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since 2003-03-13
Posts 67

0 posted 2003-04-11 01:16 PM


(Written after I watched the news)

The city houses vicious souls, there is one now
homing in on the dragging sound of tired shoes...

"I am an old woman, and you just a boy
a boy who does not yet even shave.
You have not seen the Southern Cross between the peaks at St Croix,
and conceived a son 'neath it's charm.
I tell you, you have not survived
3 wars, and 2 husbands
or a foreclosing. You did not see the dream die,
nor have you felt the blood between your toes -- or hear the cries of a wounded country
at any such time.
I have seen the magnificence and follies of man and his ways;
and would gladly share what I could with you, boy.
For there are such important things -
those that you will never know,
here on the street.
Come, do not give your precious life to such a waste,
come, do not..."


         "Stupid bitch, you talk too much."

and she died, clutching a memory of her first husband
'cutting the rug' somewhere; some time.
and the boy took his first hit...
as her last drops of blood echoed in the sewer.
the refuse of the day.


© Copyright 2003 machiner - All Rights Reserved
Earth Angel
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since 2002-08-27
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Realms of Light
1 posted 2003-04-11 01:25 PM

"This One Will Hurt" must have meant "Only For the Brave of Heart"...
Gosh, this had so much impact, I was thrown clear off of my computer chair!

Peace & Light,

[This message has been edited by Earth Angel (04-11-2003 01:25 PM).]

since 2003-03-13
Posts 67
2 posted 2003-04-11 01:29 PM

YA! you should've seen me...
crying and pacing and yelling and sobbing...

I knew that woman, all of us knew her, and the parents of the boy and the boy himself.

I wrote this a few years ago, and it still shakes me...At the college where I printed it, there were angry folks waiting at my office door....
GOOD! Take note...

It still upsets me.

I wrote another, a part 2, but I can't bring myself to read it again.
It's so sad, and I got really lucky with the imagery...shakes me to think about...I have babies now.

Thank you for reading my poetry. If you can call it that.


[This message has been edited by machiner (04-11-2003 01:31 PM).]

Joyce Johnson
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3 posted 2003-04-11 05:06 PM

I''m not sure if this is about war or street shootings, but indeed it is very sad.  For both the woman and her shooter.  Joyce
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since 2003-02-28
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4 posted 2003-04-11 05:19 PM

machiner, your venting with poetry and you do write poetry, poetry which is good and real. Let it out for you will find many who will stretch out their hand and definitly understand. Thru your own passions you will help to heal what lies in the future.


Mistletoe Angel
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5 posted 2003-04-12 03:29 PM

(big hugggsssssss) We all meet people we come across on the dirty roads of life, and wwhat's heartbreaking most of all is to see someone you know ever so well have to suffer and endure such tragedy! (sad sigh) Angry? They should be too, I think everyone should be in times like these, God Bless You, sweet friend, we all love you so much! You have such a beautiful heart, sweet friend, thank you for sharing!

May love and light always shine upon you!

Noah Eaton

"Underneath your clothes there's an endless story..."


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