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Open Poetry #34
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Member Elite
since 2003-05-17
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0 posted 2004-12-28 06:08 AM


Mrs. -D- had two portly sons
As round as Pillsbury doughboys,
And a husband you couldn't call lean.

The reason was she, had a bakers thumb
Like a gardeners, opposable, green;
I played with her kids, when I too was one.

Hers was the color of Rumford and flour,
Whatever she touched, she printed with dust
White with a smidgeon of poppy-seed pepper
Altered with ridges of reddish, sweet-cinnamon..
The scents of her old kitchen,
Rise again this morning, along with the voices
Of gay making children; all of us begging
Rolls from a saint in a snow-white apron.

Why mend, old window, that time has shattered?
What use today, old broken mirror?

Reglued by daydreams, looking glass and casement
Once again reflect the folly of adolescence.
The quick silver of this future space
Mends the scratches on the glass, and wipes the pane.

And I can smell, her sweet scones, now
Almost taste them, as this daydream
Of boyhood retracts me from the present;
As traces of youthful friends
Rise up resurrected, from gone-time graves,

Whose spirits arrive in blurred visions, always
Mere outlines, and when I try to wipe the glass
Only hints of eyes appear; sunken, dark
But glowing, in their hollow, allotted spaces.
As fast as they come, they turn away,
Returning to their appointments
On a different plane, of spatial existence...

As do I, mine, and I rationalize, which quiets
The pain, and sooths my need to reach and touch;
But still I question, why something so long lost
Disappears so quickly...
And will those ghosts, ever reappear again?

As Mrs.-D- and my friends faded 'way, stardust
Was falling from the strings of her apron,
Mixed in were smidgeons, of poppy seed peppers
Tinted with swirls of reddish, sweet-cinnamon...

At she, and the two fat kids, I waved;
Thanking their spirits, for the visit.


© Copyright 2004 ford hume - All Rights Reserved
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
Posts 63354
Listening to every heart
1 posted 2004-12-28 06:41 AM

A between gift...
between Christmas,
and New Years,
a rekindling of souls
of remember...
when some waft of scent
passes all
to come to us,
and melting scones
taste warm in the mouth,

a split second
of caught you captured,
then wiggling
to be free to journey on.

Member Elite
since 2003-05-17
Posts 3404
2 posted 2004-12-28 07:14 AM

I love this back and forth poem tag....

And you always seem to hit what I am holding up as a target, right in the bulls eye..

"a split second
of caught you captured,
then wiggling
to be free to journey on.


As you state the "split second" is sometimes all of the time allotted..

My emotions wiggle, and struggle to be free.. in their widow/mirror..I find my deepest thought, and try to paste the reflection that I see, that moment, everlasting on this page..

Thank you for understanding, and making comments proving that you do.


Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
Posts 63354
Listening to every heart
3 posted 2004-12-28 07:55 AM

...and she reminded me of Selma,
sister of bachelors,
wife of my uncle, German
to the core of her potato bread
thick roasts, and
scalloped corn & oyster bake;

she delved with gusto into
her every delivery, meals that
quaked table legs
and fed the hearty of the plains;

her kitchen was her queendom,
the floors knew her wide tread,
yet rarely tasted a spill,
efficiently quick and stringent
in her moves; yet abundant in her feasts,
and hugs.

Can't help?  Move away, retreat elsewhere;
but lend a wishful, "may I help?"
and her too large aprons circled you twice,
but never mind, as she taught the
art of tarts and mile high rolls,
pudgy fingers nimble over young ones' hands...

oh yes, Ice...
you brought with this
more than just a response...
even my muse might return,
this poem smells so good...

Seymour Tabin
Member Empyrean
since 1999-07-07
Posts 31720
Tamarac Fla
4 posted 2004-12-28 08:08 AM

I have the same type of visits but with different cooking. Enjoyed

Senior Member
since 2003-06-23
Posts 1893
5 posted 2004-12-28 01:08 PM

  Such sweet memories you brought to me
from childhood through your words.
Thank-you for making me smile today.


Within this heart you'll find love

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