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Member Empyrean
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0 posted 2003-10-13 01:38 PM

When I Was Beautiful
(in memory of Michelle)

It was this month
in 1965
that I became beautiful,
just weeks before my first birthing,
when I was weighted with something that was light
and it glowed from inside.

Bitter bitter the brine
of that conception,
yet, it made my mirror glow
with reason, life, not seed now flown.

Just remembering that swell of you,
all front curled and making loving cups of milk,
oh, we turned heads as I walked down the street
the sway of me saying, look,
look what a miracle we are!

Even though I was alone in my joy,
the beauty of his face grew within me
(his skin was the color of dusk, his eyes damp dirt's liquid hurt).
It only mattered that I had never felt so alive,
though I cried bitterly between minutes
and slept the bounce of you beating
my face into bloomed roses.

Again I await your birth day,
wearing the memory of your slide and cry,
and the way your dusty skin was red with power,
your eyes the color of cherry stones.

And I know I never loved before that time,
and will never love again quite that way
when just before your birth
you made me see beautiful in me.

© Copyright 2003 Martie Odell Ingebretsen - All Rights Reserved
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Member Seraphic
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1 posted 2003-10-13 01:43 PM

This touches so deeply... makes me ache for what never was... and what was for all too short a time. I sorrow that this particular glow can never be recaptured... but lady... the beauty is still there.
Member Rara Avis
since 2002-11-18
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the ass-end of space
2 posted 2003-10-13 01:44 PM

I don't like the past tense of this, you are beautiful inside out, as these words reveal. I know Michelle will tell you the same when you meet again hugs

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South Carolina, USA
3 posted 2003-10-13 01:45 PM

Oh my,  you really tugged at them this time.
Beautiful you are, and beautiful you will
always be....  Like mother,  like daughter.
Even as it is, and will forever be...

Mistletoe Angel
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4 posted 2003-10-13 01:54 PM

(big hugggssssssss) God Bless You, sweet friend, you are and will always be beautiful, for Michelle was already part of you well before she was born, as He planned all along for this angel of yours to be born, and only an angelic heart like yours could make that possible! (wipes tears) You are beautiful forever, sweet friend, as Michelle will always guide you and hold your hand, we all love you so much! You have such a beautiful heart, sweet Martie, thank you for sharing!

May love and light always shine upon you!

Noah Eaton

I don't need no proof when it comes to God and truth
I can see the sun set and I perceive


Member Empyrean
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Listening to every heart
5 posted 2003-10-13 01:56 PM

Michelle gifted not only you,
but continues to pleasure us
through memories beautiful...

Local Parasite
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6 posted 2003-10-13 02:04 PM

I agree with Raph... if herein you describe the birth of personal beauty, then it doubtless resonates in your art.  If Michelle taught you how beautiful you are, then surely her contribution to the world is something to be celebrated by all.  

I thank you for passing your wisdom onto us... you are a beautiful person, Martie.


