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Marge Tindal
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since 1999-11-06
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Florida's Foreverly Shores

0 posted 2005-07-02 10:28 PM

Just Let Me Cry Them
~*Marge Tindal*~

Little did I know, some 25 years ago, this night
when I laid my head down to sleep
the morning would break with tears to weep~

So in remembering my little brother, Mike,
I take liberty in telling you just what it was like~


~If you don’t want to cry … don’t read any further~


Mike, fourth child born in this family of five
Red haired little darling … so alive
Tiny little tyke … always such glee
His laughter, his smile … his personality~

Bright bluish eyes that twinkled so,
a spattering of freckles that we came to know
Sandy red hair and a grin from within
Mike, my brother … Mike, my friend~

From tot to teen in what seemed a flash
off to serve in the Army he did dash
Came home safely … married and then
only born son came to join them~

Little Mikey, look-a-likey
filled his father’s heart with pride
but on this fateful night
Dad had a job to take a ride~

"I’ll be home on the 3rd … and then we
will all go see the fireworks,
your mom, Aunt Margie, you and me."

Took his 18 wheeler to Georgia
Then a run through Alabama
Interstate 10 in the dead of the night
Mike met with disaster … that just wasn’t right~

A tractor-trailer driver
too drunk for the road
Stopped his rig on the right of way
footing it to a motel to sleep off his load~

No flares to mark the disabled vehicle there
Mike rounded the curve … unaware
Struck the abandoned rig full on
Flipped, crashed, burned
Mike … gone~

A family broken … for the loss we all felt
Mike was no longer here for us to love
He’d gone on to join his Maker
in the Heaven’s above~

Little consolation over the years
of missing Mike … of shedding our tears
Mikey look-a-likey … no father here
25 years … 25 years of tears~

For this sister I know that personally
it took me 16 years, and that’s not stretching it,
to be able to read the autopsy report without retching~

Somehow it’s hard for me to envision Mike
with his feet cut off, partially decapitated,
burned beyond recognition
with only his wedding ring surviving the crash~

I’m hurt … my heart still aches
I have an anger that surfaces every anniversary date
So while I take the time to remember Mike
I also MAKE the time to constantly speak out
at the over use and abuse of alcohol~

My brother died because some jerk
cared more for his bottle of Jack
than he did for his responsibilities
as a valid licensed driver
and lives to this day~

How many Mikes will it take ?
How many tears … how many years ?
It’s been too many …
Mike, I miss you
we all miss you~

And so …

Keep Of Time

~*Marge Tindal*~

A quarter past a heartache
half-an-hour beyond the rhyme
Clouds-in-cast of shadow
upon the sun dial of time~

Hour-glassed sands have drifted
to the bottom of my soul
Calendar pages flipping backwards
to the days of old~

Wristing watch in rested tick
no longer sweeps in seconds measured
Faced with keep of recorded time
in diary pages treasured~

Alarm-of-remember shatters
the keep of broken dreams
The silence of your heart
no longer touching mine
screams ..........~
and screams ...~
and screams..~

~Oh Mike ....
another July in cry~
David Michael Cowart
June 20, 1946 - July 3, 1980
So missed are you, my little brother~

~*When the heart grieves over what it has lost,
the spirit rejoices over what it has left.
- Sufi epigram <))><

Email [email protected]

© Copyright 2005 Marge Tindal - All Rights Reserved
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Member Patricius
since 2001-03-09
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Idaho, USA
1 posted 2005-07-02 10:39 PM

Dear Marge:  There are no words to offer for the kind of loss you suffered. I'm so sorry for you and your family.

It's a 25th anniversary for us too, as we lost our only grandson to a speeding driver on that same date! The past floods back every year for those of us who have had that kind of trauma!

Betty Lou

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2 posted 2005-07-02 10:44 PM

I'm so sorry, Marge/sis...heart hugs to you!  
Member Elite
since 1999-09-21
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Sycamore, IL, USA
3 posted 2005-07-02 10:46 PM

Oh yes, we always wonder what would it be like if only...

Time insists we march on but that doesn't mean we don't still hurt.  Thanks for sharing your feelings.

The greatest consolation is knowing they're now in heaven because they believed in our Lord's finished crosswork for all of us.

