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Cpat Hair
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Member Patricius
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0 posted 2004-01-29 02:15 PM

Here along the edges
Where wave lapped in raucous laugh
Of wake and wind
There is only a whisper now
As ice has layered in
One black night after another
Having left its mark of
Frozen half giggles rippled
By the force of thinner boundaries
Being overwhelmed

All now
  Covered in this mist of snow
Small flakes make it hard to bury dead thoughts
That try to reach weak eyed glow of sun
And something warmer than the grave
Of glacier cold

Their fingers stretch too high
Above the echoed ice
And trip me
        Trick me into slide
And I wonder how long the ride
To the fragile crust break
Then how bad the bite of all
That lies below

Perhaps those arms in reach
Will embrace me in their hold
And I will simply cease to breathe
Anything but
              Liquid cold
of Leave

© Copyright 2004 Cpat Hair - All Rights Reserved
Member Empyrean
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Listening to every heart
1 posted 2004-01-29 03:53 PM

There is only a whisper now
As ice has layered in
One black night after another
Having left its mark of
Frozen half giggles rippled
By the force of thinner boundaries
Being overwhelmed


I see this.

Member Laureate
since 2000-10-29
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Between the Lines
2 posted 2004-01-29 03:59 PM

Covered in this mist of snow
Small flakes make it hard to bury dead thoughts
that sure is true and the larger flakes of yesterday made it even harder...
I am thought driven and you wrote a nice piece...


Member Ascendant
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standing on a shadow's lace
3 posted 2004-01-29 04:01 PM

"Perhaps those arms in reach
Will embrace me in their hold
And I will simply cease to breathe
Anything but
              Liquid cold
of Leave"

some things
colder than

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
4 posted 2004-01-29 04:15 PM


'Then how bad the bite of all
That lies below'

WOW ... really deep~

or not....

Once again you prove your poetic prowess so effectively~

~*When the heart grieves over what it has lost,
the spirit rejoices over what it has left.
- Sufi epigram <))><

[email protected]

Member Rara Avis
since 2000-07-25
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Somewhere... out there...
5 posted 2004-01-29 04:30 PM

Feeling this, my friend...all of it...

"When the power of love overcomes the love
of power the world will know peace."
--Jimi Hendrix

Cpat Hair
Deputy Moderator 1 Tour
Member Patricius
since 2001-06-05
Posts 11793

6 posted 2004-01-29 04:31 PM

Sunshine.. glad the visual worked for you.. thanks for the read

M... a play on the earlier one I posted..same general idea and theme.. just bit different approach. glad you enjoyed..

Helen.. yes.. something are so much colder than others.. thank you for your reply.. it is always appreciated..

Marge... (shrugging) or not... it's always hard to tell isn't it till we see the depths ourselves or have the capacity to understand them ourselves... sometimes the bite of things below is only an annoyance.. other times it can be a bitter thing we never quite get over and carry around with us playing games in others lives or thinking we do not have to recognize things in ourselves which we do not like... and we end up deluding ourselves, hurting people needlessly and in general being blind to the true nature of love itself or of kindness itself.. the things below can make us bitter and mean spirited... and I guess that part is pretty deep... trick becomes.. don't fall in because once you do it is hard to find a hand to reach out and help you get free of the depths...
seems the worse the bite from the things underneath the harder it is to avoid those edges... so I always advise people to be careful of what bites them..

thanks for the comments!

VL.. you snuck in on thank you for the read..and letting me know it made you feel..
very much appreciated

[This message has been edited by Cpat Hair (01-29-2004 05:51 PM).]

serenity blaze
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7 posted 2004-01-29 04:47 PM

The snow is deep (or so I hear) and I'm shiving in sympathy.

and I am not a warrior at heart, but if I may, I'll follow in your footsteps, where a little warmth remains...

I'm having strange dreams again...

green tea and kleenex please.

Captain? You are an officer and a gentleman.

But first and foremost a poet, true to the integrity of the heart of words.

now c'mere...hug me, I'm cold.

and don't laugh, I AM cold here. (think I'll quit watching the weather channel and light some candles)

now? green tea anyone? (oh blech, but I'm TRYING to drink that crap and smile, I really am--grin---see?)

Cpat Hair
Deputy Moderator 1 Tour
Member Patricius
since 2001-06-05
Posts 11793

8 posted 2004-01-29 04:55 PM

Ser... it is cold. the snow here not deep but we only saw single digits for highs and tonight.. the below zero begins..

sorry you are cold.. I know the area can be.. or certainly can feel cold...

drink your and enjoy is good for you. Find a blanket and a good book.. best cure I know for the cold you can't shake..the kind that goes to the quick..

as for an officer or a gentleman..lmao..I am neither.. just a geek...

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9 posted 2004-01-29 05:59 PM

Actually, you're a slacker...but that's another story.  
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Member Laureate
since 2001-03-07
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British Columbia, Canada
10 posted 2004-01-29 06:08 PM

There has to be a poem in that?  Slacker Ron?  I think not - and I liked the way you continued with this - wonderful writing but you must get tired of hearing that right?  No?  You ham!  C'mon over here and give me a hug too, it is raining buckets and dang cold here too.

~ Blessed Be ~

Member Rara Avis
since 2000-07-25
Posts 8229
Somewhere... out there...
11 posted 2004-01-29 08:01 PM

Sharon?...send ME some of that rain, please?...
you can even keep the buckets...
I just want the RAIN... grin

Pretty please?

"When the power of love overcomes the love
of power the world will know peace."
--Jimi Hendrix

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Member Seraphic
since 1999-07-29
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12 posted 2004-01-30 09:17 AM

I get so lost in your words... this is one I should have read at home where blankets were within reach... unless I can get in line for one of those hugs? *S* Excellent write! *S*
Member Elite
since 2001-06-21
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In a corporeal internship...
13 posted 2004-01-30 11:32 AM

You have some of the most striking poem titles on this website, Ron.  And I keep appreciating the artisanship of your wordcraft.  Thanks for a solid read and ponder.


You CAN make a difference:

passing shadows
Member Empyrean
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14 posted 2004-01-30 12:42 PM

for some reason this seems sort of sad to me

maybe it's just my mood

Member Empyrean
since 1999-09-21
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15 posted 2004-01-30 01:02 PM

Warm hugs!
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