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Junior Member
since 2000-05-28
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0 posted 2000-05-28 01:27 PM

             It Could Happen To Anyone

  Me and Mark used to be good friends,
  We never went anywhere without the other.
  We liked exactly the same things,
  And he was closer to me than a brother.

  I remember all those wild parties,
  And all the trouble we got into.
  Everything we did was fun,
  Even just trying to figure out what to do.

  But one day Mark got sick,
  And he only got worse, never better.
  I never realized how bad it was,
  Until one day I received a letter.

  Mark's mom wrote to me from the hospital,
  Because Mark was to weak to write.
  He wanted me to come visit him,
  So I gave in and went the next night.

  I did not even recognize him,
  He had lost a lot of weight.
  When I walked through the door, he smiled,
  Then he weakly said "Your late"

  I started to laugh and joke with him,
  But nothing would do the trick.
  He finally cleared his throat and said,
  "Let me tell you why I'm sick.

  "Remember a couple of years ago,
  When my car skidded in the mud?
  And the injury for the wreck was so bad.
  They had to give me a transfusion of blood.

  "Well, the blood they gave me was bad,
  Even though it took a few years to show.
  They said there was no way they could've known,
  Because the virus developed slow."

  So my best friend Mark has AIDS,
  I dont know what to think.
  As I went home later that night,
  My heart began to sink.

  I know that it wasn't his fault,
  But I didn't know how to feel.
  I never thought things like this could happen
  To anyone who was real.

  After the word got around,
  All of our friends disappeared.
  They were ignorant about his condition,
  And what they didn't understand, they feared.

  Being as young as I was,
  My opinions were swayed,
  My other friends drew me away from him,
  And gave me the attention I craved.

  I stayed away for a long time,
  And as each day passed, it was harder to go back.
  It was easier to stay with my new friends,
  And not to face any facts.

  Then one day I received in the mail,
  An envelope with two letters inside.

  The first from Mark's mother,
  Tearfully saying her son had died.

  The next was from Mark himself,
  Written only a few weeks before.
  He had known that he was going,
  And would only be here a few days more.

  He forgave me for ignoring him,
  And he said he had hoped I was having fun!
  He understood that I was afraid,
  And that his life was over and done.

  He said that laying in that bed all day,
  Had taught him to "cherish life."
  He would always regret not leaving behind,
  A few children and a wife.

  He said, the one thing that he would never regret,
  Was being my very best friend.
  He always believed in everything I did,
  Until the bitter end.

  That night I did something I had not done before,
  At least since I had broken my leg when I was four
            I CRIED...

© Copyright 2000 mario22 - All Rights Reserved
Marge Tindal
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since 1999-11-06
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
1 posted 2000-05-28 01:52 PM

What a tenderly touching tribute to your friend.  
Yes, 'It Can Happen To Anyone' ...
and your tears are proof of that.
Perhaps you can use the experience to become a more compassionate and caring friend while your friends can hear your heart.  
That would be the greatest tribute you could pay to Mark's memory.
Welcome to Passion's my friend.

 ~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

Junior Member
since 2000-05-28
Posts 23

2 posted 2000-05-28 02:40 PM

  Thank you for taking the time to read my poem, I was really worried that I would be wasteing my time with my poems, thanks you know how to make people smile.

Member Ascendant
since 1999-12-26
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Ontario, CANADA
3 posted 2000-05-28 04:07 PM


First, let me say Welcome To Passions!

Second, I am very sorry for your loss, I am sure that Mark is up in Heaven smiling down on you.  This was a beautifully written and touching poem.  You have a way with words.  In honour of Mark's memory, I hope that now you will live life to the fullest and never take a single second for granted.  I am sure that he would want you to be happy.  

Take care,
Melissa Honeybee

Junior Member
since 2000-05-28
Posts 23

4 posted 2000-05-28 05:09 PM

Thank you for that sweet comment, I am glad you liked it I was skepticl wheather or not to put that on here I was afraid it wasnt good enough.  Well I just hope to get better as time goes on.  Since his death I have kept his memory alive.
always Mario

Junior Member
since 2000-05-26
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5 posted 2000-05-28 05:48 PM


[This message has been edited by Cat (edited 05-28-2000).]

Member Ascendant
since 1999-09-06
Posts 6296
Sunny Queensland
6 posted 2000-05-28 09:42 PM

Firstly Mario welcome to Passion, sorry I didn't get to this earlier!!  
This was so sad, had me all teary eyed.  I can understand your feelings in this, being young it's easy to run from things that frighten you or you don't understand.
But just writing this poem is a lovely tribute to Mark, and I believe he is up in heaven smiling down on you and loving you as he always has.  He must have been quite a sweet fellow to understand your confusion and love you all the same.
Thanks for sharing this sad story with us all we can all learn something from it, I am sure.

 I'll tell you this...... No eternal reward will forgive us now for wasting the dawn.....
(Goddess - Sovereign of the Spirit)

Member Elite
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7 posted 2000-05-28 10:02 PM

~Mario,...*sigh*...this is such a touching piece.  I too have lost friend"S" to this terrible disease.  To go through it with them was heart breaking and definately frightening.  It's too real.  I feel for you.  Please know that I have faith that he is safe where he is and knows and has always known that you cared....that you loved,...and that you were afraid...but still definately loved.  *Take care.  This poem sort of rushed over me...brought back memories and deeply hit my heart.  Thank you for sharing this. *Peace.
Joel the wolf
Senior Member
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Angels Camp
8 posted 2000-05-29 03:45 AM

I have cared for several friends that had a few days on earth, and have lost many. this poem is very heartfelt my friend.


 I howl a mournful song, that echos within my chambered heart, for all to read? nay for all to feel.

traveling heart
Junior Member
since 2000-05-27
Posts 26

9 posted 2000-05-29 05:24 AM

Mark lives through you in your writings and in your tribute. You have brought his goodness back to life and I am hopeful that  you have forgiven yourself for any self judgments as it sounds like Mark had the wisdom to do before. He was a very insightful person indeed, as people with little time can become. It is never too late to grieve...

Welcome to us both... I will look forward to reading more of your poetry... it certainly is "good enough" (in response to your responses earlier  )!

Junior Member
since 2000-05-28
Posts 23

10 posted 2000-05-29 09:06 AM

Hello all,

  I just want to take this time to thank you guys so much for taking time to read this poem, This was a very bad point in my life and me being 22 right now its made me into a better person then I was before because of certain issues dealing with this situation.  I know Mark is in heaven and one day I will also spread my wings as will you guys and we can all be together.
Thanks again
always Mario22

Scarlet Lady
since 2000-02-11
Posts 242
11 posted 2000-05-29 10:18 AM

Mario,  I feel for you in your lesson of life!  What struck me about this poem besides that is was just great, was the lessons learned and the introspection that was going on.  You know.....Mark learned too my friend!  Whether you realize it or not, but you taught Mark the meaning of true love.  Yes, he had an opportunity to learn how to truly love through you,  and and his experience with being abandoned by many.  Not an easy lesson to learn, but nevertheless,  one that visits us all in life sooner or later.  Life is funny that way.....dishes out things that we really never quite understand at times, and also that hurt,  but teach.  Thanks for sharing and being so transparent!  
Member Ascendant
since 1999-09-06
Posts 6296
Sunny Queensland
12 posted 2000-05-29 08:33 PM

Life's lessons have served you well Mario, for I believe you have a special sensitive soul now and that is a gift indeed....  

 I'll tell you this...... No eternal reward will forgive us now for wasting the dawn.....
(Goddess - Sovereign of the Spirit)

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