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Member Patricius
since 1999-07-05
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Glen Hope, PA USA

0 posted 2002-12-22 06:23 AM

A Matter Of Perspective

You grinned when I asked
if you liked poetry
and claimed it was something
you could never really comprehend.
I read you Shelly by dawn’s early light
as we lay with legs entangled
and you traced the syllables
with your hands across my skin.

One kiss of your lips
told me more about love
than Browning ever said
in all his collective works;
yet you could not conceive
why Blake brought tears to my eyes.
“Poetry must be learned,” you voiced
late one night, “mastered;”
and I smiled.

You said you’d never be a poet;
but still I lay, caught up
in your rhythm.
My pen wrote red like blood
poured out upon snow white pages.
Your pen marked
the silky black sheets in white;
perhaps your words
were easier to understand.

~ Ruth

If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it.

[This message has been edited by hoot_owl_rn (12-22-2002 06:24 AM).]

© Copyright 2002 Ruth Kephart - All Rights Reserved
Member Empyrean
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Listening to every heart
1 posted 2002-12-22 07:08 AM

A lot of undertones in this, Ruth...
if this is an example of your late
night rambling...

ramble on!

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Member Laureate
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South Carolina, USA
2 posted 2002-12-22 11:06 AM

WOW....I wish I could ramble like this...
This is superbly torrid and passionate..
in a very poetic way...

Seymour Tabin
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Tamarac Fla
3 posted 2002-12-22 12:01 PM

More between the lines then on them, enjoyed.

Mistletoe Angel
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4 posted 2002-12-22 03:03 PM

(smiles) I've always disagreed with what William Blake said about "Poetry must be learned" as I believe everyone is born with that grace in their hearts, I believe it is more the poetry must be unraveled as it is all there and we have to have the courage to recite it! (kiss on cheek) God Bless You, sweet friend, I love it, we all love you so much! You have such a beautiful heart, sweet Ruth, thank you for sharing!

May love and light always shine upon you!

Noah Eaton

"Underneath your clothes there's an endless story..."


Member Patricius
since 1999-07-05
Posts 10750
Glen Hope, PA USA
5 posted 2002-12-22 03:50 PM

Sunshine and Seymore, yes, there's as much said here as not

Noah...thanks dear friend

Magnus...what a compliment, thank you

Thank you everyone....It's great just to be able to write something again at last. The past months have been a drain on my creativity, hopefully the new year will bring a change there too.

Dark Angel
Member Patricius
since 1999-08-04
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6 posted 2002-12-22 03:53 PM

I really  enjoyed this Ruth

Nice to read you again.


Senior Member
since 2002-06-15
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land of flora and fauna
7 posted 2002-12-22 05:40 PM

a sensual scene you've created with your words--and I enjoyed!!

"And it was at that age...Poetry arrived in search of me...And something started in my soul."
Pablo Neruda

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land of flora and fauna
8 posted 2002-12-22 05:40 PM


[This message has been edited by Sandpiper (12-22-2002 05:42 PM).]

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9 posted 2002-12-22 05:43 PM

HOOT! Love this late night ramble, well worth the wait.
Good penmanship story.

Member Rara Avis
since 1999-08-02
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Purgatorial Incarceration
10 posted 2002-12-22 06:10 PM

ramble on, m'friend.
Member Empyrean
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Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA
11 posted 2002-12-22 07:44 PM

Ah, Ruth, there are many forms of poetry...some with words, others with actions. Sounds like you have a great poet on your hands..

Don't forget the rythm method!!!

Merry Christmas, my friend

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Texas, USA
12 posted 2002-12-22 07:45 PM

For a ramble, this is tightly structured, and richly imaged. I like this one.

Nan (Pilgrim variety)

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Florida, USA
13 posted 2002-12-22 07:55 PM

WHEW!!!!  Ruth, this is sizzleing!!!!!
I'm like Balladeer, I read a lot "between the lines", too...but I liked it.
BTW, Gary and I share a lot of poetry like that, too.........           

Larry C
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Member Patricius
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14 posted 2002-12-22 10:37 PM

What Sy said! it again. Okay? And Merry Christmas.