Faith is a fine invention
When gentlemen can see
But microscopes are prudent
In an emergency.
~~~Emily Dickinson

Cpat Hair
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7 posted 2003-10-13 02:11 PM

hugs my friend....

just a hug and a nod.

Member Empyrean
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8 posted 2003-10-13 02:14 PM

Ruth...It was a precious time, I see you understand...thank you.

Raph...This is a special reply...feel warm now.  Hug!

Barry, dear man...thanks for your eyes. gift me with your caring replie.

Karilea...I'm glad I can share the gifts she gives to me. just made me feel beautiful!  Hugs!

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9 posted 2003-10-13 02:16 PM

Ron...I missed you there...a hug and a nod back to you!
Janet Marie
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10 posted 2003-10-13 02:23 PM

Even though I was alone in my joy,
the beauty of his face grew within me
(his skin was the color of dusk, his eyes damp dirt's liquid hurt).
It only mattered that I had never felt so alive,
though I cried bitterly between minutes
and slept the bounce of you beating
my face into bloomed roses.

Again I await your birth day,
wearing the memory of your slide and cry,
and the way your dusty skin was red with power,
your eyes the color of cherry stones.

And I know I never loved before that time,
and will never love again quite that way


I hardly know what to say to this...its depth of expression takes my words...(and leaves me with such poetic envy)

You write with such a grace and maturity...
with such an acceptance of the whys.

I believe poets are born with the talent (to write) just as are singers, musicians, artists, painters, etc, but I also believe she gave your gifted pen a special ink.
And I'm grateful I get to see its light.

Janet Marie
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11 posted 2003-10-13 02:25 PM

(his skin was the color of dusk, his eyes damp dirt's liquid hurt).

and I LOVE that line.... good grief that got to me.

Susan Caldwell
Member Rara Avis
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12 posted 2003-10-13 02:26 PM

This piece reflects your beauty..


"if you won't let me fall for you
then you won't see the best that I would love to do for you"

Member Seraphic
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Cape Cod Massachusetts USA
13 posted 2003-10-13 02:35 PM

She lives through your beauty... and your beautiful verse - I'm sure that I know her... Hugs..
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Texas, USA
14 posted 2003-10-13 03:16 PM

This poem is beautiful, as beautiful as you.

Nan (Pilgrim variety)

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in the shadows
15 posted 2003-10-13 03:30 PM

My tears will dry in a few moments in this hot room, but your beauty is eternal.  True love is not linear; it too is eternal.
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16 posted 2003-10-13 03:40 PM

Janet Marie, my special always know what to say!  

Susan...and your lovely words reflect you...thank you.

Nan...It would please me for you to know her through my words.

Nan (PV)...Thank you for reading and for such a sweet reply.

icebox..... hugs!

Member Empyrean
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Canada eh.
17 posted 2003-10-13 04:43 PM

Martie, we have grown to know Michelle through you..
and just how beautiful you both are.
I know she is smiling down at her beautiful mother.
Just as we read your words and smile now, through our tears.
Wonderful write dear Martie.
~Heart hugs, Nancy~

~Autumn, the year's last, loveliest smile~

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Member Rara Avis
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18 posted 2003-10-13 06:13 PM

I have seen you in all the times of your life, and there has never been a time when you were not beautiful. Even this long grief of yours has beauty in it, the beauty of a mother's love that lasts beyond all things.

~~(¸¸¸¸ºº>   ~~(¸¸¸¸ºº>  ~~(¸¸ ¸¸ºº>    ~~~(¸¸ER¸¸ºº>

Member Seraphic
since 2003-02-08
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19 posted 2003-10-13 06:19 PM

How beautiful and how touching, dear Martie.  Your beauty is very much alive.
A nod in  the throat!
Love and hugs. Margherita

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
20 posted 2003-10-13 06:35 PM

Your precious memories of Michelle touch the all of me ... and won't let go~
That's a beautiful thing to have happen~
I love you, I love Michelle~
Thank you for sharing her so very tenderly~

~*When the heart grieves over what it has lost,
the spirit rejoices over what it has left.
- Sufi epigram
   [email protected]     

Member Empyrean
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21 posted 2003-10-13 06:41 PM

Nancy...and I'm smiling at you...

Ed, dear friend...thank you and hugs!

Margherita...Thank you for your tender reply.

Marge, my sis...I love you, too!

Member Elite
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Moved from a shack to a barn
22 posted 2003-10-13 08:37 PM

Good lord woman!  You keep beauty. You keep it well. Even in this heartbreak, you are beautiful.

Look to the replies above, they are your mirror.

Hugs friend


Member Elite
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23 posted 2003-10-14 12:23 PM

I’ve been trying to think today, of a single thing more beautiful in this world,
then the connection between a loving mother, and her dear and precious child...

And I wasn’t able to think of even one.

And that’s because, there isn’t any...

Martie, this reaches so deep to the very essence, of who we could be.

Of who, we should be.

And in your case dear Martie,

Of the real and purest beauty, that we can be...

God Bless You Martie,

In the truest spirit of life, you and your dear daughter Michelle,
will always have that most special of all bonds...

That miraculous beauty of a loving and nurturing mother,
carrying her sweet and tender child...

May the angels in heaven, gently hold her in their soft wings,
