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Member Rara Avis
since 1999-07-17
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0 posted 2004-01-23 07:03 AM


some weak rescue

‘it’ll all be ok,
one day’ and
isn’t life a wait,
beautiful one


she has done this before
on and off,
around distance, a list
in comfort when she
needed the truth
of skin

it’s possible, the weight
-not so far-fetched
in our shrinking world


he’s there, dreamed
-comfort instead of
the usual disasters
planes crashing, pursuit,
her mother’s eyes in death

all he might say is
‘I know’

it’s enough


6am and the sleepless

she knows the size of his hands
the way they fold her
hair into the palm
of his life

I’d drift love into you
and carve you into
the sky

and say ‘you belong,
be safe’

© Copyright 2004 Kamla Mahony - All Rights Reserved
since 2003-03-07
Posts 161
Nevada, USA
1 posted 2004-01-23 07:12 AM

Lovely thoughts, I like your style.
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
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Listening to every heart
2 posted 2004-01-23 07:19 AM

she knows the size of his hands


Somehow, that very line
is extremely comforting.


Glad to see you back!

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Member Ascendant
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3 posted 2004-01-23 07:56 AM

Hi K,

no lingering sense of loss? upbeat poem that puts a grin on my face? my gosh, is this you i'm reading?

beautiful one
~what a sly reference to the talented poetess!

it’s possible, the weight
-not so far-fetched
in our shrinking world
~er, didn't get this...the weight? meaning the knight in shining armour. but according to conventional logic, shouldnt it be the case that finding the ONE is more far-fetched in this shrinking world of ours because we grow more reliant on technology and place less emphasis on human ties and hence grow more distant from one another yadda yadda

or is the weight referring to the burden one has to bear when s/he factors in a BGR into her/his life?

he’s there, dreamed
-comfort instead of
~maybe i am revealing my ignorance of poetry here but i thought it was clever to put "dreamed" and "-comfort" in 2 separate lines because the reader may deem it the case that he should put 2 and 2 together and come up with "dreamed-comfort"...which kinda adds another layer of meaning to this piece

her mother’s eyes in death
~oh no. what a haunting line

it’s enough
~Amen. Indeed.

6am and the sleepless
~Awwwwwww, so sweet! but the poetess should really get some sleep. or work on more poetry if she can't/doesn't wanna so that she can bless us more with her presence

she knows the size of his hands
the way they fold her
hair into the palm
of his life
~my favourite bit. what a kewl way to express connectedness

this was a delight to read, both the content and the form of the poem. while it's fun to see poets playing with language and flaunting their powerful vocabulary,  your poem is proof that poetry touches deep, despite being written in plain simple language. and sometimes the simplest words do say it all and better.

stay belonged and safe!

p/s: er, didn't understand the reference. who/what is Yuki?

Member Elite
since 2003-10-11
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4 posted 2004-01-23 08:31 AM

Well taken, Severn.   Too often I find myself empathetic with my words, trying to do the "It'll-get-better stuff", when in fact, all the person needs is the "Know," that someone cares.    I very much liked your reflection and the way in which you presented it.   It made me think.

Member Rara Avis
since 2002-11-18
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the ass-end of space
5 posted 2004-01-23 04:20 PM


20 minutes staring at the reply window and still speechless..come here I'll show you instead

Member Empyrean
since 2001-08-14
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Canada eh.
6 posted 2004-01-23 04:49 PM

"she knows the size of his hands
the way they fold her
hair into the palm
of his life"

Beautiful piece of work.

    In the midst of winter..
I found there lives within me,
    an invincible summer.

Member Laureate
since 2000-10-29
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Between the Lines
7 posted 2004-01-23 05:16 PM

very touching...

"a list
in comfort when she
needed the truth
of skin"

wonderful expression


Member Empyrean
since 1999-09-21
Posts 28049
8 posted 2004-01-23 05:36 PM


So tender and real
all he might say is
‘I know’

it’s enough"


"she knows the size of his hands
the way they fold her
hair into the palm
of his life"


So good to see you, DLP!!  Hugs!

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Member Laureate
since 2002-09-29
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Florida, USA
9 posted 2004-01-23 06:02 PM

all he might say is
‘I know’

it’s enough

How true this can be, K.........

