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Gentle Spirit
Member Patricius
since 2000-10-09
Posts 13989

0 posted 2004-02-22 04:26 PM

Bless the little ones,
those of meek and mild
cradle them in knowing there is more
than this place that they call home.
Give them the courage to survive
and rise above all that they might see.

{Ease the pain of the battered and bruised,
bestow love to heal those who are abused.}

As they walk to distant horizons
guide their journeys and brighten their days,
with the stars held in celestial heavens
to light the path and lead the way.

Let them watch the wonders of life unfolding
found within the rising sun of each new morn,
growing in the knowledge that each dawn brings with it a gift
holding many treasures to be found.

{Teach them with your grace the lesson
that there is more than just lies here within...
the earth bound.

Impart upon them pure passion for the day!
Grant them the knowing of what love is for!

Protect them from the indignities born of mankind,
spare them the ignorance’s of what we have left behind.
Fill their hearts with compassion for their fellow man
relinquish to them growth in understanding.

{Suffer not the children the realities of what we have become.}

In the glow of spirit, may their souls learn to fly free,
allow them to achieve all that they can be.

I lift my voice unto the heavens up above;
I am but one, please hear my plea
when through my words of faith
I now come to thee,
and say a prayer...
for the children.

dmsmith 2-22-04

[I once heard Yanni say something to this effect,
“Every great thing that has ever happened has begun
with just one thought.  Imagine, if we were all to have the
same thought what the world could be like.”

If there were ever a thought that I would hope that all would have, it would be for peace.

It's better than I could have planned..
it's made me who I am...
{Trace Adkins}

© Copyright 2004 dmsmith - All Rights Reserved
Member Patricius
since 2003-12-05
Posts 13434
1 posted 2004-02-22 04:42 PM

Gentle Spirit -- this was a truly inspired prayer and I join you in it!  Thank you.  
Mistletoe Angel
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Portland, Oregon
2 posted 2004-02-22 04:44 PM

(big angel hugs) God Bless You, dearest friend, there is an African proverb that says, "It takes a whole village to raise a child". I truly believe this with all my heart, as it means that with children being the most precious creation of God, that we all must be parents and provide love to the children of tomorrow, for if we can teach each child the ways of love and not of hatred together, then hatred will be forgotten and only pure unadulterated love will exist! (kiss on cheek) One person can make a huge difference, and I want to devote my life to the children, but I can't do this alone, everyone must be involved to pray for the children! (wipes tears) God Bless You, I absolutely love this and want to add it to my library for the children, we all love you so much! You have such a beautiful heart, sweet Donna, thank you for sharing!

May love and light always shine upon you!

Noah Eaton

"You'll find something that's enough to keep you
But if the bright lights don't receive you
You should turn yourself around and come back home" MB20

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
3 posted 2004-02-22 05:33 PM

Your poetic spirit is gentle and outreaching with this lovely and moving piece~
Bless you~

~*When the heart grieves over what it has lost,
the spirit rejoices over what it has left.
- Sufi epigram <))><

[email protected]

passing shadows
Member Empyrean
since 1999-08-26
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4 posted 2004-02-22 06:48 PM

gosh! You and this poem are beautiful
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Member Laureate
since 2001-10-10
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South Carolina, USA
5 posted 2004-02-22 06:54 PM

Thank you Donna, for this poem.  I too hope
and pray for peace,  though I am afraid that
man will never allow such to grace the
earth as a whole.

Member Empyrean
since 2001-08-14
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Canada eh.
6 posted 2004-02-22 06:58 PM

"{Suffer not the children the realities of what we have become.}

In the glow of spirit, may their souls learn to fly free,
allow them to achieve all that they can be.

I lift my voice unto the heavens up above;
I am but one, please hear my plea
when through my words of faith
I now come to thee,
and say a prayer...
for the children."

Amen, Donna...Amen.
Powerful and profound write.
Hugs dear lady~

  ~ Whatever our souls are made of,
      his and mine are the same. ~      

Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
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Listening to every heart
7 posted 2004-02-22 11:08 PM

I lift my voice unto the heavens up above;
I am but one, please hear my plea
when through my words of faith
I now come to thee,
and say a prayer...
for the children.


Ever notice that when some people think
they are down,
they turn around and lift others up?

A Romantic Heart
Member Ascendant
since 1999-09-03
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Forever In Your Heart
8 posted 2004-02-23 01:45 AM

This is beauty from your heart...I believe that every child is OUR child....we need to reach out to all children and offer hope...and love...

I once considered doing foster care..make a difference in someones life...we have the power to change them though love...even if it is one child at a time...

love and hugs

Open your eyes, open your mind, open your heart, let me come in and show you love.....~ARH

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Member Laureate
since 2002-09-29
Posts 19237
Florida, USA
9 posted 2004-02-23 02:01 AM

I lift my voice unto the heavens up above;
I am but one, please hear my plea
when through my words of faith
I now come to thee,
and say a prayer...
for the children.

And, my voice joins yours, Donna.
You are such a GentleSpirit, sweet one.

Gentle Spirit
Member Patricius
since 2000-10-09
Posts 13989

10 posted 2004-02-23 08:45 AM

Thanks everyone for your thoughts.  Whether you pray or chant, whomever you lift your voice to, I hope that they will hear! THANKS
since 2001-05-26
Posts 112
11 posted 2004-02-23 10:42 AM

We so called adults run gambit day
seemingly everyday forgetting today
is all we have tomorrow belongs to
to the little ones so what do we teach

young glowing eyes that dog eat dog our creed
or that we are placed knowingly help ease
forever sufferings man's greed in brutality
fosters alike intolerance denying all round

tugs at our hearts from little ones desperate yearn to grow up what should we say state of the world, oops sorry guess you
handle it now worse teaching nothing but MTV

Try to make sense of a world on Hollywood's finely honed salesmanship wherein values is it perhaps we have not truly examined ourselves actions words hung to by children

who only wish for the same thing every human
has love and be loved somehow TV sitcoms do
not bear the load wondering when media replaced mom and dad influence viewpoint way

In truth let prayers be raised to the now that giving and loving are known as gits never to let go, cry out travailing change me as I might show the children right wrong

cry in humility shame rest not on the best I
could cry make me more that I may do more  each child God's little lamb needs a bit of help learning to stand for LoveLightRight

Glean your calendar for walk to talk attention your love is what children crave above all as you talk reinforce the walk for
there is one way One Leads by Example

You might be amazed at what walking through
life disavowing recurrent plagues evil stand
instead like a rock for the beuauty of love
sweetness of life perhaps begin a new walk

not hard, a little guidance, some hope faith
put one foot in front of the other remembering the future is holding tightly
your hand learns from every word smile hug

Susan Caldwell
Member Rara Avis
since 2002-12-27
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12 posted 2004-02-23 10:47 AM


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Member Seraphic
since 1999-07-29
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13 posted 2004-02-23 11:02 AM

Amen! *S* This is lovely, GS...
Senior Member
since 2004-01-01
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New York
14 posted 2004-02-23 11:40 AM

I lift my voice unto the heavens up above;
I am but one, please hear my plea
when through my words of faith
I now come to thee,
and say a prayer...
for the children.

Oh yes, this beautiful prayer deserves the full chior of humanity   ~P

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