If tears could build a stairway and memories a lane, I'd walk right up to heaven and bring you home again.

Member Empyrean
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15 posted 2002-12-22 10:43 PM

Ruth...Late night ramble sounds fine in any line.  So glad you found your muse between the sheets.  Much enjoyed and Merry Christmas!
Rosemary J. Gwaltney
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northern mountains, Idaho
16 posted 2002-12-23 01:58 AM

Oh, Ruth - this holds a deep sadness at the same time as a great love.  So well written!  I wonder often how you're doing, my friend!

Dale saw this first, and was trying to reply for the longest time - but there's something wrong, and he can't get in.  I've written Karilea to see if she can help.  But I wanted you to know that Dale loves this poem, and wants to wish you Merry Christmas.

Take care of yourself!  We're all fine, up here in the mountains.

- Dale and Rosemary

The spiritual wind that holds survivors aloft, plants the seeds from which bloom new hope ... R.J.G.

Andrew Scott
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17 posted 2002-12-23 02:05 AM

Lady Hoot,

How I remember your words well of forums past, and enjoy them still.  Wonderful ramblings.  I bow to you and yours.  Peace.

passing shadows
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18 posted 2002-12-23 02:07 AM

wow, I like your rambling and late nights.
Paul Wilson
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19 posted 2002-12-23 02:14 AM

Ruth~ Sounds like mighty fine ramblings to me. Poetry in motion I would say.
To understand it you have to feel it and you understand it completely...Paul

" To share my poems with you is to share my heart with you "

[This message has been edited by Paul Wilson (12-23-2002 02:16 AM).]

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Member Seraphic
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20 posted 2002-12-23 12:33 PM

This is beautiful, hoot! *S* I think you've found a glorious way to share "poetry"... however it's written. *S*
Member Patricius
since 1999-07-05
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Glen Hope, PA USA
21 posted 2002-12-23 06:19 PM

Thank you everyone for the comments. Your continued support of my poetry means a great deal to me especially during these rough times when inspiration doesn't always come so easily. Perhaps someday soon I can once again return as an active member here, but for now, I'll pop in from time to time to visit.
Best wishes for a wonderful holiday to all

Member Ascendant
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Ontario, CANADA
22 posted 2002-12-23 09:18 PM

Gawd, I love this. I'm keeping this~

Take care,

"Poetry is not an opinion expressed...
it is a song that rises from a bleeding
wound...or a smiling mouth"

~Kahlil Gibran~

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Member Laureate
since 2001-03-07
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British Columbia, Canada
23 posted 2002-12-23 11:53 PM

Girlfriend you are truly wicked!  LOL, this was awesome Ruth.

Season's Greetings
    from my home in Canada to yours!

Member Rara Avis
since 2000-07-25
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Somewhere... out there...
24 posted 2003-01-21 12:49 PM

This is beautiful, my friend.
I love every word of this..those written
as well as those implied.
Very nicely done.

"...until you have read the verse on his heart,
you have not truly met the poet.

Member Empyrean
since 1999-11-16
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Kapolei, Hawaii, USA
25 posted 2003-01-21 01:02 AM

I suppose if one is not a poet the next best thing is to be romantically involved with a poet...James
Member Seraphic
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Cape Cod Massachusetts USA
26 posted 2003-01-21 11:18 AM

Nobody rambles quite like you do, my poetic friend...
Member Patricius
since 1999-07-05
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Glen Hope, PA USA
27 posted 2003-01-21 11:41 AM

Thank you everyone for your kind words and continued support of my poetry. You don't realize how much it means to me
Susan Caldwell
Member Rara Avis
since 2002-12-27
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28 posted 2003-01-21 01:16 PM

Oh good lord, how I miss the pen that marked my sheets!!

I bow to your superiority!

Susan C.

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29 posted 2003-01-21 02:45 PM

love this ruth, it says so much about you...and he...even though the subject is poetry wonderful...good to see you here
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-06-15
Posts 7136
Mobile, AL
30 posted 2003-01-21 11:03 PM

I see you still have your touch. This was lovely, Lady. Come back when you can.


~~I Love You~~

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