and sing to her nightly, angelic lullabies..

Until they can place her back in your loving arms,
for you to cherish with all of your heart,
once again...

And for always...

You truly are beauty personified Martie,

Big Hugs,


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Member Laureate
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British Columbia, Canada
24 posted 2003-10-14 02:22 AM

Martie, the beauty that she was is the beauty that you now are, because of her.  You keep her with you and share her with us, and we are so grateful to see the beauty of those parts of you.

I can't explain the feelings this left me with, an almost tender ache, followed by a smile and that is what love is, and what beauty make us feel.  To you, to her, and what you both have become.  Happy Birth day Michelle.

passing shadows
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25 posted 2003-10-14 04:03 AM

Sudhir Iyer
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Mumbai, India : now in Belgium
26 posted 2003-10-14 05:16 AM

now I know what beautiful is...

it is being you, my friend...
being you

lovely is this poem... and beautiful your heart shall remain


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Florida, USA
27 posted 2003-10-14 05:51 AM

Dear sweet Martie, I have no words to describe the way this poem...the way you and Michele.....make me feel. There is such sadness in my heart for you, yet such joy that you can write such beauty of your heart. You do have a beautiful heart, sweet lady.....and it shows with every poem you write.
Thank you for being  YOU, sweet friend.  
Heart hugs to you  

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28 posted 2003-10-14 06:19 AM

This poem shows an inner beauty that time cannot fade.
A most beautiful picture of your inner self That is beyond mortal.
The muse Gods have guided your pen, I am glad they did...
Thank you for sharing your spirit....

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29 posted 2003-10-14 05:36 PM

Difficult to not reply. This is beautiful. Here's to the eternal ember of that glow.

"Nils Desperandum" Wells Family Motto

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Member Rara Avis
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In Your Poetic Mind
30 posted 2003-10-14 05:42 PM


I can't begin to understand the loss of a child....this aches so deep have such grace when you write of her....hugssss hon....

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31 posted 2003-10-15 11:57 AM

This belongs at the top of the list. Back you go! Wonderful job.

Remember, if you're not part of the future, you're history!

Earth Angel
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Realms of Light
32 posted 2003-10-15 12:37 PM

Martie, from such pain has come such beauty. I doubt there be a dry eye among those who are privileged to read the outpouring from your loving heart. Blessings to you and your beloved Michelle. This is but a temporary separation...

Love & Eternal Life,

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33 posted 2003-10-15 02:31 PM

when I was pregnant, even strangers would comment on how I had that 'glow'...that I was beautiful, but I never understood it until I read this.......wonderful wonderful writing lady...hugs
Member Rara Avis
since 2003-03-02
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New York
34 posted 2003-10-15 02:59 PM

And I know I never loved before that time,
and will never love again quite that way
when just before your birth
you made me see beautiful in me.

God Yes Martie . . .
oh how perfectly you have
described this oh so powerful
bond . . .

Yes, nor will I
and you, m'friend . . .
are THE most beautiful soul
she knows this, you know?
take pride in both creations
I know that God sure does . . .


Paul Wilson
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35 posted 2003-10-17 09:04 PM

Martie...A beautiful poem of remembrance for Michelle. Enjoyed...Paul

A touch of hand
The feel of kick
Miracle from within
The candle to your wick

"To share my poems with you is to share my heart with you"

Bonnie j
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36 posted 2003-10-17 09:20 PM

This is so touching and you are still beautiful.

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Ohio, USA
37 posted 2003-10-19 02:01 PM

Martie - you paint a picture so beautifully of love and life and the power of both love and life - how precious is this memory of the beginnings of your life with Michelle and how wonderfully you paint for us the love you share with her - Paul
Member Ascendant
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Ontario, CANADA
38 posted 2003-10-19 02:56 PM

Martie, you are amazing and as always your writing brings me to tears.  You really just amaze me.


Intellectually I know that Canada is no better than any other country. Emotionally I KNOW that Canada is the best country in the world!

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39 posted 2003-10-19 02:58 PM

You are and will forever remain beautiful.If anyone doubts that just tell them to see me.

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Kapolei, Hawaii, USA
40 posted 2003-10-21 04:16 AM

Dark Angel
Member Patricius
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41 posted 2003-10-21 05:52 PM

And I know I never loved before that time,
and will never love again quite that way
when just before your birth
you made me see beautiful in me.

This is just the most beautiful poem I have ever read. You still are beautiful Martie. The depth of expression in this just...arghhh words fail me. And yes through you Martie I feel like I know Michelle. Happy Birthday Michelle.

I'm keeping this.

beautiful lady


fate is not just
whose cooking  smells good
but which way the wind blows

(Ani DiFranco)

Dark Angel
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42 posted 2003-10-21 05:52 PM

forgot to click sighhh
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