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Open Poetry #37
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since 2004-09-06
Posts 180
Heading to China

0 posted 2006-01-22 03:33 AM

Well this is it. My final poem on passions.
I will be back next Saturday to respond to your posts and then I am gone.
Anyway here it is. Rather apt title I think.
Good night to you all

The Finale or (Goodnight Sweet Poets)

The mysterious burst of enigmatic phrases has come to its end
This once immaculate inspiration has come to its conclusion
On the futility channel is where this detached penmen can be found
Labelled with a name that was not my own, now I bare the truth
My soul is unadorned in the detached face of the populace
Breathing in the years similar to a firefighter inhaling the ashes of distress
Paling are my words in the burst of illumination that is imminent
Throwing me into disarray, is this vapid radiance that simply desires to consume
I have garnered a personal escort to where the blistered ones remain
This route shall not harbour my tomb for my pure expressions shall survive
Once I was comfortably numb but a sudden impact left me altered and scarred
My words were once that of selfish reprisal in addition to my hate toward existence
I was not capable of seeing the devil that hid behind my face
The ears that rest upon my cranium were unable to hear the tears of the weak
The only aspiration I had was for my own contentment
Along my brain wave you could not locate the likeness of a famished infant
Though I began to realize if I wished to be happy I should be helping the world
It dawned on me that the world needed to heal
I shall do this as this is what, is meant by the term charity

In time two poets emerged from the one
One barring the mark of Poe
The other barring the twenty-five
A fight did consume my soul
One wished for the good of mankind
The other dwelling on a past that can not be rewritten
In time I came to terms with their existence
I became what you can call a devil with a halo

I began to write for the good of people
My words no longer as complex
Driving home the point without having to be this mysterious entity
My words compared to that of a child with their simplicity
Though these thoughts did not tarnish the meaning
The shackles, which I put on myself, disintegrated
My words were for the masses to help them see
We poets are not the only ones in pain
All people cry the tears of the dove
My depression seemed to vanish in a heartbeat
Time became the only adversary to healing the world
My every waking moment spent on the people of this world
Though in this pursuit I lost my family members
As well the love of my life
Though the smile on my face could not be removed
My heart was full of happiness from my deeds
Though I began to realize I was helping out of selfishness instead of purity
I believed healing the world would heal me
When this is not what is meant by the term charity

But those times no longer exist
For tonight the battle between the two has come to an end
In the finale they have both lost
For one could not exist with out the other
Their deaths have come to term
And the only one left to live is I
Tonight I have come to say goodbye
And goodnight sweet poets

Tomorrow comes for those who fear it.
Today never ends for those who live it.

© Copyright 2006 Poe Wilson - All Rights Reserved
since 2000-08-07
Posts 381
Melbourne, Australia
1 posted 2006-01-22 03:39 AM

I feel sadness as I read your words, I hope you find solace in what ever it is that you need to do.

Hugs, Fee

are the most important aspects, they create impressions

0'.".'0  Just
((T))    Thinking
(..)(..) Of you

Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
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Listening to every heart
2 posted 2006-01-22 09:26 AM

You've a long journey before you;
I feel that you will meet with some great,
and small, successes, in all you do.
Remember that all are important,
and there are no failures
when one makes the attempt.

Write on.

Member Empyrean
since 2001-08-14
Posts 35113
Canada eh.
3 posted 2006-01-22 09:45 AM

Be happy...stay safe poe.
I hold a special place in my heart for you poe.
Remember to return whenever you can.
I'll personally leave the porch light on for you.
God speed,
Hugs, Nancy

In the midst of winter,
I found there lives within me..
An invincible summer.

Member Elite
since 2001-12-10
Posts 3923
my own state
4 posted 2006-01-22 10:53 AM

Good luck with your reslove to do what you must..China is as a good place as any distinctively different place to learn a new culture and to learn as one teaches.

Seymour Tabin
Member Empyrean
since 1999-07-07
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Tamarac Fla
5 posted 2006-01-22 11:05 AM

You have succumbed to the mist of transition, enjoyed the read.

Marge Tindal
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since 1999-11-06
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
6 posted 2006-01-22 11:30 AM

Move on in grace and comfort, knowing that your light will shine on faces new~

May you find your way back to the pages of PiP, where friendship will always be waiting~


~*The sound of a kiss is not as strong as that of a cannon, but it's echo endures much longer*~
Email - [email protected]

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since 2001-05-18
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7 posted 2006-01-22 01:57 PM

Well, poe, here we are, at another point in Life's timeline. I hope the vicissitudes of life do not overwhelm you as you journey down your chosen pathway. Be safe and well, my friend. I shall miss you very much.
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Member Laureate
since 2002-09-29
Posts 19237
Florida, USA
8 posted 2006-01-22 02:07 PM

Poe, I've been reading as you have told of the journey you have been taking. You have only just begun on your "real" journey of self. And, it sounds to me as if you have come to terms with "You".

