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Member Seraphic
since 1999-07-29
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0 posted 2004-05-17 01:25 PM

How does it feel to glide with grace, never lacking love’s attention?
I knock on doors of knowing, come no closer to comprehension.

Through long years I’ve ached for one besotted enough to find beauty
But even the blind envisage too well when their eyes look at me.

During respites from sanity I’ve felt special, one of a kind
Only to learn I just happened to be at the head of the line

How does it feel to greet each dawn with one who’s held you through the night?
What’s it like to be called angel as passion’s burning flames ignite?

I store all mirrors deep in closets, stationary is my dance
I applaud others’ happy endings, but for me, there is no chance.

© Copyright 2004 suthern - All Rights Reserved
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Elapsing, Eclipsing, Evolving
1 posted 2004-05-17 01:31 PM

"How does it feel to greet each dawn with one who’s held you through the night?
What’s it like to be called angel as passion’s burning flames ignite?

I store all mirrors deep in closets, stationary is my dance
I applaud others’ happy endings, but for me, there is no chance."


Janet Marie
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2 posted 2004-05-17 01:42 PM

Through long years I’ve ached for one besotted enough to find beauty
But even the blind envisage too well when their eyes look at me.


Ignorant? nope...
Poet? yeppers..............
sometimes we are most blind to our OWN wearing your sunglasses at night? *S*
another emotionally powerful write thinks youre on a roll.

Member Empyrean
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3 posted 2004-05-17 01:47 PM


Trust me, you are beautiful!!  I see it every time I read your poetry and your thoughtful replies.  

Senior Member
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4 posted 2004-05-17 01:47 PM

two in one day? i'm giddy with delight! i agree... you are on a roll, just don't sell yourself short, ok?
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Listening to every heart
5 posted 2004-05-17 01:53 PM

Yes, what Janet Marie said...
and I love it when your muse sings!

Member Ascendant
since 2004-04-01
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Texas, USA
6 posted 2004-05-17 02:09 PM

Very nice poetry.

She said: ”You look cute in the dark.”

Member Patricius
since 2003-06-19
Posts 13296

7 posted 2004-05-17 02:49 PM

southern, you are indeed special, signficant and one of a kind...unique with some special force within all of us, urging us a better place, believing that is living are a very talented poet.
passing shadows
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8 posted 2004-05-17 02:59 PM

you have a way of touching across the miles
Member Ascendant
since 2004-03-27
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walking the surreal
9 posted 2004-05-17 03:05 PM

I find this so very sad.  Beauty blossoms from within.  Love too begins within.  By giving these gifts to others, you will be overwhelmed by them yourself, you just need to begin by loving yourself from within.  Then let the magic spread.


Seymour Tabin
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Tamarac Fla
10 posted 2004-05-17 03:30 PM

Your flame is a jet
Jest ant met the right moth yet.
Good write.

Member Elite
since 2001-12-04
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Texas, USA
11 posted 2004-05-17 04:58 PM

This is lovely.  How often have I felt like this? Too often.  Beautifully done.

Nan (Pilgrim variety)

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Member Seraphic
since 1999-07-29
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12 posted 2004-05-17 05:15 PM

muted: And that says volumes. *S* Thank you very much! *S*

JM: I need them more in daytime... no one around at night to see the tears 'cept Mama Kitty... and she has issues of her own! *G* Thank you very much! *S*

Martie: Thank you, kind lady. *S* But that exterior beauty will get the attention every time. *S*

Edder: YOU are a delight... and I do appreciate your encouragement. *S* Thank you so very much! *S*

Sunshine: She sure hit some sour notes today. *G* Thank you very much for your help... and your kind words. *S*

JL: Thank you! *S*

LeeJ: You see me so kindly... and I thank you so much! *S*

PS: I thank you for that, kind lady... and for all these years. *S*

Susan: Sometimes sadness just is. *S* Thank you so very much! *S*

Seymour: ROFL... You know I'm not trustworthy with flammable materials. *G* Thank you, my friend. *S*

Pilgrimage: I wish you didn't understand... wish no one did. *S* Thank you so much! *S*

Dark Angel
Member Patricius
since 1999-08-04
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13 posted 2004-05-17 05:39 PM

Beautifully written Suthern


The clouds never expect it when it rains, but the sea, changes colour, but the sea, does not change.
~Stevie Nicks~

Member Laureate
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Between the Lines
14 posted 2004-05-17 06:02 PM

I felt this way once...had it for years...maybe that is all one gets in life.

Very meaningful writing to me, Suthern, nicely done


Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
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Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA
15 posted 2004-05-17 08:23 PM

How can one possibly be besotted more than Toerag??

Sorry if you're going through a rough time, southern does produce good poetry, though

New Member
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16 posted 2004-05-17 09:13 PM

yea i got to say i feel this one...
very beutiful words!

Member Elite
since 2003-10-11
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17 posted 2004-05-17 10:31 PM

   You outdid yourself with this.  It's funny how differently we picture ourselves than others.  I think you're beautiful and suspect you carry the hearts of many.  Take care and keep sharing.  