Junior Member
since 2004-01-24
Posts 37

10 posted 2004-01-24 01:12 AM

I felt this...wonderful...thank you
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-07-17
Posts 7704

11 posted 2004-01-24 05:22 AM

Laoha - thank you very much. I see you've dug up a few of my older works, for which I'm really flattered....cheers...

Kari - the thing about this is that he's absolute I'm glad that comfort came across. (Mind you, I did use the word twice grumble). Thank you, you always respond to my work whenever I choose to stumble on in here....

Hey another K - I don't know if it's 'upbeat' and upbeat? Nah...but yes, it's not about loss, that's for sure.

'beautiful one
~what a sly reference to the talented poetess!'

Snort, yeah whatever. Lol...

Weight/wait - there's two of them in the poem. I switched them to be cleva heh...and to play on the way they both apply in this particular piece. Less emphasis on human ties? This whole piece is about human ties...and how geography plays a small part in it...or on the other hand - with our technology we are more able to find a connection in a wider space aren't we? So, therefore, geography becomes the key.

(Er, what's a BGR?)

dreamed-comfort. Hadn't thought of it that way, and how does that make you ignorant. I like it.....

I've wound up writing profound things in simple language...somehow over the years lol. I prefer it in what I read; it comes out in what I write I guess. I like to express emotion through image.

You can't convey image clearly in a clutter of meaningless adjectives.

Yuki. 'Yuki Song' is a song by Deep Forest from their recent album Music Detected. It's a haunting, haunting song. The poem isn't as such inspired by it, but rather the song expresses the inspiration of the man. Make any sense? Prolly not lol..

To understand, key lyrics (bit convoluted, but you need to ~hear~ the passion):

'I didn't see it coming but it came upon me and took a hold on me and I, I could not help but believe I have faith in this thing, I have one chance in my life and I must take it, I gotta give it to you and I cannot let it go...I will not let it go...

I can't believe it, oh I can't believe it.'

The singer has a....devastating voice.

Anyway, hugs you....nice to talk as always....thanks for your input.

Sadelite - smile...yes, and I know means the world sometimes. Thank you for your reply, I've always said I'm glad when I write something that causes someone to think (maybe there's hope for me after all)..

Hey Ms Enchantress - smiling. I got a 'wow'. Thank you!

Maureen - thank you..

MLP - I know you know this one....maybe there's a bit of you in there eh? Likely a bit of all of us. Thank you. Hugs dear one..

Ethel - yes indeed. A thing to be thankful for, understanding. Real understanding.

gadfly - firstly, welcome to the forums. Secondly, thank you...I appreciate it.

R - thanks for bringing my muse back. I thought it had gone for good. Quietly speaking nordic.


Member Ascendant
since 2001-08-07
Posts 5455

12 posted 2004-01-24 06:03 PM

"she has done this before
on and off,
around distance, a list
in comfort when she
needed the truth
of skin

it’s possible, the weight
-not so far-fetched
in our shrinking world


he’s there, dreamed
-comfort instead of
the usual disasters
planes crashing, pursuit,
her mother’s eyes in death

all he might say is
‘I know’

it’s enough"


Sorry it took me awhile to get here Kamla (better said, to respond...I've read several times).  Must say I did enjoy this bit of "departure" from you.  The explanation of the title certainly shedding light on the intent.  
Hope to hear from this voice again...

Member Rara Avis
since 2000-07-25
Posts 8229
Somewhere... out there...
13 posted 2004-01-25 02:18 AM

"she knows the size of his hands
the way they fold her
hair into the palm
of his life

I’d drift love into you
and carve you into
the sky

and say ‘you belong,
be safe’"

This is truly beautiful, Kamla...
loved every bit of it.

Good to read you again, my friend...

"When the power of love overcomes the love
of power the world will know peace."
--Jimi Hendrix

Member Elite
since 2000-06-26
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Blue Heaven
14 posted 2004-01-25 02:18 PM

as nice as the song ( which  you know i have--lol)


since 2003-03-07
Posts 161
Nevada, USA
15 posted 2004-02-05 02:57 AM

Yuki is also the name of a teen pop singer from Taiwan. She is very popular in Asia.
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