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Bonnie j
Senior Member
since 2003-06-27
Posts 1588

0 posted 2005-05-27 10:36 AM


The weather was cool and crisp on that spring morn.
As by habit
my early morning walk was about to begin.
The forest was quiet with only the cry of the loon-
Birds awakening, butterflies fluttering their wings.
High in the treetops the sun casting shadows
while spreading graceful rays upon delicate sprays of green.
In the middle of all this quiet beauty is a crystal clear pond
filled with fishes and lush lilly pads.
My feet, as if they have a will of their own,
lead me to the pond to watch in silence ....
my future destiny.
Breathing in this beauty
I hear a quiet sound to my right.
I step back so I will not be seen.
There she is, this beauty who has taken my heart.
Her mother at her side, ever watchful,
protecting so no harm will come her way.
As I stand in the shadows I gaze upon her
innocence and beauty.
Big brown eyes, with long silky lashes, that hide knowledge beyond her years.
Slender hips and long lean legs
that send my heart beating
into a symphony of unbridled passion.
I step further back into the shadows for I know her mother senses I am near.
The image of my dreams lifts her delicate head-
Knowing she hears the beating of my heart
knowing she is able to breathe in the scent of my love song.
A lowering of her lashes beckoning me to come-
To come and be her only love
Her only love in this sea of green and glistening sunlight.
Waiting is bittersweet.
I am the prince of this forest, you see.
I have learned from my father
the prudence of patience.
When the clock of time has spread her wings and the leaves have turned to rust.
This beauty will be mine.
For now I will stand in the shadows and play this game

Hugs BonBon

[This message has been edited by Bonnie j (05-29-2005 11:16 AM).]

© Copyright 2005 Bonnie j - All Rights Reserved
Gentle Spirit
Member Patricius
since 2000-10-09
Posts 13989

1 posted 2005-05-27 10:50 AM

This is so beautiful bon bon, and it is sooo good to read you again!
Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
2 posted 2005-05-27 11:56 AM

The seduction of nature at her best ...~


~*When the heart grieves over what it has lost,
the spirit rejoices over what it has left.
- Sufi epigram <))><

Email [email protected]

Member Empyrean
since 2001-08-14
Posts 35113
Canada eh.
3 posted 2005-05-27 12:03 PM

How very very beautiful!!!!!
Much enjoyed reading you again.

~Somewhere in my heart I'm always
dancing with you in the summer rain~

Bonnie j
Senior Member
since 2003-06-27
Posts 1588
4 posted 2005-05-27 12:45 PM

Thank you for reading.
When I wrote this this morning I was thinking about deer.On my way to work along side the road was a baby fawn. It was an Awwwww moment in time. The title Seduction kept playing around in my mind. Then I started to think about Bambi and The Lion King. The babies of the forest.
And this is how this poem came about.
Hugs BonBon

Member Empyrean
since 1999-11-16
Posts 33336
Kapolei, Hawaii, USA
5 posted 2005-05-29 12:53 PM

Member Patricius
since 2003-12-05
Posts 13434
6 posted 2005-05-29 02:34 AM

Leaves so much to the imagination, BonBon!  I envisioned a little filly by her mother, and a young boy watching....just dieing to make friends and make her his own magic pegasus!  Much enjoyed.
passing shadows
Member Empyrean
since 1999-08-26
Posts 45577
7 posted 2005-05-29 05:47 PM

Bonnie, it's good to read you again
a lovely write

Jaime Fradera
Senior Member
since 2000-11-25
Posts 843
Where no tyranny is tolerable
8 posted 2005-05-29 08:25 PM

Right back at ya, Bokneeeeeeeeee!
Jaime Fradera
Senior Member
since 2000-11-25
Posts 843
Where no tyranny is tolerable
9 posted 2005-05-29 08:45 PM

I love bonnie BonBon.
imagine, if you will,
A dark forest,
a symphony of crickets,
the distant hoot of owl,
a still and moonless night ...)

If you are viewing this by the light of Darkness,
that illuminates the night,
it is better;
for there are things
that only Darkness can reveal.
And if we arrogantly say
that only Dark obscures things,
then, why not Light?
And should we foolishly contend
that only Day reveals things,
then, why not Night? ...
And every one knows what the night is for ...

How to handle a man?
How to woo him, win him, love him??...

First, it might be best
he does not know what you are doing,
what you are thinking, and planning ...
for he has learned enough
and lived enough to know
that talk is cheap,
that almost anyone
can buy the gifts
and learn to say the words.
And you must love him to begin.
Don't wait to say you care
until the end,
else he simply won't believe you.
phone him first;
More than once or twice,
but not too many times,
just enough to tell him
you are different,
just enough to show him
that you care.

And when you ask him what he likes, do it directly;
and should he be uncertain,
Take his hand,
handle him with kind and gentle patience
and he will reward you
by telling you the truth,
and he will come
to love you all the more;
and you will have his confidence
for LIFE!
When you know that he is out,
travel as he does,
on foot.
show up at his favorite haunt,
where he least expects to see you.
And bring your friends to meet him too,
and let him hear you say
how you adore him.
And when you are at table,
wait on him.
notice what he likes;
keep his plate and glasses full.
Indulge him,
so no one else need know,
just he,
and you.
Tell him how you love to watch
his face in fascination--
the changing panorama of his moods
that flicker there,
the roiling, beating passions of his heart
that mirror there.
Tell him how you love to hear
the rhythm of his voice,
the cadence of his words,
Killing you softly
with his song,
the way he makes you cry,
the way he makes you think, and smile, and laugh,
the way he lets you see
all the color, light and music
filling and resounding
in his soul.
And do not rearrange your world for him
don't try to reorder his own;
for he has had enough
of people doing that.
Do not bend over backwards just to please him,
for he will know that you are doing it,
see that you are faking it.
It is better to be direct, FORWARD and true.
It is better to be genuine and real.
not to get too close too soon;
he may be wary.
Don't be discouraged if he says
he doesn't want to get involved,
because you know he really does,
because your friendship is for LIFE!
You know more
of what is in his heart
than he, at first,
may think you do.
So write him,
for he already knows
that you are there,
at your monitor,
in your chair ...

Well ... ...
Isn't this more fun
than doing housework?

The Carpenters,
We've Only Just Begun ...)


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