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0 posted 2003-01-05 04:53 AM

Are you there for me
when my need


for touch
of mind, heart and soul?

You would
I know,

when I crave so much.


if I allow
that kind of
human connection,


would my faith


..without surrender, be on good terms with all persons..

[This message has been edited by regards2you (01-05-2003 01:54 PM).]

© Copyright 2003 Patricia L.Thompson - All Rights Reserved
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land of flora and fauna
1 posted 2003-01-05 06:44 AM

..there you go, making me think!!  Enjoyed!

"And it was at that age...Poetry arrived in search of me...And something started in my soul."
Pablo Neruda

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2 posted 2003-01-05 07:59 AM


Yep! It'a a thinker. It is Sunday and I wanted to write something about God without getting ~religious~, something I am not...(but, to each his own)...

however, I do have a deep, personal, 'real' relationship with God and learned, ~finally~ that reliance upon God is foremost and critical for me to get through life and (for me) to really appreciate those stars, moon and sun, the earth, and animals and oceans and sky and trees and plants and mountains and valleys and meadows, and you and me and us and them, and so on....Ah, the gifts we've been given in infinite varieties of each aspect above...

so this is about prayer and meditation for the answers and the source of strength and wisdom....

and I am not saying reaching out to someone, a friend, a lover, a relative isn't crucial or important...but, when we don't ever search our inner spirit how can we grow? how can we ~know~? Some don't ever have that knowledge, nor want it. I was in a position many times when humans could not fulfill the depth of my needs...a bandaid at best; and there are some real good bandaids out there, let me tell ya....but some wounds kept opening back up and needed the healing power of my God, as I understand Him....

when I use the word "touch" I am not referencing physical touch...that's a whole different ballgame...

smiling here and thanking you for responding to my God poem. Hugs,  Pat

..without surrender, be on good terms with all persons..

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3 posted 2003-01-05 12:24 PM

thinking of "how my faith will grow" since i read your impressed me enough to do so...thank you...
best wishes from rainman

Member Rara Avis
since 2002-02-22
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Michigan, USA
4 posted 2003-01-05 12:27 PM

Took my spirit to the hands of the creator...really liked this one.

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Florida, USA
5 posted 2003-01-05 12:38 PM

Pat, I really enjoyed your poem....and the explanation.
You are so right in what you're saying, friend.
If we just depend on our own wants and desires, and never
consider what God may have in store for us, we can certainly
make a mess of our lives. I know, because I've done both.
I guess that's one of the many reasons that my Love and I aren't
already married. I know that God has put us together, but I also
know that He is working in both our lives to make us more appreciative
of each other....and Him. It's just a very good thing that both
of us (my Love and I), are at a time in our lives when we don't
have to rush into marriage. That happens much too much when a
couple is afraid of losing the other one.

Thank you for your poetry, Pat. We're just going to have to
sit down and talk one day...even if it is just by sitting in front
of our computers......

"Love makes the world go around"
~~with love and hugs from Ethel~~  

Bill Charles
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highways, & byways, for now
6 posted 2003-01-05 01:42 PM

regards2you - you certainly packed a punch of words here, nice write...


Mistletoe Angel
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7 posted 2003-01-05 02:55 PM

(tears fall down my cheeks) Oh Patricia, that is exactly what got me feeling heartbroken here, sweet friend, I invested all my faith in my love but this whole time she never told me how she really felt for me and had someone else and she had no faith in me! (wipes tears) This is so touching, sweet friend, we all love you so much! You have such a beautiful heart, sweet Patricia, thank you for sharing!

May love and light always shine upon you!

Noah Eaton

"Underneath your clothes there's an endless story..."


since 2003-01-04
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Texas, US
8 posted 2003-01-05 02:57 PM

I just can't understand these kind of poems for some reason
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9 posted 2003-01-05 04:09 PM

Rainman, This Diamond, Ethel, Bill,

This is simply food for thought, one poets opinion and if you got something from it, good for you. Thank you all for your response. Hugs,  Pat


Sometimes things seem so right, we assume the other person has the same values, education, background and thinking we do....It is always a shock finding out one hasn't been as 'up front' as the other....not fair, either...I don't think there is any way you could have avoided the kind of sadness you are going through. At least, Noah, you can fall back on faith and trust in God, knowing much about it already as is evident in some of your replies....some don't have a clue, such as Jeff, the next post, after yours....Hugs and love to you, as you work through the grieving process, please keep writing....
Don't under estimate the league you are in Noah....not many are....and it gets lonely waiting for the right one to come along...but, she will, Noah, she will.....and Noah, the title says it all for me (God first)....but, know it took decades for me to learn this truth of mine.

There are two words in this poem which have more than five letters and one is plural, making it a five letter word.
The ~real big~ word is connection....
hope you have a dictionary to help you connect.

Hugs and warm regards, Pat, thank for
reading and your comment....

