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Titia Geertman
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since 2001-05-07
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0 posted 2003-03-17 07:08 PM

Sometimes, when the lights are out, I sit in the dark and wait.
Waiting for thoughts to fill my head, dreaming about what to do,
with a million bucks.
Being rich should give you some happiness they say.
Money...will it help to get a better life?
Sometimes I wonder, because happiness has to be within,
within oneself.
Happiness you must create, it's not given.
But if you just sit and wait... a million bucks won't help I guess.
So here I sit when the lights are out.
Sometimes I'm happy, sometimes I wish I had a million bucks.

Like scattered words will flow

© Copyright 2003 Titia Geertman - All Rights Reserved
Mistletoe Angel
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1 posted 2003-03-17 07:16 PM



(big hugggssssssss) Oh Titia, this is so very true, sweet friend, everything that is only temporary is not true happiness, happiness must be something ever so fluent that it consumes your heart forever and money is by far the opposite of that! (sigh) This is touching, sweet friend, I love it, you have my vote, we all love you so much! You have such a beautiful heart, sweet Titia, thank you for sharing!


May love and light always shine upon you!

Noah Eaton


"Underneath your clothes there's an endless story..."


[This message has been edited by Mistletoe Angel (03-17-2003 07:38 PM).]

Cpat Hair
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2 posted 2003-03-17 07:17 PM

yep... the truth in this deserves to be read... got my vote...
Member Empyrean
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Canada eh.
3 posted 2003-03-17 07:37 PM

Cute write Titia..gets my vote!

~ Trace my body with your words..
And in doing so, you touch my heart. ~

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California Desert
4 posted 2003-03-17 09:09 PM

Nice! My vote.
Member Empyrean
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Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA
5 posted 2003-03-17 11:17 PM

Ah, dutchie...these words ring so true. You show your humanity in these words...very nice.

voting here!!!

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Member Laureate
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British Columbia, Canada
6 posted 2003-03-18 01:56 PM

Boy if I had a million bucks I would be over there under those beautiful skys of yours Titia!  Loved your thoughts, you are such a kind lady (seems to me your Mom is too).


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Member Seraphic
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7 posted 2003-03-18 02:15 PM

I think you must have been looking up at my window... or at least reading my mind. *S* This is wonderful, Titia... I like it very much! *S*
Member Rara Avis
since 2000-07-25
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Somewhere... out there...
8 posted 2003-03-19 04:12 AM

Love this, Titia.
If I had a million bucks, I'd share it with my favorite Dutchie.

"...until you have read the verse on his heart,
you have not truly met the poet.

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Florida, USA
9 posted 2003-03-19 11:28 AM

Titia, I like this. It makes you
think. You're right, though....I
don't think money can buy happiness,
but it sure would make us feel better

Heart Hugs, and my vote,

Earth Angel
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Realms of Light
10 posted 2003-03-19 06:38 PM

Oh, Titia! I do the same thing! I love to sit on my bed in the dark and wait for new thoughts and ideas to float gently into my mind...and it would even be better if I had a million dollars stuffed under my mattress!

Delightful write from a delightful pen!

Love & Light,

Member Elite
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Texas, USA
11 posted 2003-03-20 04:40 PM

Titia, I enjoyed this one. The older I get the less I want a million bucks. The things I want don't cost that much anymore. Iced tea in the summer and someone to share it with, really.

Nan (Pilgrim variety)

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somebody's dungeon
12 posted 2003-03-21 08:27 PM

Oh me too, but I'd probably spend it all in about a week. Love this!

Senior Member
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Up Creek w/Out Paddle
13 posted 2003-03-21 09:51 PM

Too true! But isn't most of
the fun in the dreaming?

When you think you have heard it all,
listen more closely.

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14 posted 2003-03-22 02:18 PM

Yes, this is true.
But I don't think a million bucks could make a better you!

Well, done.


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15 posted 2003-03-22 02:19 PM

oops, here's my vote.


Joyce Johnson
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16 posted 2003-03-23 02:36 AM

Me too, me too.  This gets my vote.  Joyce
Titia Geertman
Member Ascendant
since 2001-05-07
Posts 5182
17 posted 2003-03-23 10:12 PM

Thank you dear friends.

It's 4.00 am overhere and I'm on the edge of wanting a million bucks, so I wouldn't have to go to work tomorrow LOL

Thanks for all the votings


Like scattered words will flow

Senior Member
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kent England
18 posted 2003-03-24 06:17 PM

Titia I wish I had a million pounds to go with your million bucks so we would have double the amount anyway lovely writing. Beautiful work. I am also voting for this.
Very well written

love and warm stuff
as always

And while thy willing soul transpiers
at every pore with instant fires
Andrew Marvell 1621-1678

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Listening to every heart
19 posted 2003-03-24 06:20 PM

Wish away, but the absolute will be
you're getting in the book!

Deputy Moderator 1 Tour
Member Rara Avis
since 2000-07-10
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Maidstone Kent England
20 posted 2003-03-24 07:36 PM

Titia darling one, what better way to ensure the book has some brilliant poems in than to vote for this superb poem. Do you know that this is such a pearl of wisdom, just the words to remind us of what is important and what isn’t

I love it utterly utterly utterly, but of course YOU know that. One of your utterly utterly perfect timed poems

And a resounding YES vote for the book

Love and warm stuff
As always

Tomorrow is another day I don't know what it holds
but I can face the future with courage brave and bold

Footprints In My Heart

since 2001-06-19
Posts 368

21 posted 2003-03-25 06:08 PM

Me, too...sometimes I think money would solve all the problems...but I would be happy with sharing my million...0ne tenth would be plenty for me

Member Seraphic
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Cape Cod Massachusetts USA
22 posted 2003-03-26 08:34 AM

So - If you had a million bucks.. Could I ask for a loan?.. Cute, Titia...
Titia Geertman
Member Ascendant
since 2001-05-07
Posts 5182
23 posted 2003-03-27 05:46 PM

Krissy dear, if we could share our million pounds and bucks, I think we would stay in Florida forever, I happen to remember a certain person at the airport who's looks you must have imprinted well after driving along a hundred times

Sunshine, if I'm in the book, I don't need a million bucks, I'll have a million friends around me.

Marsha, glad to see you again dear, because you always make me blush.

Alicethruglass, I would settle for that too.

Nan, he he I would come to Cape Cod every half year to party with you dear.

But alas, as I just found out, they passed my million bucks to someone else again. I only got 5, well that's better than nothing.


Like scattered words will flow

Member Elite
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Boot+Kitty=Poetry in motion
24 posted 2003-03-30 04:50 PM

Hi ya Titia.  This poem reminds me of:  Blessed are the poor, for they still have hope that money will make them happy. Nicely phrased poem, with a great ending that ties everything together.  Another vote in the affirmative.
since 2002-04-06
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The Netherlands
25 posted 2003-04-01 05:56 AM

No bucks but a big kiss from your Mom.

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