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Member Seraphic
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0 posted 2003-05-28 03:52 PM

It seems but just a day ago
We could hold you in our hands
And now you stand before us
Strong, tall and full of plans.
This seeming "flying by" of time
Brings us some trepidation
But we're so very proud of you
On this, your graduation.
Today you write the final words
In this chapter of life's book
But opportunities will abound
Wherever you may look.
Tough hours may come, remember then
You're never all alone
For loving arms are as close to you
As the nearest phone.
So let your faith in God above
Guide every choice you make
May surety of right from wrong
Light every path you take.
May success be your reward
In everything you do
And may you never once forget
How much we all love you.


[This message has been edited by suthern (05-28-2003 03:53 PM).]

© Copyright 2003 suthern - All Rights Reserved
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Listening to every heart
1 posted 2003-05-28 04:11 PM

For Matthew!  "clink"

Brad Majors
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2 posted 2003-05-28 04:16 PM

Earth Angel
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Realms of Light
3 posted 2003-05-28 04:23 PM

This poem must surely make Matthews graduation even more special for him.


May your future be bright
May all your
dreams become reality.

Warm hugs,
Earth Angel

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
4 posted 2003-05-28 04:24 PM

Will an Awwwwwwwwwwwwww ! do ?
Precious you are ... and lucky Matthew~
Love ya' lady~

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

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Member Laureate
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British Columbia, Canada
5 posted 2003-05-28 04:26 PM

Congratulations Matthew
What a nice card to toast his future with Suthern.

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Member Seraphic
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6 posted 2003-05-28 04:35 PM

Thank you all so very much. *S* They flubbed his introduction, so any tears that might have been hovering dissolved into giggles. *S* But this ole aunt has to confess that more than a few tears dripped when his invitation arrived in the mail. *S* He's not from my body... but he's mine anyway. *S*
Dark Angel
Member Patricius
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7 posted 2003-05-28 05:08 PM

This is reall very beautiful, you nearly had me in tears for I was thinking that my son will one day graduate. And when he does I want to tell him what you have to your nephew so beautifully.

now this....

He's not from my body... but he's mine anyway.
I know what you mean here, it's how I feel about my nephews. One just recently told me he had proposed to his girlfriend and she accepted, he told me this over the phone just after she had accepted and I cried with joy.

I'm going to keep this.


Member Empyrean
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8 posted 2003-05-28 05:17 PM

suthern...Lots of love in these words...and I also see great pride in Matthew.  The love you offer now and in his future touches me, I'm sure it does him as well.  
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9 posted 2003-05-28 05:27 PM

now I can ditto glad to see you post this, it is full of love and pride and beautifully written
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10 posted 2003-05-28 05:54 PM

Bravo! well done. how could he go wrong following these words of wisdom.
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Beneath the northern stars
11 posted 2003-05-28 05:56 PM

Congrats Matthew! Wonderful graduation poem Suthern!


Dreams last for so long, even after you're gone...

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12 posted 2003-05-28 06:55 PM

Oh suthern, along the path through life, their are several rites of passage that we all encounter. Your dear nephew Matthew has just embarked one of the most prevalent rites of all . The rite, or initiation into maturity.  A coming of age, if you will. He entered the institution of High School as a boy, and four short years later he truly has, emerged a man.

Your nephew is very fortunate to have been given not only your beautiful poem that he can always cherish, forever. But more importantly, he has been given the gift of unconditional love and support, from a very loving aunt, who is so honored, and so proud of him. That is a gift, of immeasurable value. And one that will help to keep him grounded, content, and successful in the coming years.  I wish your nephew Mathew, Godspeed. As he embarks on his new journey. The journey of manhood. The journey, of life.



Janet Marie
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13 posted 2003-05-28 08:49 PM

I, for one, can testify to your devotion and adoration of your family, and have seen how you cherish the kids as your own,
This is a lovely tribute and gifting of your rhymes and heart Ruthie...
Congrats to Matthew and your family.

Darkness cannot drive out darkness ... only light can do that.
Hate cannot drive out hate ... only love can do that.

