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Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-20
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Cape Cod Massachusetts USA

0 posted 2005-01-24 12:00 PM

Five years it’s been - at least that and a day
Since paths converged upon a "Cyber Sea."
We bantered in poetic respartee,
And you approved of "Serendipity."

"How Long" from then a friendship past compare.
No matter what encounters might present,
A masquerade set out upon a dare,
Or taking time to breathe a lilac’s scent.

Miata rides for just dessert’s partake,
A midnight Scrabble tryst on summer’s eve,
The hummingbirds beside the River Lake…
Whatever else you might have up your sleeve…

My gratitude is just that YOU are YOU
I wish a Happy Birthday to you too…

© Copyright 2005 Nancy Ness - All Rights Reserved
Member Ascendant
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walking the surreal
1 posted 2005-01-24 12:45 PM

A Sonnett is something new
It is not something
I often do
but for your birthday
and 'cause your such a great guy
I shall put pen to parchment
and give it a try

a world you've given us
a place to laugh and cry
a blue haven to sore within
and the chance to fly
it reveals the heart of you
this wonderful thing that you do -

Hugs and Happy Birthday!   Susan

If I wander far enough, long enough, will I finally know . . .

Member Ascendant
since 2003-03-21
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2 posted 2005-01-24 01:00 AM

The best to you Ron.This is the best poetry site I have encountered. I am sure it is because when you start with the best you attract the best.Thank you, marty
serenity blaze
Member Empyrean
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3 posted 2005-01-24 02:47 AM

Only Nan would ask for a sonnet-add-along!


I offer up my five minute best:

I did not come to stay I hid myself amidst the curlicue
of fancy script and poems writ behind the masque of I
did what I could I do and I chalked the end of quill as you
sat behind the screen well hid--in clutch of clouds as sky.

Order in the game of odds as angles played the English word
tempting to just scoff and chip in wait of the mistakes to score.
yet there is a tigress grin sharpening the nails to curve
arching of the back in purr and I lick my paw for more.

Lest there be some knowledge of an understanding missed-
know that I have grown herein the comfort of a bear in clasp
and should I not acknowledge thanks, for certain I would be remiss:
I came. I played. I stayed. I grew. For that, I leave this kiss.

Shelter from the storm, I laugh, as I type well-worn cliche':
A circle, from a triad grew - you've worn the edge away.

Happy Birthday Ron. With hugs and gratitude.

serenity blaze
Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
Posts 27738

4 posted 2005-01-24 04:46 AM



the kiss:


I'll behave.

Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
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Listening to every heart
5 posted 2005-01-24 06:41 AM

Write sonnets? Nay, Sire
For that I have no desire
Wincing pains too much

Though I leave my gratitude
For a sonnet-poet-dude

Member Laureate
since 2000-10-29
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Between the Lines
6 posted 2005-01-24 06:52 AM

There are two books that reflect many thoughts
As we share the words of friends far and wide.
A place to go to, when life needs a lift sought
Knowing good/bad/happy/sad is inside.

Those of us who've befriended each other
Have you to thank for a place to reside
Where understanding of brother to brother
Allows each to be whom we are, not denied.

The meetings of many, more wished in hand
Proves that family though distant to some
Shares what they will with their hearts, never planned
Typing away with their fingers and thumb.

All in all this is a birthday wish Ron
Blue page of poets reflecting upon...


Kit McCallum
Member Laureate
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Ontario, Canada
7 posted 2005-01-24 07:24 AM

Nan, that was wonderful!  The additional poems are terrific as well.

I'm afraid I don't have a sonnet to offer, but I do wish you the happiest of days Ron!

Best Happy Birthday wishes and hugs,

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Member Laureate
since 2001-03-07
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British Columbia, Canada
8 posted 2005-01-24 01:30 PM

Nan can ask for sonnets until she turns bright blue.
I can’t write a sonnet, so here is what I will do.
I’ll do the best I can, as that is what you’d ask,
Then saying, “Happy Birthday,” is not so hard a task!

That is the beauty of this place, and its owner too,
No expectations here ~ just do the best that you can do.

Happy Birthday Ron
(Sharon style)  

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Member Empyrean
since 2001-05-18
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9 posted 2005-01-24 01:39 PM

A sonnetized brain, I do not own
Just offering friendship in this blue home.
For many days and nights did I wander and roam
Till I chanced upon the hearth of the Pipsters dome

Wher'ere I journey, upon land and sea
I carry this blue notebook along with me
To read and learn, to feel and sigh
My love for Passions shall never die

And I thank you, dear wizard
For gifting thousands, plus me
An opportunity to meet and play
In a warm cozy home that offers safety

From all the storms that have tossed and turned
From Pips, dear Ron,  there is much I’ve learned


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Member Laureate
since 2001-10-10
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South Carolina, USA
10 posted 2005-01-24 09:30 PM

To dream and hold the hand of time before
and live again the wants of evening share
A shaft of light that once we might explore
and go beyond the realm of those who dare.

To have a place amongst the blackened skies
beyond the tail of comet’s in their flight.
To grasp and hold that what receives the eyes
and twirls the heaven’s in eternal night.

Alas, but send to us thy lofted speech
and leave upon the earth thy gift ye gave.
For of the world thy wisdom ye beseech
as boldly go the hearts of passion’s brave.

And when the year does come again in cheer
our hearts shall sing and feel of thee most dear.

Happy Bday well and blessed with many more....

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