Open Poetry #26 |
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Banned Thoughts Of Beauty |
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D.Lester Young Senior Member
since 2001-12-08
Posts 1219Austin, Tx |
I am announcing my retirement as of May 1st, so I have until then to vent. I try to deliver in that time something worthwhile. I could write under another name but my words will follow me into the workplace. Peace to your poetry, for you all so individually so dear to me. God bless and let His angels guide you. So after my birthday on the 30th and after April Poetry Month, I will no longer post poetry on the Internet. So if I have a lot of poems to post as I make them, remember now that I have a new computer but must go to a library to post. I cannot post at work for I have been banned to have any verse on site. Anything that is in contract will be allowed to publish. Thank you for understanding. Imprisoned mind, what is wrong with you, that you must again go into hiding. Are you so evil, because a few do not understand you. Oh winds of free expression, riding free waves of soothing relief, an ocean full of unbridled free will storming in the beauty of a uncontrolled pristine imagination . A masterpiece never understood by others for the fears of some that will not learn from it. Starting next month, because you will not do it in a month celebrating poetry. You must put a leash on it, as if it meant someone harm, or bite the one who has it, for it is doing harm, they say. So instead you will make it disappear, going into hibernation, for IT is more important to be free and out of the way. You had been mandated to be branded, by an evaluation that sees into your mind, making sure you are free of demons. Yet the damage has been done, for now there is reason to doubt your creativity, even if now you have a clean bill of health. My name must end they say from entering the workplace as poetry, for the fear that it might offend others. So the scarlet letter has been implanted within, God’s gift of having an independent mind, that some see as obscene. For we know that my verse will enter like gossip like it did before, to be distributed by others, that I have no control over. Who did distribute the poem to all the team members that got a few upset? Did they understand the reason for it, that it was against abuse of any kind? The funny thing I could have written a poem about a woman in leather protecting herself with the rights of a gun ownership, in one of the magazines at work and gotten in no trouble. Maybe I should thank them for have not so many great artists been evaluated by others as evil, corrupting some unknown barrier, to be seen in the next generation as unsung heroes of abstract creation. So beautiful millions will be charmed by it, that their name are elevated as icons. Am I that great? That I must be banned from thinking and corrupting the work force. How silly of you! I have a mountain to climb, a heaven to reach, and a universe to cross, before I even get to the frontier of beginning to be great. But where is the harm in trying, by climbing a hill on American soil. It is a shame, for it is like practicing for a marathon that sees your body fit enough, even at your age. But someone puts a limitation that you cannot use your mind to challenge your capabilities. I feel like those poets who were once considered an asset to the community being banned by a White House, afraid of their rights as Americans to express themselves independently, becoming instantly a lower class, cast off like unmentionables. So if the President and his staff can perceive a threat, so can the narrow minds of obedience mandate compliance, or your status will be reevaluated. We all know about politicians, that you have to keep switching parties in order to find a decent one, who is untarnished by creative reenforcement, having had plastic surgery applied so many times, you do not know who they are. After each miscue, claiming ignorance of the fact. Having a top dog like a CEO, who is an automatic saint, cast so high an untouchable cannot mention him. So maybe I need surgery to improve my image becoming something, I am not, a movie star in glittering diamonds. A CEO with stockholder bonuses being paid while still losing billions forced into a retirement of luxury of exotic benefits. Nay I think not! I think I will stay second class, so I can learn a lot more, let them laugh at me, for my smile is inside me in words they can only imagine, let them silence me like accountants who really do their job and were forced to submit by the intimidation of management. With open door policies to elevators with nothing in them, after falling from the first floor and then the second, you learn to live with a bruised pride. I hope you landed on the right part to cushion your landing. I have risen so high and so fast that the Sears Towers are below me, that the only hope is in words that pray upwards to a higher authority, that lets my mind retire next month in peace and tranquility. Anyone got a emergency chute, just in case I get a busy signal. Just kidding for we have an open line from the tears that make me so human. So what is a poet about? Let me start my mind going. Oh blue lagoon, of waterfall thoughts of pure pleasure so pristine that you wash your guilt