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since 2002-06-08
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Jacksonville, Florida, USA

0 posted 2003-02-14 11:21 PM

At school people

If your an ESE student
They call you stupid
Or retarded
Or even a box kid
Whatever that means

It hurts to know your the butt
Of peoples stupid jokes
And then it gets back around to you
And you know its not true

Then guys make bets
On who can get you to like them
And then once you start
To like them
They turn on you
And start rumors
Like your pregnant with their child
And it gets to all your friends
And they believe it
And think your a hoe
A slut
A whore
That hurts so bad

Then people pick fights with you
For no logical reason
Other than they think your hitting on their boyfriend
When you know your not

When you leave school
You think you left the mess behind
But sometimes you have not
But you know one thing
The mess you leave at school
Is more than the one you come home too

At the end of school
You just thank GOD
Your home
And with family and friends

Cold hands means a warm heart

© Copyright 2003 the_loner_23 - All Rights Reserved
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1 posted 2003-02-14 11:22 PM

That would suck.

What is life without poetry and adventure?
"Little sister" is just another way of saying "Guardian Angel"!
We do not stop playing because we grow ol

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Windsor, Ontario, Canada
2 posted 2003-02-15 12:07 PM

Julie, I understand how cruel some kids can be.  My family moved around alot and I never did seem to fit in at my schools... This teasing has little to do with your mental capacity.... I was an A student. It has everything to do with lesser people looking for an easy target in an attempt to convince themselves and other narrow minded individuals that they are somehow better.  You should know that for every person that ever teased you, you should count as a vote for your own endurance  and abilities.  I didn't always think this way, but sometimes age does cure self-esteem difficulties.  

Look ahead and not behind.  Count yourself lucky that you had a supportive family.  My stepfather probably did more damage to me emotionally than all the kids from all my schools put together.


Cherish the good memories of the past and look forward to the adventure called Tomorrow. But above all... be kind to yourself today.

Mistletoe Angel
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Portland, Oregon
3 posted 2003-02-15 01:10 AM

(big hugggssssssss) Oh Julie, I had to comment to this again, I believe it is saddening to see so many hurt by peer pressure, but in the long run, you are the winner for you grow richer in love and strength and they will mature and regret all the things they had spoken! (sad sigh) This is touching, sweet friend, we all love you so much! You have such a beautiful heart, sweet Julie, thank you for sharing!

May love and light always shine upon you!

Noah Eaton

"Underneath your clothes there's an endless story..."


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Florida, USA
4 posted 2003-02-15 10:27 AM

I'm sorry, Julie, that you were treated this way.....

"Love makes the world go around"
~~with love and hugs from Ethel~~  

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since 1999-10-08
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The Hague, The Netherlands
5 posted 2003-02-15 11:43 AM

I'm sorry life has been so hard on you. Nonetheless you managed to turn it into poetry.
Local Parasite
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6 posted 2003-02-15 01:18 PM

It's a shame that bad things like this have to happen in order for poetry to flourish.  But hey, pain is an emotion like any other, and I've seen some great poetry come of it.  Consider yourself fortunate to have such an outlet as your writing.  


"Faith" means the will to avoid knowing what is true.
~ Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

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7 posted 2003-02-16 07:16 AM

it is all too easy to be cruel. i think this should be in the book to educate, if not, to at least create awareness

Kit McCallum
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8 posted 2003-02-18 06:39 AM

It's good to know that one can find solace in family and friends after such a difficult time at school. Take care Julie.

Best wishes,

Senior Member
since 2002-05-22
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New York
9 posted 2003-02-19 12:50 PM

good poem. I have one called violent swords you should read this poem goes hand in hand with it.
since 2002-12-18
Posts 331

10 posted 2003-02-19 01:11 AM

way to give shoes to the reader, insightful
and to the point. direct, and raw. it's
honest, and that's the best thing about it.


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since 2003-01-29
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Ohio, USA
11 posted 2003-02-19 09:13 AM


You're not unappreciated here. Keep up your writing, and don't ever give up the fight!

~El Campeador

“We are all travelers in the wilderness of this world, and the best that we can find in our travels is an honest friend.” –Robert Louis Stevenson

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Member Rara Avis
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12 posted 2003-02-19 05:34 PM

Daring in how honest this is. May it be in the book. Though there's one you haven't posted yet, that I believe is one of your best -- about waiting for a call?
Senior Member
since 2002-12-29
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California Desert
13 posted 2003-02-21 08:49 AM

You put yourself out there for us all to see, do you realize how brave that is? One can not help but appreciate you. Never let the 'bullies' see you cry, that is their feed. Head up high, you are victorious.
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Boot+Kitty=Poetry in motion
14 posted 2003-02-21 09:03 AM

Julie - Here's some advice that has worked for me in the past.  When you are feeling really down and you need to just do something to get past it all, put on your best pair of shoes, find yourself a cat and.....  Nevermind, I think you might be one of those people who don't kick little kitties.

Hang in there.  Your words have a lot of pain in them.  I'm sorry for that.

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Universal Mind
15 posted 2003-02-21 11:54 AM

I got picked at school too. But you should read one of older poem, which said we see them as jerk, and laughed at their stupid immature act, and disregard whatever they said. If you would like to see it I can email it to you. Just email me [email protected]

Even now there are people that don't like me in college. I just assume everything I heard is false, be it nice or bad words. The only thing it matter is how we see ourselves. That's all it count.

~Every girl has a dream within.

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somebody's dungeon
16 posted 2003-03-20 11:01 PM

Earth Angel
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Realms of Light
17 posted 2003-03-21 09:19 AM

---and baby, look at you now!

I bet that not even one of your tormentors has as many friends as you have!---We Pipsters number in the thousands!     --and we all love you, Julie!

Love & Light,

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18 posted 2003-03-21 09:27 AM

very emotional and gutsy...very honest...

good job...

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United States
19 posted 2003-03-24 01:13 AM


I tried to write a poem about this once. You did a much better job.


since 2003-03-15
Posts 240
20 posted 2003-03-24 01:29 PM

I imagine you are appreciated more than you know. People see your name here and reconise you and read and appreciate. I've always thought I was unappreciated then I discovered I didn't even appreciate myself, so how could I expect others to do for me what I didn't do for  myself.

Love reading all these great writes.
I write not!

Susan Caldwell
Member Rara Avis
since 2002-12-27
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21 posted 2003-03-24 02:07 PM


I have had two of my three children attend ESE classes.  I know of what you write.  Sometimes it's not just the students, but also the school and teachers.  They just don't get it.  I do know this, both of my children are of very high intellect.  They just didn't know how to handle their raging emotions.  They are both doing very well now, just as you are.  


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since 2002-12-29
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California Desert
22 posted 2003-04-11 10:06 PM

Just a little push to the top.
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