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Member Elite
since 2003-05-03
Posts 4383
in the shadows

0 posted 2004-09-11 09:12 AM

I hear the pipes sing
amazing grace
I hear them in my dreams
I hear the screams
every day,
the months of cadenced march
out of the open pit mine of the souls,
all day long
and through the night
in and out of mind
until my heart ran out of song.

Today the bells ring,
performers sing
and everybody's priests
ask gods for treats.

Each name a moment held
in all solemnity
on edge
to slip into eternity;
the pomp and circumstance,
the ceremony's tears and choking
fears that this will mean an end
to the beginning of the years
we mark remembering the dead,
the living dead
whose names all run
labels on one giant
blended bleeding soul.

If one more plastic politician
says, ‘Let's roll,'
I think I will be sick.
The dead can sleep,
where is the peace of heart and soul
that could bring quiet to the living?

We have mourned a year.
We've buried buttons
and a watch,
a rock,
handfuls of dirt and ash,
a shoe
or two,
some bone fragments,  
photographs in empty caskets,
empty arms and beds
tears in empty hearts.
It's time to leave.
For some
it's time to stalk revenge
cold and crafted with precision.
So, the killings never end.

There is no grief beyond the love
of that which death can steal.
There is no deal to make,
no memorial to shake the horror
of the memories,
the smell
the taste
of human ashes mixed with fuel
melted steel
vaporized concrete
the grit that clogged our eyes,
a blessing in disguise;
the dream's there every day,
turn back and turn away
no where to go,
who died
when there is nothing left
to hold
but memories of clouds
thick choking horror
floating in the air
so full
that vision's lost,
sounds of bodies hitting ground
just beyond the reach of sight
within the sound,
the claws of fright,
no where to hide.
No where to hide.

©2003 by icebox (written September 11, 2002)

© Copyright 2004 icebox - All Rights Reserved
Marge Tindal
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Member Empyrean
since 1999-11-06
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
1 posted 2004-09-11 10:22 AM


'There is no grief beyond the love
of that which death can steal'

This statement squeezes my heart with it's accuracy as we remember~

Thank you for your thoughtful insight~

~*When the heart grieves over what it has lost,
the spirit rejoices over what it has left.
- Sufi epigram <))><

Email [email protected]

since 2004-06-02
Posts 466
Navarro County, Texas, USA
2 posted 2004-09-11 11:07 AM

Very powerful poem.  I still struggle with it at times. It still hurts.  I think about it often, the families torn apart, the fatherless/motherless children, all of it.  Such a tragedy that has left scars on us all.  You write well of it my friend.  A beautiful bit of writing indeed with a strong, strong message.  I appeciated it more than you know.


Member Laureate
since 2000-10-29
Posts 19200
Between the Lines
3 posted 2004-09-11 11:09 AM

we mark remembering the dead,
the living dead
whose names all run
labels on one giant
blended bleeding soul.

passing shadows
Member Empyrean
since 1999-08-26
Posts 45577
4 posted 2004-09-11 01:51 PM

yes, the dead can sleep...
serenity blaze
Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
Posts 27738

5 posted 2004-09-11 10:25 PM

Your heart is too beautiful to remain in any state of disrepair for very long my friend.

and a sigh with a thank you

Member Rara Avis
since 2002-11-19
Posts 7392
6 posted 2004-09-11 10:43 PM

a most sobering piece on a most sobering day
and we are all in this together afterall, aren't we?
for better or for worse, it's our world

Member Elite
since 2003-05-03
Posts 4383
in the shadows
7 posted 2004-09-11 11:11 PM

You all are very kind to indulge me in reading this.  I thank you from my soul and I wish you peace.
Member Empyrean
since 1999-09-21
Posts 28049
8 posted 2004-09-16 08:15 PM

From 9-26-01....I hope you don't mind a snippit from a poem I wrote:

I look for something to grasp with words,
but it is all so big, so huge, so monstrously cold,
that I have to look down
to my foot where the dog sleeps
with one eye open, waiting for me to explain why
the ball lays quiet on the teal carpet.

I'm glad you reposted this, express what so many feel, so well!  

Member Patricius
since 2003-12-05
Posts 13434
9 posted 2004-09-17 12:42 PM

I guess the reason why I haven't read this sooner is that my soul remembers and and subconsciously or consciously (not sure which today) I have been in mourning all week.  Only love breaks our hearts...and only love can mend them again.
Larry C
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Member Patricius
since 2001-09-10
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United States
10 posted 2004-09-17 03:44 AM

The grief compounded by the horror multiplied by the insanity of hate overwhelms us with sorrow that may take a life time to resolve. And you have remembered it exceptionally well and with dignity. Thank you kind sir.

If tears could build a stairway and memories a lane, I'd walk right up to heaven and bring you home again.

Member Laureate
since 2000-10-29
Posts 19200
Between the Lines
11 posted 2006-08-12 04:27 PM

thank you for bringing this back to me...

one of the best feeling writes I have ever  read~~


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Member Elite
since 2004-02-01
Posts 3802
12 posted 2006-08-22 02:42 AM

amazing grace-a tune i hear often-in the night,day,sleep and awake,along with the tears,sorrow,screams,and pain deeply felt,within my souls-

My spirit will rise
above the sea~
There will be no drowning
of my soul or me~

Member Patricius
since 2003-12-05
Posts 13434
13 posted 2006-09-07 02:36 AM

As this day approaches, again I find myself mourning, not just for the events and losses of that day, but for exactly what you have said.  *hugs*
Artic Wind
Member Rara Avis
since 2007-09-16
Posts 8080
Realm of Supernatural
14 posted 2007-10-27 05:47 PM

good write


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