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Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
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Listening to every heart

0 posted 2005-02-01 07:52 PM

The “Why” I Write

Laying hidden, softly, out of sight where sounds
rumble intently, growing gently from this small heart’s mound
convenes one word, coupling with another, just until
it pours forth, gigantically, as if in a swell.

This action forces one to take a pen in hand
and write, poetically, something fine and grand
but the mind hangs back as the heart pours forth
wondering if the words will take their rightful course.

For the mind knows what the heart yet does not
that the words now penned will soon be forgot ~
a vacancy will then lie in the open hearts’ well,
but give it a moment, let it sit just a spell

and again it will pour forth with words enamoured
of love and life and countless here-afters,
moments of time thrust into a black hole, become void
as gilded letters to paper refuse to be destroyed.

To impart that shift of air so the perfume stings,
to extol the bell so the chimes doth ring,
to hesitate, slightly, so the words come slow
to touch the heart of the reader, there, just so.

To allow another to see a love’s true course,
to capture the exhilaration of a wild and free horse,
to allow the sense of quietude in a babe’s soft sleep,
to share with one the shadows of loves’ fill, deep.

Anguish comes to one, many, sometimes comes to all
when they hear inside the words, know they have the call
and yet, when written, it only sounds trite, so banal
ah yes, anguish comes to many, sometimes comes to all.


Laying hidden, softly, out of sight where sounds
rumble intently, growing gently from this small heart’s mound
convenes one word, coupling with another, just until
it pours forth, gigantically, as if in a swell.

And our poems thunder on.


7 September, 1999
©Karilea Rilling Jungel
Revised 1 February 2005

© Copyright 2005 Karilea Rilling Jungel - All Rights Reserved
Member Ascendant
since 2004-03-27
Posts 5104
walking the surreal
1 posted 2005-02-01 07:56 PM

feel this one deeply - touches the poet's heart and thoughts -

beautifully done


If I wander far enough, long enough, will I finally know . . .

Member Rara Avis
since 2001-09-23
Posts 7081
On A Journey To The Unknown
2 posted 2005-02-01 08:13 PM

I am glad you continue to write, Karilea. I enjoy reading your poems, even though I don't always reply. As long as you write, I will read.
Member Elite
since 2001-06-17
Posts 2533

3 posted 2005-02-01 08:54 PM

It's a compulsion n'est pas? The posts will roll away and the feelings pass but if done right, without agenda, only honestly, then there are footprints. I need to get in the basement and rework a few myself. Enjoyed

Cute haircut. You sure are photogenic, wish I were.

Poets against the war is redundant

Member Elite
since 2002-06-24
Posts 2015
4 posted 2005-02-01 08:56 PM

Such wonderful phrases, joined so neatly. Very enjoyable.  KJ

Through rubble and trouble and dark of night
The yawn of a dawn will hasten the light

Member Empyrean
since 1999-09-21
Posts 28049
5 posted 2005-02-01 09:05 PM


"Laying hidden, softly, out of sight where sounds
rumble intently, growing gently from this small heart’s mound
convenes one word, coupling with another, just until
it pours forth, gigantically, as if in a swell."

I must differ with you about one thing...the small have one of the biggest I have ever known.  

passing shadows
Member Empyrean
since 1999-08-26
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6 posted 2005-02-02 12:56 PM

agreeing with Martie here
Senior Member
since 2003-09-03
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Out Making Anticlines
7 posted 2005-02-02 01:20 AM

I've never been asked that...though at one point I wished very badly that I had been. I've asked myself since then, and I've asked why I continue to write as well....but the answers that came to me, I don't share...after all, no one has shown an interest in knowing.

You, on the other hand, I'd like to know very much about your motivations, and where in the world you keep getting your seemlingly endless inspiration......


Senior Member
since 2003-09-10
Posts 1279

8 posted 2005-02-02 03:01 AM

Mmmm this just made my #1 must read poem of the day list Sunshine! Excellent!
Gentle Spirit
Member Patricius
since 2000-10-09
Posts 13989

9 posted 2005-02-02 08:23 AM

this just warmed my entire day
and that smile of yours
came straight from the sun didnt it

mumm...this is a

Member Patricius
since 2003-06-19
Posts 13296

10 posted 2005-02-02 08:29 AM

your words never have to worry about turning out right...OMG...this was absolute heaven...the picture personal escape...and your words, just tops off the smiles of hugs a huge creativity that none can compare...

Loved this a lot

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Member Seraphic
since 1999-07-29
Posts 20723
11 posted 2005-02-02 11:47 AM

For the mind knows what the heart yet does not
that the words now penned will soon be forgot ~
a vacancy will then lie in the open hearts’ well,
but give it a moment, let it sit just a spell

Perhaps forgotten by you...

But some words are long remembered by those who read them. *S*

Beautiful work, lady. *S*

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Member Rara Avis
since 2000-09-09
Posts 9903
In Your Poetic Mind
12 posted 2005-02-02 12:20 PM

Laying hidden, softly, out of sight where sounds
rumble intently, growing gently from this small heart’s mound
convenes one word, coupling with another, just until
it pours forth, gigantically, as if in a swell.

And our poems thunder on.'''


and so they do and may they always continue....

My Shadow is the only one
that walks beside me

Member Ascendant
since 2004-04-01
Posts 6128
Texas, USA
13 posted 2005-02-02 03:22 PM

I can’t think of words to describe this wonderful write.


Senior Member
since 2003-06-23
Posts 1893
14 posted 2005-02-02 03:45 PM

Love this.


since 2002-10-11
Posts 126
Dixon, Ky USA
15 posted 2005-02-02 04:15 PM

Thunder on Sunshine! Beautiful... Just beautiful!

Earth Angel
Member Empyrean
since 2002-08-27
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Realms of Light
16 posted 2005-02-02 04:27 PM

Truly written by a true poet in every sense of the word!


Senior Member
since 1999-07-20
Posts 1024
Indiana, USA
17 posted 2005-02-02 05:01 PM

Very well done, Sunshine.  I really enjoyed this piece of yourself.

I write...because my heart sings.


Member Elite
since 2003-12-21
Posts 2917

18 posted 2005-02-02 05:14 PM

You are excellent Sunshine.


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Member Laureate
since 2001-10-10
Posts 14135
South Carolina, USA
19 posted 2005-02-02 05:23 PM

Though many of us could do just as you have
here,  I doubt we could have penned it as
precisely and elegantly as you have.  I know
of the feeling you sometimes
trickles yet often rages...

Well done Sun...and yes, I agree,  you are

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Member Elite
since 2004-03-21
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The World of Poetry
20 posted 2005-02-02 06:34 PM

Beautiful write!


*AIM = Alli4000*    Journal!

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Member Laureate
since 2002-09-29
Posts 19237
Florida, USA
21 posted 2005-08-02 06:13 PM

Oh Karilea, this is so beautiful!!! And, so
many of the reasons for me are written in
your poem. Thanks for answering my question
so poetically

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