away, in the creative beauty of an orchid garden. In a fragrance so divine, the intoxication releases all inhibitions, for here you can be yourself, have nothing to prove to anyone, roaming in a paradise of inspiration of endless caresses massaging your mind, for here there in no need for equality, it is understood by everything around you. Oh let your mind go, into that meditation trance that releases you, on a cloud so soft you smile forever, being loved by who you really are, in a gift within God’s love. And that is only a small part of why to ban a poet for they are more comfortable creating reality than living in it chained. So on my birthday at the end of the month, I will celebrate it alone, tasting my last day of freedom after leaving the workplace, that is if I have one, retiring my mind the next day, from anyone sharing my special places, that reside in me smiling now. Please do me a favor, even if you hate me, light a candle for a old poet who wants to end abuse for a gift on his birthday, light it for others to see that it is just not acceptable. (This part almost brought tears, imagine that!) My only regret is that there is no one to share my paradise with, for she would be treated like a princess so pleased, that she would float in heaven forever, in ways you will now never know about, surrounded in poetry and music so romantic that she would stay mine forever. Thought: God bless all the poets, for the are the conscious that rides free of any masters. This is not to be distributed in any workplace for if it is found it might be grounds for termination. Let’s say I was using creative poetry that should satisfy them, but come to think of it they may have renamed things. I know let say I wrote this as a politician and had second thoughts afterwards requiring plastic surgery but I love my ugly face. Wow, I finally figured it all out, is their a union out there that will say I am a organizer of free thoughts. Wow, maybe I can become an honorary member of the Actors Guild, for acting like I am a poet. I might even get to meet real talent but I am dreaming again, so you know my fate is sealed. Public relations, advertizing, teacher (no 4 year degree), anyone have any suggestions, so please DO NOT distribute this in the workplace. |
© Copyright 2003 David Lester Young - All Rights Reserved | |||
since 2001-05-18
Posts 28647Gaia |
I'll come back to this later, but it sounds as if you just need to get your own PC and internet connection, and not rely on one at the workplace. Only then will you be able to experience some creative freedom. Good luck, and hope this doesn't really stop you from writing. |
D.Lester Young Senior Member
since 2001-12-08
Posts 1219Austin, Tx |
I have not been using the comuter at work. I have had a computer until it crashed last week and had to buy a new one. I also had an Internet ISDL line but I am moving so it is disconnected, that is why I have to go to the library. Because of one of my poems against abuse was not read in its entirety, my company had banned any possession of poetry on my person in any physical way, including my truck. I park outside the gates for lunch and create verse there. If I get an idea about a flower and it is verse, I will be terminated if I write it down. The poem that I wrote was not even distributed by me at work and still I had no defense. My only problem with this is that I never know when a thought is going to hit and I have no means to take a note on it, that I have to go outside the gate to get in my truck to write during my lunchtime. If you have read my things, you know I am a lover of the art and would never do anything to hurt it. I was going to write a poem about suicide saying that all those poets that used it took away from us the beauty of their words, but I think I will hold back on that. I will say this, in my game of Russian Roulette, my bullet is for life, for I may get bruised by it but I will never hurt myself. For the wounds I carry are from others who do not understand me. I had a miracle as a child having polio so crippling that upon seeing a Christmas Tree I pointed to it, stood up and walked. My birthday is on April 30th, light a candle for me that we may be able to stop the abuse of anyone. I have never been nor have I abused any person at any age in any fashion. I do not condone it, for I think it is one of the most vulgar things that someone can do to another person. It is an act that lives with a person for a lifetime. I tried to paint a picture of someone who had been abused and it offended someone, for they did not read the whole poem. The next time someone talks to me that need help, I will never write about it to help others. So please light a candle to end abuse for it will be the greatest gift you can ever give me. |
since 2001-05-18
Posts 28647Gaia |
Candles will be lit, but then, they usually are anyway since I have a similar mindset, I light candles for Peace almost every night. |
JamesMichael Member Empyrean
since 1999-11-16
Posts 33336Kapolei, Hawaii, USA |
Nice writing...I think there's always a way to write...even if you have to do it in the middle of the night...sometimes I'll get just one line in my mind while I'm at work and I write it down real quick and try to finish it after work...James |
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