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Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
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Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA

0 posted 2005-02-17 04:59 PM

( a sad farewell to the National Hockey League for 2005 - the the tune of "Hit The Road, Jack" )


Hit the road, Jacques
And don't you come back
No more no more no more no more
Hit the road, Jacques
And don't you come back no more.

What you say???

Hit the road, Jacques
The talks are all done
No score no score no score no score
Hit the road, Jacques
You ain't gonna play no more.

Well, owner, listen, owner
Don't you treat me this way.
If you wanna see me then you gotta pay.
Don't care if I do 'cause it'sunderstood
Your head and your stick are both solid wood.

Well, I guess if you say so
I'll have to pack my bags and go...

That's right!

Hit the road, Jacques
And stop all the whining
"I'm poor I'm poor I'm poor I'm poor"
Hit the road, Jacques
The millions ain't coming no more.

Well, owner - listen, owner
Now listen up here.
How can I live on three million a year?
Don't worry 'bout that, son,
'Cause this year you're not.
Instead of three million you ain't gettin' squat.

Well, I guess if you say so....
It really is a crying shame know?

© Copyright 2005 Michael Mack - All Rights Reserved
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Member Seraphic
since 1999-07-29
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1 posted 2005-02-17 05:02 PM

LOL... this is classic, Deer... But you do know what I'll be singing the rest of the day??? And that I shouldn't be singing at ALL??? LOL But that's okay... attorneys are used to tormenting others... this afternoon, I'll turn the tables on them. *S*

Oh... and your graphics... perfect complement! *S*

Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
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Listening to every heart
2 posted 2005-02-17 05:07 PM

Well, you certainly took your sweet
time with posting another hit!

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Member Laureate
since 2001-10-10
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South Carolina, USA
3 posted 2005-02-17 06:40 PM

Thanx Deer for the humor and should I break
out my crying towel for all of them....
those millionaires?

Member Rara Avis
since 1999-08-02
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Purgatorial Incarceration
4 posted 2005-02-17 07:48 PM

first time since 1919... I think, could be 1927 - which was cancelled for a massive flu epidemic.

funny, Mike - and another song stuck in my head - really love yourself.

Member Ascendant
since 1999-10-28
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state of confusion
5 posted 2005-02-17 08:19 PM

Good to see your words again, Deer!

Sad state of affairs, isn't it?


Member Rara Avis
since 2002-11-18
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the ass-end of space
6 posted 2005-02-17 08:57 PM

1919 Chris, my canadiens might have had another cup if it weren't for that one.

nice tune deer, i knew it was coming but it still stung

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Member Laureate
since 2001-03-07
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British Columbia, Canada
7 posted 2005-02-17 09:50 PM

Well I am sure ticked!  Our teachers get paid peanuts, so someone tell me the value in paying these guys what they are asking for?  What happened to sport for the sake of sport anyway.  Oh right, this is violent sport right?  Makes me so mad, EH!
Member Ascendant
since 2004-03-27
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walking the surreal
8 posted 2005-02-17 09:58 PM

*giggle* love the play and fun in this - with a point to boot!


If I wander far enough, long enough, will I finally know . . .

Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
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Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA
9 posted 2005-02-17 10:57 PM

Thanks to you all for responding. Yes, it is a sad state of affairs for this to happen. Certainly there must be fault on both sides but I think the players may have miscalculated their bargaining power. Now they claim it wasn't about money. According to players association executive director Bob Goodenow..

"Keep one thing perfectly clear," Goodenow said. "The players never asked for more money, they just asked for a marketplace to exist where they could negotiate with their clubs' owners for what their value was to their teams"

Call me unimaginative but that sure sounds like money to me. So who loses? The players' AVERAGE salary last year was $1.83 million. They will get by. SOme players, like Jagr, Lecavalier, Selanne, Thornton and others have gone to play in Europe, well-compensated, I'm sure. Many of the owners will actually make more money by NOT having a hockey season, based on other bookings and activities at the hockey arenas, which is the case here in Florida with the Panthers. Who loses? The thousands of people who relied on hockey to make a small living....the attendants, ticket-takers, parking lot attendants, souvenir stands, hot dog vendors, program hawkers....any of which would have loved even a small percentage of 1.83 million. Who loses? The fans who have supported their teams over the who have raised their favorite players to hero status now to discover that money is more important than the love of playing the game. Those are the losers.

