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Larry C
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0 posted 2003-03-21 08:07 PM

Words are defined by the dictionary. But life gives them meaning. And meaning starts before you can even read. Take for instance the word parent and the sub-words dad and mom. We know that mom means the world revolves around us and dad means that it does not. Only, of course, because he works outside of the home and she is always there. (At least when I grew up.)

All of which brings us to the sub-words that give further clarification. For example: dad gives meaning to the word hero; and mom gives meaning to the word omnipresent. My dad could hit the baseball from one end of the playground to the other. Wow! My mom knew I had taken three cents from her purse when she was not even there. Wow! Why would I need a dictionary with understanding like this?

If life offers any clues it would be that definitions and meanings are not static. Not that I wanted to outgrow my childhood but adulthood was beckoning. So in my adolescence I answered the call. It was then I found that I knew so much more than my mom or dad. And that is when reality began to intrude on my childhood meanings of mom and dad. Finally I recognized it was not me that was egocentric but rather dad. After all, he only cared about his job. And mom just didn’t have a clue about where I was or what I was doing. So much for being omnipresent.

But what is more legitimate then experiencing definitions and meanings first hand? I rushed right into parenthood while I still knew everything. Nothing is better than your own experience. It felt so good to finally be a hero and to be married to an omnipresent woman.  After having conquered the task of becoming a dad, doing it again was certain to just be repetition. However, nothing tops experience like additional experience. And expected repetition was not repetition at all. With two children of my own I was still the hero dad and my wife still the omniscient mom.

It is odd you cannot see life cycles repeating themselves in advance. The patterns of history itself should make that apparent. But it seems heroes are not that perceptive. All too soon my children figured out that mom and dad were not really defined quite as we had presented ourselves and we could do little to change their minds. Answering too quickly their own call to adulthood altering meanings based on their own experiences.

Now I long for that cycle to continue. You know, the one where your dad becomes a hero again in his old age and your mom is omnipresent after all. She always knows. And she is always there. I love it when history repeats itself. Now I’m waiting for my turn.

[This message has been edited by Larry C (03-21-2003 08:09 PM).]

© Copyright 2003 Larry Chadwick - All Rights Reserved
serenity blaze
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1 posted 2003-03-21 08:15 PM

I like to think we become our definitions.

So many stories I'd love to tell you about my parents--and now that I am a parent too, sometimes I try to give myself a break, thinking about all the things they did right, and everything I still managed to do wrong. And? They love me anyway.

Ain't it somethin'? grin...I vote, my tender-hearted friend.

(Ya'll are gonna have me weeping over the keyboard again--sigh... )

Dark Angel
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2 posted 2003-03-21 08:15 PM

Oh my.... this is magnificent.
Believe it or not this brought tears to my eyes.

Now I long for that cycle to continue. You know, the one where your dad becomes a hero again in his old age and your mom is omnipresent after all. She always knows. And she is always there. I love it when history repeats itself

Oh I'm there in the midst of history repeating itself.

This is a MUST for the book.



serenity blaze
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3 posted 2003-03-21 08:15 PM NOW I vote.


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somebody's dungeon
4 posted 2003-03-21 08:22 PM

Larry, I agree with Maree, this is just amazing, and also very touching. Definately one for the book.

[This message has been edited by WhiteRose (03-22-2003 12:48 PM).]

Mistletoe Angel
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5 posted 2003-03-21 08:42 PM

(smiles) Every son and daughter has a big part of their mom and dad inside of them, I'd say you definitely will become your definitions and just wait and see what definitions your children continue to make as they grow! (big huggggsssssss) God Bless You, sweet friend, you have my vernacular vote, we all love you so much! You have such a beautiful heart, sweet Larry, thank you for sharing!

May love and light always shine upon you!

Noah Eaton

"Underneath your clothes there's an endless story..."


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Up Creek w/Out Paddle
6 posted 2003-03-21 09:13 PM

Larry, you sure summed up my feelings
and experiences about my life cycle.
And you said it so well.
Thanks for this. I adore this piece.

When you think you have heard it all,
listen more closely.

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Canada eh.
7 posted 2003-03-21 09:21 PM

Larry, I am in tears...this is must for the book poet sir.

~ I've loved you forever, in lifetimes before ~

Larry C
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8 posted 2003-03-22 12:25 PM

Thank you, thank you.

I'm deeply in love with what my son has become. And thank you dear friend.

Wow, thanks. Those are very kind words indeed.

Nancy Lee,
Well now, dry those tears. And thank you.

If tears could build a stairway and memories a lane, I'd walk right up to heaven and bring you home again.