PS, there are many poems on line which I don't get, or, usually don't I simply don't comment on them, not to say you shouldn't, I personally am glad you did.  I didn't think I'd get this much response for my beliefs are a little controversial to say the least. Most run to a human for instant relief and suggestions.
Nothing wrong with that, but, a balance is important.


..without surrender, be on good terms with all persons..

[This message has been edited by regards2you (01-05-2003 04:54 PM).]

Member Rara Avis
since 2002-01-04
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A Mountain Paradise
10 posted 2003-01-05 07:03 PM

I liked this immensely, Pat. I cannot get through a day without putting my faith and trust in God Almighty. I couldn't write a poem without His inspiration.

A lot of wisdom in this poem of yours my dear.  Hugs, Marti

passing shadows
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11 posted 2003-01-06 03:47 AM

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12 posted 2003-01-07 04:23 PM

hmmmmm... indeed food for thought.


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Kapolei, Hawaii, USA
13 posted 2003-01-09 04:31 AM

Interesting...All relationships are important...A relationship with God and relationships with those around us...James
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14 posted 2003-01-09 04:40 AM

i'm a spiritual mess but i do see where you are coming from...i have come to realise how important and essential personal growth is, be it mentally, emotionally or spiritually and sometimes you have to cast awasy all doubts and trust in a Higher being

i understand this reasoning but alas, always procrastinate in my search of God...not sure why i do that either...guess that i prefer to go with the flow instead of actively seeking...would that be a wrong option to take?

sorry to ramble...thanks for your has touched me on a personal level...

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Member Patricius
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15 posted 2003-01-09 04:40 PM

enjoyed this much
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16 posted 2003-01-09 04:55 PM

Taking time to remember and cherish all that we such a poetic manner..become you *S*

Nicely done!


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17 posted 2003-01-11 11:00 AM

hmmm, wanting to hear your opinions...

by the way, i'm thrilled at the thought of your son starting out to write poetry..if he ever needs a reader but is too shy to post at a poetry website, please ask him to come to him...i will love to read his work!

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18 posted 2003-01-11 11:28 AM


With the most tender heart and kindest wishes for you, my only comment to you would be if you want to know more about God, or, to have a relationship with Him, just pray ernestly and ask.
I had a difficult childhood and adult life and was athiest (science having been my favorite subject, seems like a century ago) for a long time...then admitted, okay there is a God, only to discover, how much I hated him, and didn't mind telling Him so either! I wasn't struck with lightening...but it took awhile for me to get to where I am now, complete reliance upon Him....

It is a personal are way ahead of the game if you are not an Atheist...Again, I would never presume to tell anyone what they should do, but, do share in poetry some of my beliefs....Sincerity and true ernestness is important when seeking God...

Now, re: my son.... He lives out of town from me and e-mailed me with one poem, which was excellant....Didn't even know he wrote, but I always e-mail him all my on-line poetry and guess that was his beginning...He is very close-mouthed about all he does and we have decided if he ever wants to come on-line, to PIP, it should be done anonymously, with no connection to me, both for his own merit, and for any who might judge him, according to their feelings and Attitude about me...I will send this thread to him as well, and if he wants to perhaps, he can send/share part of his poetry w. get a general view/opinion...BTW, he is 32 and not religious or spiritually inclined, very similar to where you are right now....Hope this helps..
and thanks for offer to help him. Time will him..., Hugs, Pat

..without surrender, be on good terms with all persons..

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19 posted 2003-01-11 12:28 PM


LOL, i am currently a Chemistry student at National University of Singapore...

I do believe in God..i just can't decide how i feel about Him yet. I have been to church before but feel that while the people i met seem sincere and genuine enough, i can't help feeling also that they are almost too eager to let me know about God and even imposing their faith on me...

i guess i want to accept God for His merits and on my own terms and not be hookwinked into doing so? And i guess since both my parents are Buddhists, i feel compelled to know more about Buddhism before i decide on my spiritual vocation

i will start by checking out your other God poems...

offer to help him? Pat, you flatter me so.. i don't think i can help your son much...just that i recognize that a beginning writer is often racked with self-doubt and insecurities and want to encourage him as much as i can, by giving him authentic constructive feedback without any sugarcoating

ask him to keep writing!

[This message has been edited by kaile (01-11-2003 12:30 PM).]

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Lost in thought
20 posted 2003-06-01 01:13 AM


- And so it was that time stood still -
     (blink, breathe, stand, fight)

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
21 posted 2003-11-28 09:40 AM

My heavens ... such a statement of deep abiding faith~

Your writing, your responses to others, your diligence to detail,
are a beautiful testimony to the fine person you are~

Highlighting this beauty so that others may find your work
and delight themselves in the reading of such~

It is such a pleasure to know you my true poetess friend~

~*When the heart grieves over what it has lost,
the spirit rejoices over what it has left.
- Sufi epigram
       [email protected]   

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