Have a safe weekend.


since 2004-04-05
Posts 451
4 posted 2005-07-02 11:21 PM

Oh my dearest Marge! How my heart aches with yours at the loss of your little brother Mikey; as I too, mourn the loss of my beloved son Michael who passed away nine years ago. The heart never forgets the pain of loss, even as the years pass by. I believe in my heart that Mikey is smiling down on you from heaven.

May you be comforted in the knowledge that you are deeply loved by so many of us who have been gifted by your God-given talent for poetry. Your words have touched me so profoundly, that I have no words to express how thankful I am to God that you are in my life, even though we have not met in person.

I love you dear friend,


'When you find a dream within your heart, don't ever let it go.
For dreams are the tiny seeds from which tomorrow grows.'

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5 posted 2005-07-02 11:28 PM

Damn, Marge....but this one made me cry.
I do so understand your pain and anger
and agree, it's far beyond time to keep the deadly effects of alcohol off the road.

Member Elite
since 1999-08-31
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Oregon, Originally From Alaska :)
6 posted 2005-07-02 11:38 PM


"Somewhere, somehow, it should be possible to touch someone and never let go again.  To hold someone, not for a moment but forever." A. Brink

since 2005-06-24
Posts 87
7 posted 2005-07-02 11:46 PM

I also am so sorry for what you must be feeling. Death is never an easy part of this life that we live. With being around it so much myself and now at any time I could be facing it again, I have to remind myself that he belongs to God and he'll be taken care of for Eternity.
God Bless You Marge on this Holiday. Such a beautiful Tribute to your precious brother.


Senior Member
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8 posted 2005-07-03 12:47 PM

theres a saying
time heals all wounds
but there are some wounds
that won't ever be healed
and will always remain fresh.
i understand your pain all to well
and i believe that
as long as he's in your heart
and in your thoughts
he's never really gone
no matter how much time passes
however cliche that sounds.
i'm so sorry for your loss.

since 2005-04-17
Posts 102
9 posted 2005-07-03 10:57 AM

“another July in cry”  and we’ll cry with you, Marge…..  prayers sent for you and your family….
Member Empyrean
since 2001-08-14
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Canada eh.
10 posted 2005-07-03 12:41 PM


Member Elite
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11 posted 2005-07-03 03:53 PM

my heart goes out to you and your family

If at first you don't succeed destroy all the evidence that you tried.

passing shadows
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12 posted 2005-07-03 05:40 PM

just hugs
Marge Tindal
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Member Empyrean
since 1999-11-06
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
13 posted 2005-07-04 11:08 AM

I greatly appreciate the kind and caring replies to my pain of loss ... pain of missing~

Those of you who have shared your losses via your replies here and to me personally in my email account ... I shed tears for you too~

Praying ... just praying that this holiday will pass without others knowing the pain of losing a loved one~

God bless you all for the kindness you've shown me~
I do find comfort in knowing that you let me know you care~

~*When the heart grieves over what it has lost,
the spirit rejoices over what it has left.
- Sufi epigram <))><

Email [email protected]

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Member Seraphic
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14 posted 2005-07-04 07:38 PM

My heart hurts so for you, my friend.
Marge Tindal
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since 1999-11-06
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
15 posted 2005-07-05 05:37 PM

Thank you ... you mean the world to me~

~*When the heart grieves over what it has lost,
the spirit rejoices over what it has left.
- Sufi epigram <))><

Email [email protected]

Member Patricius
since 2003-06-19
Posts 13296

16 posted 2005-07-06 09:31 AM

I am so sorry Margie, wish there were words and gestures that could take away the strong heartbeat of henous memories as such...the saddness of loss...but offering, and yet stating that I could never know...yet, hopefully, letting go of the lost times, the ugly thoughts, and replacing them with the fond memories of the marvelous times...those times of happiness...

the only thing I can offer, is foster father dies very father-in-law suffered so for months...right up until his very last breath...and the memories of my foster father remain in good standing, while the memories of my father-in-law, are of those last suffering days....

We need to understand that, and let them go...we must, so that both the soul and mind of all parties may heal...and move onto the plain of true wisdom and understanding for all things....

Your brother is and alway will be intact and in full bloom in your heart and soul...

