a word.

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4 posted 2006-07-06 03:34 PM

Thank you for the back story makes it even more poignant to know that this person you did not know before she walked in, you saw so clearly within your heart's eye.  I wish you could have shown her the poem, but it seems like maybe it was a moment that was meant for you, not her.
since 2006-06-23
Posts 87
Oregon USA
5 posted 2006-07-06 03:38 PM

Come to think of it, there was another one I wrote for a particular person whom I never saw again and so could not share it with. I'll post that one, too. It's called "Near and Far."

A poem's just a poet in a word.

Marge Tindal
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since 1999-11-06
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
6 posted 2006-07-06 03:59 PM

What a wonderful share story~
It was 'almost' as I perceived it from the first reading ... and now the clarity is complete~

Can't wait to read the next one you mentioned~


~*The sound of a kiss is not as strong as that of a cannon, but it's echo endures much longer*~
Email -       [email protected]       

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since 2001-08-14
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Canada eh.
7 posted 2006-07-06 06:41 PM

Most excellent write Ned.
Your imagery is so well done I could see the old lady perfectly.

For it was not into my ear you whispered
But into my heart..
It was not my lips you kissed
But my soul.

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since 2006-02-26
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8 posted 2006-07-06 11:38 PM

Great imagery on this one. I don't know what else to say without repeating everything I always say ... you leave me without words.. Great job..

Your friend,

Desire nothing except desirelessness. Hope for nothing except to rise above all hopes.
Want nothing & you will have everything.

The Lady
Member Rara Avis
since 2005-12-26
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The Southwest
9 posted 2006-07-06 11:49 PM

Excellent work ned. Thank you for sharing the story.

Marge Tindal
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since 1999-11-06
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
10 posted 2006-07-07 08:06 AM

Just a small note to let you know that I attempted to email you through your web site and it was returned to me~

Your web site is so interesting~


~*The sound of a kiss is not as strong as that of a cannon, but it's echo endures much longer*~
Email -       [email protected]       

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since 2001-05-18
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11 posted 2006-07-07 08:32 PM

hello there, neighbor
just a note
to say
I read and felt this
more deeply than you may realize
but was caught up
in my own
shalom shalom moment

Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
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Listening to every heart
12 posted 2006-07-08 04:08 PM


Your spirit sees so much...
thank you for sharing such a
slice of life with us.

Something tells me
that your vision of her
will, if it already hasn't,
change your life for the better.

Angels come in many guises...

since 2006-06-23
Posts 87
Oregon USA
13 posted 2006-07-08 05:38 PM

Thanks to all. In the 35+ years since I wrote that, I have had many experiences that harken me back to that moment, and I always think of her at those times. Magic abounds!

A poem's just a poet in a word.

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