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Member Laureate
since 2001-03-07
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British Columbia, Canada
18 posted 2004-05-17 11:05 PM

Oh my Ruth, this is a sad song you sing for us, but you do it so well.  I can sit her so easily and make this a personal message and see your beautiful picture and then know, it must surely be just a poem
Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
19 posted 2004-05-17 11:29 PM

This song is sung of sad notes~

I know that I'm not alone in finding the beauty of you right there in that heart of yours, in the sharing and caring you do for others~
It will circle back to you, and you know that to be true~
I love you~

~*When the heart grieves over what it has lost,
the spirit rejoices over what it has left.
- Sufi epigram <))><

[email protected]

Member Patricius
since 2003-12-05
Posts 13434
20 posted 2004-05-18 01:19 AM

Deep beautiful writing, Suthern -- but, I believe there is more yet to come for you!
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Member Rara Avis
since 2003-01-23
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Visiting Earth on a Guest Pass
21 posted 2004-05-18 08:59 AM

Laura, beauty isn't something that's easy to define. One thing I know is that it isn't found in prettiness; it comes from something else, that's deep inside, an inner music that may or may not match the outlines of the face and form it lives in.

If you want to see someone who has beauty at that level, go find one of those mirrors.

~~(¸¸¸¸ºº>   ~~(¸¸¸¸ºº>  ~~(¸¸ ¸¸ºº>    ~~~(¸¸ER¸¸ºº>

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22 posted 2004-05-18 02:04 PM

if I never saw you, you were beautiful, and when I actually saw you, you were even more so....
there is so much of you in this poem, the fact that you applaud other's happiness shows the depth of your love and beauty...and lady, you know outer beauty probably does get noticed, but does not bring happiness...sigh......

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Member Seraphic
since 1999-07-29
Posts 20723
23 posted 2004-05-19 11:09 AM

Dark Angel: Thank you so much! *S*

nakdthoughts: I hope not... even as I fear so. *S* Thank you so very much! *S*

Bal: Many a fine bottle of beer has given its life in trying to get Toe besotted. LOL Thank you for seeing this as good poetry... that means much to me! *S*

ryun: Thank you so much... and welcome to Passions! *S*

Sadelite: You are so kind... your response lifts my heart! *S* Thank you very much! *S*

Mysteria: You are a dear! *S* Thank you very much! *S*

Marge: I'm just glad my muse found a song to sing... you know she prefers minor keys. *S* Thank you so very much, my dear friend... I love you, I do! *S*

iliana: I sure hope so! *S* Thank you very much... and I haven't given up on the thought of us meeting! *S*

Ratleader: You are good to me, my friend... and I do so appreciate it! *S* But stopping the yearning for what can't be... I think that's beyond me. *S* Thank you very much! *S*

jellybeans: I love you more with every passing year, dear lady... foxy legs and all. *S* You do see with kind eyes... thank you! *S* And yes... missing out on those first looks and casual notices isn't always a bad thing... not if the ones that bother looking deeper like what they see. *S*

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Member Rara Avis
since 2000-07-10
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Maidstone Kent England
24 posted 2004-05-23 09:02 AM

Suthern beloved one, I don’t know how I can express how this makes me feel, for that it does, it touches those places within that suffer as no one suspects they do. Firstly, let me say that simply being beautiful is okay, being truly beautiful, which YOU are is rare. You have beauty, real true beauty, it won’t fade and it doesn’t tarnish, you are extremely pretty, but so much more than that, you have beauty in the depth of your soul. You can impart wisdom, delight, sorrow and wonder. At the touch of your words I’ve flown, I’ve wept, I’ve struggled up hill and I’ve wandered in vales of quiet serenity.

Let’s discuss the value of your smile, when I know how hard it is for you to summon one these days do you not know how infinitely precious it is to me to see it? Let’s discuss your caring loving soul, which even amidst your trials and tribulations means you take the time to reach out to touch my soul! Let’s discuss the fact your writing is consistently beautiful, so much so that some of us, and I mention no names, but you know I mean me for one, is, or would be if it did me any good, absolutely utterly jealous of your ability to write such wonder.

As for this darling heart it is astoundingly well written and describes the essence of loneliness and pain so well I could weep.

Love you always
and forever

Tomorrow is another day I don't know what it holds
but I can face the future with courage brave and bold

Footprints In My Heart

Member Empyrean
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Canada eh.
25 posted 2004-05-23 09:16 AM

This touched me deeply for my own personal reasons.
Such a sad write but very well done.

~Somewhere in my heart I'm always
Dancing with you in the summer rain~

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Florida, USA
26 posted 2004-05-23 09:46 AM

Sweet Suthern lady, some may think that I don't
understand this, with the love I share with my Honey......
but oh, I do. And, the feelings of  alone are part
of what's causing me to be so depressed lately.
I get so angry at circumstances in our lives
that we can't control.....
Love you, sweet lady...and you are beautiful....
inside and out...  
Heart Hugs,

Member Empyrean
since 1999-11-16
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Kapolei, Hawaii, USA
27 posted 2004-05-23 11:52 PM

Nice writing...we all have a chance...James
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Member Seraphic
since 1999-07-29
Posts 20723
28 posted 2004-05-24 12:52 PM

Marsha: You are so dear... and so kind. *S* I appreciate you immensely... I hope you know that! *S* Thank you!

Enchantress: Thank you so much, dear lady... It couldn't have touched a kinder heart. *S*

garysgirl: How very true... Being so very grateful for what we have doesn't keep us from longing for what we can't have, does it? *S* And it's hard... very hard. *S* Thank you so very much!

JamesMichael: Thank you so much... I hope you're right. *S*

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