Mistletoe Angel
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14 posted 2003-05-28 08:50 PM

(does happy dance) YAY!!! (happy hugs) Oh Suthern, I'm so happy for your Matthews, dearest friend, I graduated from high school last year and know the feeling of moving on so much but know with utmost confidence in my heart Matthews will rise and be a true light of the future ahead! (smiles) God Bless You both, dearest friend, we all love you so much! You have such a beautiful heart, sweet Suthern, thank you for sharing!

May love and light always shine upon you!

Noah Eaton

Underneath your clothes, there's an endless story


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Member Patricius
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just out of reach
15 posted 2003-05-28 09:16 PM

Ruth, this is so touching. Congrats Matthew! Time does fly by doesn't it? hugs, Chris

"Hope" is the thing with feathers-
that perches in the soul....
                       -Emily Dickinson

passing shadows
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16 posted 2003-05-30 04:47 AM

wonderful! wow! congrats!
Member Patricius
since 2000-05-14
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New Brunswick Canada
17 posted 2003-05-30 05:29 AM

That flows so well and is so well put together.....Lovely rhyme scheme and meter...Just great style for the subject.

Here's to Matthew!

The best teachers have the biggest ears

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Kapolei, Hawaii, USA
18 posted 2003-05-30 06:30 AM

This is fantastic writing...James
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19 posted 2003-05-30 08:30 AM

"Today you write the final words
In this chapter of life's book
But opportunities will abound
Wherever you may look."

I like these lines very much. I sure they will be an encouragement to Matthew, too. Good write.

“We are all travelers in the wilderness of this world, and the best that we can find in our travels is an honest friend.” –Robert Louis Stevenson

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Florida, USA
20 posted 2003-05-30 10:41 AM


You are very blessed to have an Aunt
like our sweet Suthern.

Lady, I understand how you feel like your nephew
is yours. I feel like that about my nieces and
nephews, and also some of my friends kids.

Heart hugs to you, friend  

Member Ascendant
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Ala bam a
21 posted 2003-05-30 11:42 AM

Nice tribute to Matt.....(but I think my poem for him would have been nice don't ya think?).....LOL....of course, his mom would probably never talk to you again either..
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Member Seraphic
since 1999-07-29
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22 posted 2003-05-30 12:46 PM

Sunshine: He’d better still be toasting with ginger ale! LOL

Brad: Thank you! *S*

EA: I will pass those wishes on along to him... thank you! *S*

Marge: I think I’m the lucky one. *S* Thank you!

Mysteria: With all my heart, I hope it’s a bright one. *S*

DA: You truly honor me... and I thank you. *S* And when the time comes, I know your words to your son will be jewels. *S*

Martie: I am so proud of him. *S* And never more so than when he folded himself almost in half to bend over and hug me when he finished reading this. *S*

jellybeans: You and Toe have been hearing about him for quite a few years now, haven’t you? *S* I thank you so much for every one of those days... and for liking this! *S*

Edder: How very kind of you... thank you! *S*

skyshine: Thank you so very much! *S*

Richy: That’s one of the things that made graduation night so touching... the boy is still in there (driving his mom nuts when she noticed that he was chewing gum during the ceremony! LOL) but the man is very evident... and it’s a gracious and beautiful one emerging. *S* Thank you so much for a wonderful response. *S*

JM: Yup... they’ve had me wrapped around those fingers for years! LOL Thank you so very much. *S*

M’Toe: You could  probably give him a ton of great advice! *S* He writes wonderful poetry... just is kinda shy about sharing it. *S* Thank you very much! *S*

Nightshade: It certainly does... but oh, the years look better on him than me! LOL Thank you very much! *S*

PS: Thank you! *S*

ethome: I’d wanted to write something for him... then gave up because everything I wrote seemed forced and contrived. Then at 3 am on the morning of his graduation, this one woke me up... thank you so much for the assurance it worked. *S*

JamesMichael: I thank you so much! *S*

El-C: I hope they will... thank you very much! *S*

garysgirl: There are times I’m sure he’s considered it a curse instead of a blessing. LOL I’m just glad that about the time he got so tall we’d need a stepstool to yell at him, he stopped needing the yelling. *G* Thank you very much! *S*

Toe: Sweet one, I think your poem was absolutely perfect. LOL I don’t think his mom would have shared that opinion, though. LOL So he had to settle for the boring stuff... I’ll sneak your poem to him later! LOL Thank you... for this response and for all the times you’ve listened to me brag on my boy. *S*

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