I felt the same about the baseball strikes.

It's such a shame....

Member Patricius
since 2003-12-05
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10 posted 2005-02-17 11:04 PM

I'm not a hockey fan, but all the same, this sure was a hoot!  LOL
Member Empyrean
since 1999-11-16
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Kapolei, Hawaii, USA
11 posted 2005-02-17 11:05 PM

Enjoyed...wonder if basketball will be next...James
Member Rara Avis
since 2002-11-18
Posts 7350
the ass-end of space
12 posted 2005-02-17 11:15 PM

basketball and even football may be next, if i'm not mistaken their deal ends in the next year or so. completely sided with the owners on this one, players don't realise how good they have it? they kept calling themselves 'the product', sorry guys but hockey is the product and you? well in the end it's business and you're hired workers.
Member Rara Avis
since 2001-09-23
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On A Journey To The Unknown
13 posted 2005-02-18 01:36 AM

Awwww Deer, I really like this. I am so glad to see you.
serenity blaze
Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
Posts 27738

14 posted 2005-02-18 03:15 AM

The only thing cuter than this poem is the picture I have in my mind of you jammin' as you wrote it!

Yer somethin' else 'Deer.


And although I can't say I am a fan of hockey, I, too, think it's a pity. I mean, when I think of all that "wood" gone to waste...

Member Laureate
since 2000-10-29
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Between the Lines
15 posted 2005-02-18 06:01 AM

This was great, I sang it the whole way through  ....


Kit McCallum
Member Laureate
since 2000-04-30
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Ontario, Canada
16 posted 2005-02-18 07:03 AM

LOL, this was wonderful Michael. Upbeat and perfectly executed to the rhythm and tone of the song. Loved it!

It's too bad about the overall season. You're right, it affects more than just the players and owners for sure. Lot's of people lose out on situations like this.  

One thing it's sure done up this way, is that it brought the focus onto the Ontario Hockey League. Our home team, the London Knights, have had an incredible record breaking year, with sold-out attendance at every game. They're setting attendance records everywhere they play. They're having a phenomenal season, and will be hosting the Memorial Cup this year to boot. No withdrawal happening for fans here, lol.

Great poem again, Michael. I'll be humming that all day I'm sure!  

Best wishes and hugs,

Susan Caldwell
Member Rara Avis
since 2002-12-27
Posts 8348
17 posted 2005-02-18 08:50 AM


well said.

[email protected] wasted wood is always the biggest loss..

"cast me gently into the morning, for the night has been unkind"
~Sarah McLachlan~

Member Patricius
since 2003-06-19
Posts 13296

18 posted 2005-02-18 08:56 AM

well, well, well, look whose here, and in complete classical rare form...nice to see ya and many thanks for the belly laugh...your a sight for sore eyes...Excellent jobber.....

LOL and excuse me now, while I roll on the floor...

Yuppers, saw this on the news....

Member Rara Avis
since 1999-08-02
Posts 8296
Purgatorial Incarceration
19 posted 2005-02-18 10:50 AM

so i hear on the radio this morning that it's not-done-done yet and they're giving them 3 more days to come to an agreement...

what's the difference between hockey and a circus? the elephants don't whine as much... - really love yourself.

Member Elite
since 2002-12-03
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Lost in thought
20 posted 2005-02-18 01:00 PM

lol good to read you again, sir.
You can always crack me up!

But really, it's a pity to see this happen...

Always, Alyssa

He was a man of sorrows
...I am a girl of tears.

Member Elite
since 1999-05-23
Posts 4094
Coastal Texas
21 posted 2005-02-18 02:02 PM

Poignant and well done, 'Deer.  Up to your normal high quality.

For hockey, football, baseball, basketball...water polo...whatever, I only have 4 words for them.


Titia Geertman
Member Ascendant
since 2001-05-07
Posts 5182
22 posted 2005-02-18 07:40 PM

1.83 million you say???

Hey, for only a tenth of that sum I'll come over and play, we could build a PIP team WOW

You always bring a smile to my face Deer Love your humor, love your poem.


Like scattered words will flow

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