[This message has been edited by Larry C (03-22-2003 12:26 AM).]

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9 posted 2003-03-22 02:14 AM

wanted to ask you way earlier whether you took Sunshine's advice and submit this to parenting magazines...i guess you have not...this is the best prose i have voted for you so far and i agree with Janet Marie: the first line is awesome...

good luck!

p/s: yup, that's how memorable this prose is for me

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California Desert
10 posted 2003-03-22 12:45 PM


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Member Rara Avis
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In Your Poetic Mind
11 posted 2003-03-22 04:18 PM

heart hugssss.......hon....this is amazing and so you!!

I close my eyes and there in the shadows I see your light
You come to me out of my dreams
Across the night

Larry C
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12 posted 2003-03-23 12:12 PM

I'm impressed! Such a huge compliment...thank you. You are so kind.


Bless you. You are so kind to me. Thank you.

If tears could build a stairway and memories a lane, I'd walk right up to heaven and bring you home again.

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Listening to every heart
13 posted 2003-03-23 07:39 AM

There's so much work still to be done in that waiting's never letting go - never saying "enough"...always being there, with open arms, and an ever-enlarging heart...

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14 posted 2003-03-23 09:58 AM

This moved I'm voting!!!! And I repeat the above....

"Somewhere, somehow, it should be possible to touch someone and never let go again.  To hold someone, not for a moment but forever." Unknown

since 2003-02-23
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East of the moon, west of the sun.
15 posted 2003-03-23 03:07 PM

Wow...I'm just passing through that stage where I discover mom has her faults and dad isn't fearless. Sometimes I wish I could still have that believe, that dad and mom are everything the perfect person should be, because they're dad and mom. There's just no two ways about it.

Beautiful, my vote, for sure.

Every heart has hidden treasures...a secret wish, a silent dream, and a cherished love. [Unknown]

Member Seraphic
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16 posted 2003-03-23 10:02 PM

We become our definitions, and our definitions become us... You're an amazing man, Larry...
Larry C
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17 posted 2003-03-24 12:14 PM

Thank you. So true...

Such kind words. Thank you.

Courage and peace to you. And thank you.

Aww Nan,
You are indeed so kind. Thank you very much.

If tears could build a stairway and memories a lane, I'd walk right up to heaven and bring you home again.

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18 posted 2003-03-24 12:15 PM


I love your cycle of life.


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19 posted 2003-03-24 07:07 AM

*smiles* definitely should go in the book

If I love you enough will you feel it over the distance?

Member Patricius
since 1999-07-05
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Glen Hope, PA USA
20 posted 2003-03-24 10:16 AM

Oh're turns coming real soon my friend Wise and wonderful words
Larry C
Deputy Moderator 1 Tour
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since 2001-09-10
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21 posted 2003-03-25 12:17 PM

Thank you very much.

That is very kind of you. Thanks.

My son is the best. I think it's already here. Thanks.

If tears could build a stairway and memories a lane, I'd walk right up to heaven and bring you home again.

Deputy Moderator 1 TourDeputy Moderator 1 Tour
Member Seraphic
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22 posted 2003-03-26 12:07 PM

We do recognize the cycles (finally! LOL)... but you've defined them so well... and what a difference perception and maturity make to definitions. *S* Excellent work! *S*
Tammy Blessing
since 2002-08-26
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23 posted 2003-03-26 12:40 PM

I am just going through the stage where my daughter finds out I am NOT omnipresent and I must say I don't like the feeling much. You have given me new insight and hope for the future dear Larry. You DEFINATELY have my vote!! And I must agree with the others that you should submit this to a parenting magazine. Words of wisdom and hope are greatly needed by ALL parents at every stage of life.

Janet Marie
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24 posted 2003-03-26 04:42 PM

How did I miss this?????
you must have posted while I was out of town...
never the less..I found it and am better for having read it...
and poet DO can only have a turn when they are wise enough to realize the cycles and the reasons for them in the first place....
SO...this write of heart serves proof...
you WILL get a already are.

"and when we get to the pearly gates ...
we'll find what we called our sins were just mistakes."

Tom Kimmel

Larry C
Deputy Moderator 1 Tour
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since 2001-09-10
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United States
25 posted 2003-03-27 12:58 PM

You are always so kind to me. Thank you for your tenderness. It means so much.

Such generous thoughts. Thank you. And courage to you, it's all worth it!

Don't ever leave this place. You do know how to mend this aching heart. Thank you so very much.

If tears could build a stairway and memories a lane, I'd walk right up to heaven and bring you home again.

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