God, I wish I could take this pain, and throw it to the crows....

Hugs to you, my friend...hugs to you

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Member Rara Avis
since 2000-09-09
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In Your Poetic Mind
17 posted 2005-07-06 09:50 AM

so sorry Marge....I have read and re-read this, and still it tugs...peace to you....

I keep a fragrance bottle my
muse gave me when I met him
in endless winter and he
settled me into remembering
who I am.

Paul Wilson
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18 posted 2005-07-06 11:28 AM

Marge...Your loss is beyond compare. I am with you 100% on the drinking and driving.

My oldest son owns and drives an 18 wheeler and I worry about him all the time and what it would do to his wife and 2 daughters if he were to suffer the same fate as your brother Mikey. All I can do is hope and pray that it doesn't happen...Paul

~~To share my poems with you is to share my heart with you~~

Gentle Spirit
Member Patricius
since 2000-10-09
Posts 13989

19 posted 2005-07-06 02:18 PM

I have lost to many friends to this very type of tragedy.  It seems that it never matters how many there are, they just keep taking more.
Heart hugs Margie. Luv ya.

Senior Member
since 2002-08-13
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20 posted 2005-07-06 02:44 PM

My dear friend how horrible this was & so senseless. I'm so sorry for your loss all those years ago & all the yearly reminders. I too speak up about drinking & driving.
Love you,

Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
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Listening to every heart
21 posted 2005-07-06 02:51 PM

Member Rara Avis
since 2001-12-29
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South Africa
22 posted 2005-07-06 03:21 PM

I didn't want to cry but I read and I did!  Life can be so cruel sometimes and we don't know why but I do believe there will be a time of understanding.  So very sorry to read of your loss.
Senior Member
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Tolerance for a short time
23 posted 2005-07-06 03:59 PM

It needs saying


Member Empyrean
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Kapolei, Hawaii, USA
24 posted 2005-07-06 06:41 PM

Marge these are beautiful words for your little brother Mike...hugs for you...James
since 2005-06-22
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Center Stage
25 posted 2005-07-08 01:38 AM

I'm so sorry for your loss.

The spotlight can only get brighter.

Member Elite
since 2000-08-19
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Queensland, Australia
26 posted 2005-07-08 04:57 AM

Such a sad read Marge. Something no one should have to go through. I hope the smiles when you remember him help you through the rough patches

(My Colin is a truck driver and I worry about this sort of thing every time he goes away.)


Stand straight and tall, not the reflection as others see you, but as you truely are.        Clearwater

Member Patricius
since 2003-12-05
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27 posted 2005-07-10 12:08 PM
Earth Angel
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Realms of Light
28 posted 2005-07-10 03:44 AM

Yes, I am crying. Crying for your loss ~ and for my own. My cousin was also decapitated in a car accident that was caused by a drunk driver. That was during the week from hell for me. My brother had a near-fatal heart attack and my ex was leaving for greener fields over a septic tank ~ to paraphrase Erma Bombeck. Plus my sister's son had disappeared and neither his or the bodies of his five friends have ever been found. Gosh, life sure can suck at times.

Your description of your brother Mike were so vivid that you brought him to life for your readers. I deeply feel your pain and loss. When we lose someone ~ especially so tragically, so senselessly, there is anger added to the sea of swirling emotions.

Marge, I am wrapping my arms around you and giving you one of my tissues (a fresh one!)

Loving you,

Marge Tindal
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since 1999-11-06
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
29 posted 2007-07-02 07:21 PM

How many times must we cry when remembering a loved one that has gone ?
Enough ... enough so that we KNOW they are so worth remembering~
Tears and all~

~*The sound of a kiss is not as strong as that of a cannon, but it's echo endures much longer*~
Email -   [email protected]

Artic Wind
Member Rara Avis
since 2007-09-16
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Realm of Supernatural
30 posted 2007-10-28 07:08 PM

i am sad for you


since 2008-04-23
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31 posted 2009-12-08 12:11 PM

I cant imagine that, you are a very strong woman, and your poetry is beautiful. the way you described the years that it has taken and still taking to deal with something like this. it is an inspiring  piece of art. thank you for it. i hope others are just as inspired by it as i am.  
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