Mistletoe Angel
Member Empyrean
since 2000-12-17
Posts 32816
Portland, Oregon
09:11 PM
Gotu Kola Sweeps The Cortisol Cabaret (Part of "Emmanuel Endorphin's Serotonin Sundae") By: Noah Eaton 4/19/05
(Look at all their blemished faces, all fair maidens in a row with minds astray, lining up the lounge, at the Cortisol Cabaret, wimples and hennins concealing, white walls and pompadours, flies on neckties of every tag line, slouch hat brims shattering like lost friends out the door, and your only acquaintance is Pepper's Ghost, who himself makes a ruckus, about fairweather benders, and if we can trust AlgoRex, ooohhhhhhh... . . ...no no, this ain't diurnal variation, no sir, let the record verify, the blood pressure seismograph's off the charts, this ain't the true protein of life... . . and boy, . . ...that’s where I come in!) . . . Whooooooo! . . . I’m Gotu Kola, the Vitamin D chalet, I’m half Martin Denny, all tiki-tiki maharishi, I can ride the perfect wave faster than you can say Montego Bay, I’m a Samoan fire dancing douroucouli, I can comb the beach faster than Ray Buhen makes the rounds, A yellow ginger lei for your hair, now you’re shakin’, I’m the Ayurveda prima donna, I’ll work your crown chakra, Circulate that blood, you’ll be healin’ with all that dancin’
Sweat away the stress, cast your shadows on the sand, Emmanuel’s in the house, Mindy Melisma’s strikin’ up the band, As you dance away, keep your eye on the hands, With the trade winds blowing at your sugar grass shack, Let your body sway, lil’ Waikiki Mermaid, Tonight Gotu Kola’s sweepin’ the Cortisol Cabaret! . . . I ain't to be mistakin' for the kola nut, I'm caffeine free, it can put you in quite a rut, tut tutting ancient dance in my tropical hut, my feathered compatriots keep Bird Singing 101 runnin'
I’m personified, bona fide food of the brain, I run the whole keratinization plantation, I transcend dreams under the kamani tree, I come bearing a harmony far more ancient than generation, “We are the stars which sing, we sing with our light, we are the birds of fire, we fly over the sky.” Look at me laugh, I’ve got sunshine glaring in the lounge, We’re gonna shake up this cabaret, re-define real life…
Sweat away the stress, cast your shadows on the sand, Emmanuel’s in the house, Mindy Melisma’s strikin’ up the band, As you dance away, keep your eye on the hands, With the trade winds blowing at your sugar grass shack, Let your body sway, lil’ Waikiki Mermaid, Tonight Gotu Kola’s sweepin’ the Cortisol Cabaret! . . . . . "Mahalo nui loa, He kehau ho`oma`ema`e ke aloha, Mohala i ka wai ka maka o ka pua, Me he lau no ke Ko`olau ke aloha, Ua ola loko i ke aloha, . . . He ‘olina leo ka ke aloha!" . . . . . No more worries now, Your kidneys are beating like steel drums, No more anxiety now, You look great in the tuxedo of the sun, No more insomnia now, I’m the nervous system whisperer, No more scars now, I’m the collagen faith healer, No more swelling now, I make amends with every infection, With nature I find every connection, Welcome, my friend, to the heartsong resurrection…
Sweat away the stress, cast your shadows on the sand, Emmanuel’s in the house, Mindy Melisma’s strikin’ up the band, As you dance away, keep your eye on the hands, With the trade winds blowing at your sugar grass shack, Let your body sway, lil’ Waikiki Mermaid, Tonight Gotu Kola’s sweepin’ the Cortisol Cabaret! . . . Auwe! . . . Aloha au ia 'oe! . . . Kipa hou mai, keiki! . . . Aloha!
Translated Hawaiian verses:
"Thank you very much, love is like a cleansing dew, unfolded by the water are the faces of the flowers, love is like the fingertips of the Ko`olau breeze, love gives life within... . . . ...joy is in the voice of love!"
"Oh my, I love you! Come and visit again, child, goodbye!"
"If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other"
Mother Teresa [This message has been edited by Mistletoe Angel (04-21-2005 03:37 PM).]
passing shadows
Member Empyrean
since 1999-08-26
Posts 45577
09:14 PM
Hi Noah. Good to see you again.
Another good write!
Earth Angel
Member Empyrean
since 2002-08-27
Posts 40215
Realms of Light
03:42 PM
Noah, you write with so much energy and creativity! ~ and I need to have a lexicon in hand as I read your poems! lol
Gosh, you're just full of love and joy and whimsy! This was a totally delightful read and a keeper!
~ and I always wanted to learn to speak Hawaiin! 
Loves 'n hugs 'n smiley faces, Linda
Mistletoe Angel
Member Empyrean
since 2000-12-17
Posts 32816
Portland, Oregon
03:59 PM

(giggles) Awwwwwww, thank you both for your most wonderful, friendly responses, yay!

This poem indeed is weird, but I guess I find that often when we are adventurous and dreaming, we get our endorphin factories running, and I love to dare to dream.
The Gotu Kola character came together accidentally actually! LOL! I've known about gotu kola for a long time, and how it does so much good for everyone, from curing tumors to treating cancer to relaxing the nervous system to repairing collagen tissue, but when I made a trip to my organic supermarket, I saw gotu kola as I was putting this whole poetry set and I thought, "Hey, that's a catchy name, that's great, I should use that!".
Also I really love to listen every Monday at midnight to this KBOO music program called the "Tiki Cha Cha Club" where they play all that paradise music. So I basically just put one and one together, and then being the music enthusiast that I am, also incorporated a ukulele, bongo, other native instrument melody with reggae splashes and even R&B elements in my head, and it all just came together at random! LOL!
Then lyrically I just kind of thought about everything, from trips to the zoo (that's where the douroucouli rhyme came from, as I love looking at the monkeys) to tiki bars, Polynesian folklore, proverbs, and silly random party antics. And voila, this silly, smile-grazing number!
And then I just decided to add that gray-scale intrduction because I love the effect a smile has in suddenly coloring your world, like automatically everything seems to contrast. The Cortisol Cabaret I just kind of made up because cortisol, after all, is the stress hormone in which too much cortisol can cause Cushings Syndrome which can lead to weight gain and health problems, and I decided to at first paint that little portrait of the Cortisol Cabaret and then in the rest ignite that happy metamorphosis, yay! (does happy dance)

I'm glad you all loved this, yay!
Love, Noah Eaton
"If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other"
Mother Teresa
Senior Member
since 2003-05-30
Posts 574
05:38 PM
Absolutely hypnotic, O Sweet Angel of Mine!! You give me reasons that are paramount to rush home so I may read what you have written. LOVED IT ALL OVER!! Mahalo (I hope I spelled that right...when it comes to languages I'm a master of Spanish...my Hawaiian is limited!)!
Yv-Goddess of Her Domain. Symbol of Truth Passion Pain. Let Her Smile Rain on the Hearts of the Innocent.
Member Empyrean
since 1999-11-16
Posts 33336
Kapolei, Hawaii, USA
05:46 PM
Enjoyed reading this Noah...James
Earth Angel
Member Empyrean
since 2002-08-27
Posts 40215
Realms of Light
03:07 AM
Noah, I just read your explanation as to how this kaleidoscopic cornucopia came about! See!?! ~ You truly are brilliant!
I love how all your talents come together in posts like this! You truly are bananas! ~ and I love bananas! 
Huggums, Linda