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Member Patricius
since 2001-03-09
Posts 12098
Idaho, USA

0 posted 2004-01-28 06:47 PM

(The setting for this one is after the Civil War, on the prairies of Montana)

Prayer of a Prairie Wife

We came out here to get away
From brooding on the blue and gray.
The war is over, but it seems
To occupy our minds and dreams,
So we decided we would make
A fresh new start.A total break
From all that we had known before.
It wasn't easy, but we tore
Our roots from out the soil of home
And ever westward, we did roam.

This prairie land is where we stayed
To make a life, but we have paid.
The cost has often seemed too high
I've looked around and wondered why
God chose to lead us to this place.
We seldom see another's face
And in the lonely days I find
More often, home is on my mind.
I have my children, husband too.
There's always more than I can do.

I sometimes stand with idle hands
And look up at the varied bands
Of clouds, that slowly pass me by.
some part of me just longs to fly
And follow them, wherever they
Are headed, but I couldn't stay.
My children's voices call to me:
"Mama, Mama, come and see!"
I cast a yearning glance around
And go to look at what they've found.
I pray each day God gives me life,
For strength to be a prairie wife!

Betty Lou Hebert

Published by Drury's Publishing, 1997
And Lines & Rhymes, 1998

© Copyright 2004 Betty Lou Hebert - All Rights Reserved
Mistletoe Angel
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1 posted 2004-01-28 09:31 PM

(smiles) Awwwwwwwww, this is a most beautiful prayer, sweet friend, I believe we all should live in serenity and it must be so calm and beautiful all around where you live! (kiss on cheek) God Bless You, sweet friend, we all love you so much! You have such a beautiful heart, sweet Betty, thank you for sharing!

May love and light always shine upon you!

Noah Eaton

"You'll find something that's enough to keep you
But if the bright lights don't receive you
You should turn yourself around and come back home" MB20

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Member Patricius
since 2001-03-09
Posts 12098
Idaho, USA
2 posted 2004-01-28 10:24 PM

Noah:  Thanks!  I wrote this about one of my female relatives, who came to Montana in about 1867 and the family settled on the prairie.
I have heard stories passed down about how hard life was for her and that inspired this poem.

Betty Lou Hebert

Member Ascendant
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Melbourne, Australia
3 posted 2004-01-29 06:33 PM

Hello Betty Lou

This was a truly wonderful piece of writing.  I could see a very real picture unfold before my very eyes.  It reminded me of Little House on the Prairie (I used to love that show when I was young).

Take care......Sue

I am in motion
I am blue
Love is an ocean
I'm anchored in you
- Shawn Mullins

Joyce Johnson
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4 posted 2004-01-29 06:45 PM

Betty this is a wonderful poem.  I have always thought I would have had made a poor ppioneer.  I need my loved ones around me.  Love, Joyce
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Member Patricius
since 2001-03-09
Posts 12098
Idaho, USA
5 posted 2004-01-29 10:09 PM

Sue:  Thanks.  I can see how this would remind you of Little House on the Prairie. That did depict life pretty much as it was, except many of those pioneers lived too far away from neighbors, for them to be helping each other.

Betty Lou Hebert

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Member Patricius
since 2001-03-09
Posts 12098
Idaho, USA
6 posted 2004-01-29 10:12 PM

Joyce:  Thanks and I'm glad you liked the poem.  The closest I came to this, was living at the mine in Nevada.  50 miles from town by dirt road and the nearest neighbor was 25 miles away. Ron and I were often there alone.  It gives you a little taste of what life was like for the pioneers.

Betty Lou Hebert

since 2004-01-28
Posts 92
Ontario, Canada
7 posted 2004-01-30 06:23 AM


I enjoyed this write so much!
It took me to a place so quiet and peaceful, where the values of life  surrounded by nature, are felt so deeply.

This poem makes me want to wish for a time machine, and go into those days where family is so cherished and love is so true.

Thanks for this write, it's wonderful!


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Member Patricius
since 2001-03-09
Posts 12098
Idaho, USA
8 posted 2004-01-30 02:16 PM

Tais:  Thank you for your lovely comments! Nice to hear from you and I agree, there was a lot about those pioneer days that was very meaningful and innocent.

Betty Lou Hebert

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
9 posted 2004-01-30 02:58 PM

I was fascinated at this look into the past~

I am doing 'roots' research right now ... and finding just how difficult it was for the ancestors from my grandfather's side of the family ...~

It's a labor of love to step through the family history ...~

I greatly enjoyed this penning, my friend~

~*When the heart grieves over what it has lost,
the spirit rejoices over what it has left.
- Sufi epigram <))><

[email protected]

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Member Patricius
since 2001-03-09
Posts 12098
Idaho, USA
10 posted 2004-01-30 07:32 PM

Dear Marge:  Tracing family roots is fascinating I know and very time consuming. I have a cousin in Canada who has been tracing my dad's side of the family for five years now.  She is nearly through and has gone back into the 1600's.  I admire her dedication. Good luck with your project.

Betty Lou

Betty Lou Hebert

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