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0 posted 2004-01-06 08:53 AM

Day One

Funny how this first hour
is lasting all day long
How will I bear hour two?
Years spent perfecting the art
ashtrays chosen for more than use
whitestrips,,,,whats that?
what to do with my cool case?
well,,,,I guess the ashtrays can hold
baubles, and bobby-pins and such,,
Is it ok to keep gum in a case?
ohhhh, white teeth,,,theres an idea
So,,,this is how it is to be a non smoker,,,
bad enough,,,,,but, we're doing this together!
so used to holding onto you for strength,,,
Will you be strong enough?
I guess i'll have to be too
onward we go,,,, what?
mind you,,,it was not a new years resolution to quit,,,,,,Mikey and I, well, I think we've lost our minds,,,but, we gotta see how far we can go,,,,,,take care all

I wish all could find the true happiness I have found,,in the eyes of Mike

© Copyright 2004 Michelle Albright - All Rights Reserved
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Boot+Kitty=Poetry in motion
1 posted 2004-01-06 08:56 AM

Good luck, Michelle and Mike.  Together you two can overcome anything, including this.  Hang in there.
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Inside the shadow's shadow
2 posted 2004-01-06 09:03 AM

Try not to think about it (HARD, I know) and keep yourself busy. With anything! lol GOOD LUCK!!!
since 2003-11-17
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Okaloosa Island, FL
3 posted 2004-01-06 02:01 PM

hope you make it....smoking is icky...I got some of them whitestrips too...I cant use em much though cause if I get any better lookin I'll prob end up gettin married again and I dont want that
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4 posted 2004-01-06 02:26 PM

thank you all for words of encouragement,,and winter,,,,,you are something else,,,,,(hugs)

I wish all could find the true happiness I have found,,in the eyes of Mike

Member Rara Avis
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Purgatorial Incarceration
5 posted 2004-01-06 05:27 PM

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Saluting with misty eyes
6 posted 2004-01-06 11:02 PM

Sweetheart, I wish you the absolute best with this challenge... Now, if you would have TOLD a person about this before....
UH... does this mean I get to pull any cigarettes I find out of your mouth and break them??

Hugs, and,like that.

Cause in my dreams it's always there
The evil face that twists my mind
And brings me to despair.

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7 posted 2004-01-07 08:46 AM

ummmmmmmmmm  no
the stress level I live under,,,,,,
unless you plan to replace that smoke with something good,,,,,,

You'll be counting fingers

Hugs to you too

I wish all could find the true happiness I have found,,in the eyes of Mike

since 2004-01-03
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8 posted 2004-01-07 11:37 AM

Hey Michelle, so your a smoker trying to quit? Well, I wish you the best of luck! I've never been a smoker though I've tried them a couple times but I've known from watching others how difficult it can be to quit! But I'm only 18 so I can't give you much advice. Just good luck!!!
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9 posted 2004-01-07 12:03 PM

Great poem! It's in the description of our every day tests, triumphs and failures that we learn, grow write beautiful about.


passing shadows
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10 posted 2004-01-07 12:47 PM

oh yeah...I's a long journey
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Saskatchewan, Canada
11 posted 2004-01-07 12:59 PM

Nice poem with your own voice.I like that.

    Take it from a former smoker...the first 3 days are physically the worst. Once you get past that, there's only the psychological part. I had smoking dreams for a long time because it had been a part of my life for over 20 years. Coffee had to be substituted with juices and milk for a while because I ALWAYS had a smoke with my coffee. Thinking about when and where one can smoke and whether or not you have enough smokes to last the day, etc. can be intrusive. Old habits will change to new habits, but the freedom of thought that one experiences after quitting is totally worth it. Don't quit quitting!! (Even if it takes more than one try.) Bravo to you two!!


Poetry is the sculpting of words. We ALL start with a lump of clay.

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12 posted 2004-01-07 01:27 PM

Michelle I like this poem...and good luck. I gave up smoking 5 years ago...and I still get cravings. But each time one comes I chew gum not nicotine gum either. I really hope you make it. I quit cold turkey without nicotine gum or the patch. I think people succeed or fail because of what's in their own heads. Me...I'm the master of my own decisions. That's why I was able to quit...oh yeah and I promised my wife I could do it...and I never break a promise to her.

Remember, if you're not part of the future, you're history!

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13 posted 2004-01-07 01:37 PM

repeat after me:

"I am a nonsmoker"
"It feels good to breathe without coughing"
"My hair smells fresh, not like an ashtray"

I wish you sucess. In order to became a nonsmoker 18 years ago, I chewed a whole box of straws, one right after the other, went camping in the woods with a nonsmoker for three days, ate a whole 2 lb bag of sugar free candy, bitched out my roomate for two weeks nonstop, and then suddenly realized I could SMELL the dirty ashtray residue, so out they went into the trash can. They do NOT make good candy dishes. Throw it all away.
Its good you both do this at the same time, don't forget to give Lots of extra space and understanding. Increase your physical exercise level, take whatever you have to do to win this battle.
Hugs of strength to both of you!

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Member Laureate
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British Columbia, Canada
14 posted 2004-01-07 01:47 PM

One day at a time.  This is going to be the hardest thing I bet you will ever do, I know, I did it!  Good luck!
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since 2003-02-20
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Saluting with misty eyes
15 posted 2004-01-07 05:59 PM

Replace it with something else??? I have a friend that owns a candy shoppe... Tootsie Pops all around!!!!!

Cause in my dreams it's always there
The evil face that twists my mind
And brings me to despair.

since 2004-01-05
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state of marital bliss
16 posted 2004-01-07 06:01 PM

Yay, you!!!  Good luck!!!
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