It seems you have made more friends here as you have told of your findings in your search for the real of you. I wish you the very best in all your endeavors, wherever you decide to "be".

Just remember that friends need each other and your friends here at PIP will always be waiting for your return. I think we all will be here waiting to welcome you back with open arms and an open heart.

Farewell, my friend.
Ethel aka garysgirl

The Lady
Member Rara Avis
since 2005-12-26
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The Southwest
9 posted 2006-01-22 02:14 PM

May you be given the gift of a peaceful heart and a quiet mind. Goodbye Poe.

Member Empyrean
since 1999-09-21
Posts 28049
10 posted 2006-01-22 06:14 PM

Wishing you all the best, Poe!  
Member Empyrean
since 1999-11-16
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Kapolei, Hawaii, USA
11 posted 2006-01-22 09:31 PM

Nice writing...James
Member Elite
since 2003-12-29
Posts 3429
In your dreams
12 posted 2006-01-22 11:22 PM

I wil miss your writtings

Juju - 1.) a magic charm or fetish 2.)Magic 3.)A taboo connected woth the use of magic

The dictionary never lies.... I am magical (;

Member Patricius
since 2003-12-05
Posts 13434
13 posted 2006-01-23 12:49 PM

Best of luck to you, Poe!  Well done.
Gentle Spirit
Member Patricius
since 2000-10-09
Posts 13989

14 posted 2006-01-23 07:01 PM

Best of luck to you Poe, know that you and your words will be missed here.
May blessings be shined upon you!

seek the flame within yourself
and let your soul be cleansed by
the fire of love.  Axel Ekenstierna

Bridget Shenachie
Senior Member
since 2002-01-23
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Kansas USA
15 posted 2006-01-24 03:55 AM

Love and Peace.  Remember us when you return.  You have many special gifts and your writing will be missed here.


Member Rara Avis
since 2003-03-02
Posts 9655
New York
16 posted 2006-01-24 08:25 AM


You will be sorely missed, but this is a blessing:

Once I was comfortably numb but a sudden impact left me altered and scarred

Run with it, make waves . . .

since 2004-09-06
Posts 180
Heading to China
17 posted 2006-01-29 04:25 AM

Good bye all. I now leave these pages. My return shall be when I return not a moment before.
The only guidance I can leave you with is these principles I lived by.
Life is complicated, but it is only what you make it.
No guts no Glory.
Keep your head up high.
After the darkest night, always comes a brighter day.
Never surrender, it's all about the faith you've got.
Don't ever stop; just push it till you hit the top.
And if you drop, at least you know you gave your all.
Be true to you, and that way you can never fall.
Success is your only option, failure is not.
You can do anything you set your mind to.
Thank you, Fee. The end of something shall always bring sadness, it is the joy on the other side of that dark day we must look for.
Thank you, Sunshine. It is true no one can ever truly ever fail aslong as they give their all.
Thank you, Enchantress. I shall do my best on the staying safe and being happy part.
I shall return when I feel I have done my share of work in this world.
Thank you, ecrivan. We learn every day we live. Even if it is simply what today feels like.
Thank you, Seymour Tabin. If one does not make transition one will forever be in the dark.
Thank you, Marge Tindal. I do not know if will be many faces, but I do hope it is at least a hand full.
Thank you, Midnitesun. I shall miss you as well. Your words always inspired me and helped me. Always remember to keep your head up high.
Thank you, garysgirl. Wise men have always said that you can not love another until you love yourself. Sometimes you have to step away to get a better look at who you truly are. Where I will be is a mystery to me, because home to me is earth what part I will never know.
Thank you, The Lady. Someday I hope those things do transpire.
Thank you, Martie.
Thank you, JamesMichael.
Thank you, Juju. My writings are your writings they are just another human who is not afraid to express what is inside. Aslong as you never give up on yourself. People like myself shall continue to write.
Thank you, iliana.
Thank you, Gentle Spirit. I shall miss those who I leave behind and their words just as much.
Thank you, Bridget Shenachie. Peace and love to you as well.
Thank you, littlewing. My blessing and my curse as it were. You would have to have to be me to understand that one.

The Devil With A Halo shall return

Tomorrow comes for those who fear it.
Today never ends for those who live it.

Member Laureate
since 2000-10-29
Posts 19200
Between the Lines
18 posted 2006-01-29 06:39 PM

Though I began to realize if I wished to be happy I should be helping the world
It dawned on me that the world needed to heal
I shall do this as this is what, is meant by the term charity

Good luck Poe, and I wish you a safe trip to and from~~


Deputy Moderator 1 Tour
Member Empyrean
since 2001-05-18
Posts 28647
19 posted 2006-01-29 08:18 PM

"The shackles, which I put on myself, disintegrated"
Journey in peace, dearest poe; and with hearts such as yours leading the way forward on this ship called earth, good will prevail.
And I know you shall never forget the hearts you've met here on these pages, as we shall never ever forget yours. Love, Kacy

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