Spiritual Journeys #2 |
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Why Pray? |
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Vestibular Bard Member
since 2008-12-11
Posts 284New York |
Why Pray? - by The Vestibular Bard It seems quite odd, we pray, 'to' god, This being of omnipresence…… We bend a knee, respectfully, And proceed with our pretense. Some thing we’ll mention, needs his attention, Or we’ll repent for some offense… We treat this god, like some poor sod, Not imbued with omni-sense. It seems to me, quite lit'rally, That if this god is whom they say…… Our every thought, and feeling ought to displace our need to pray. |
© Copyright 2008 Vestibular Bard - All Rights Reserved | |||
since 2000-07-31
Posts 3618Statesboro, GA, USA |
Why would the divine mind knowing everything need us I pray to pray? At the risk of sounding too simplistic: The need resides elsewhere and right at home for mortals invited to an eternal dance those who might learn by surrendering struggling entreating praising. It's like asking Why on earth should our children recite vainly and wearily the Alphabet to us when we already know it by heart, And can string words (or worlds) together like pearls? Stephen |
Vestibular Bard Member
since 2008-12-11
Posts 284New York |
Not surprisingly, It is always the chatty, Insightful, confident And oh so… Spiritual 'children', Who inhabit, The oft abused and hackneyed, Analogy. It is always they, That must speak, For the ever muted, ‘divine mind’, Of their silent, And invisible, Daddy. They keep repeating, Their faithful ‘ABCs’, Over and over, In a bizarre, Self serving ritual, All their lives. Which always end, With a firm and smug, Pat on the back, And the selfish, imagined, Immortality… They crave. |
since 2000-07-31
Posts 3618Statesboro, GA, USA |
Some question marks are bent with a determined hook baited inquiry dangling not for consideration or friendly exploration but a catch on which to vent one's own embittered offense oft not without good reason some painful season or unsalted sainthood fallen from a critic's graces Still there are other places other vantage points from which to think afresh what these questions have to do with digging pits to fall into Perhaps everyone could look anew. |
serenity blaze Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
Posts 27738 |
and I'm just sitting pondering how difficult the task must be to spread Good News sans the judgement and assumptions that which must accompany the compulsion which must prompt some who 'know' to nudge another off the path of which does not follow those who wish that all who do not think like them surely must be living sin-- I thought our flesh must make us kin, equally in need of love forgiveness and that hope above, even as below, we strive to keep that flame of trust alive. If you are encased in skin? Judge me not and be my friend. For yes, I do have mote in eye, but beams are known to make one blind. My tears will soon enough reveal the truth as motes are mere dust-beams, and all of life is suffering so I'll assume you're offering the best intentions without pride companionship as we all ride upon the Earth, that might be mote aside some other being's nose. |
since 2000-07-31
Posts 3618Statesboro, GA, USA |
"You are the apple of my eye" ![]() |
serenity blaze Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
Posts 27738 |
Merry Christmas, Stephan. ![]() And happiest of holly-daze to you too, VB. ![]() sigh I'm actually craving egg-nog now. *chuckle* |
Vestibular Bard Member
since 2008-12-11
Posts 284New York |
You do not need to pretend, that everything beautiful, is a gift from your personal god. And that everything painful, destructive, and bleak, is a demonic force of some evil spirit, or a sinful man. You just need to live… and strive, and grow, and learn, and love, and be loved. You need to celebrate life, respect her countless forms, accept her endless cycle, of birth and death, and revere the awesome universe that is her home. You must be satisfied to take your place, and find your way, and leave your small mark, while this brief spotlight of time, shines down upon you. Tell me about your pain and sorrows, and I will tell you mine. Tell me how your god has saved you. That he will someday take your essence, to a place where life is always fair, idyllic, and painless. A place where justice prevails for all eternity, A place where there is only Truth, Light and Love; Pretentiously capitalized, for pompous emphasis A magical place where all life’s questions and injustices, will finally be answered, and made right. I will tell you this is not life. It is not 'good news'... It is a silly, sacred illusion, of something else. Something selfish and easy... A faux balm for your boundless, mortal human ego Then I will tell you, how understanding, accepting and revering, the divinity of this world and life, that I have found, for what it simply is… ...gives me a sense of peace. How this serenity has saved me, from the countless, incoherent illusions, my fellow man invents, to reconstruct his universe, into one designed to make him immortal and justified, and triumphant, in his own haughty mind. God is love and god is hate. Fear and courage Pride and humility Knowledge and ignorance Shepherd and sheep Light and darkness Proton and electron A glorious sunrise, and the hurricane’s wind A long life of accomplishment, and one cut short by painful death God is paradox God is balance, and never ending change. God is our reality, we must learn to accept her, understand her terms, and respect her with our decisions. For god is not hidden in the shadows. She is not only found in the words of ancient men, or serendipitous good fortune. She does not come, only in dreams and visions, to a chosen few in Palestine… God is standing right in front of you. She is revealed to all living things, in countless ways. Open your eyes and caress her with your spirit, explore her with your mind, revere her awesome wonders with sacred love, For you only have this one chance, to dance with her, while the spotlight shines upon you. [This message has been edited by Vestibular Bard (12-14-2008 10:21 AM).] |
Vestibular Bard Member
since 2008-12-11
Posts 284New York |
For Stephenos Some question marks are rhetorical. They are meant to open the eyes, Of those who never question, Who never wonder, Who read the books their fathers read, And bow their heads in unison When they are told. The messenger is often reviled Once the questions are asked And the herd becomes uncomfortable For millennia, those who dared to ask Were simply trampled by the heard. Now they are simply called; Embittered, Fallen, Unsalted saints, Apostates… Who would cause the good and faithful, To stumble, From their ever righteous path. Thus was born the apologist. The clever tongue, Who can mock the truth, And soothe the herd, With wretched analogies And prosaic rhetoric. But the truth outlives apologists, And their ancient, apocalyptic, franchised cults. The real truth is patient, It cares not what any man thinks, Or what idols he may worship, What gods he prays to, Or what things he considers ‘moral’ and ‘sinful’ For these things, Are always changing, And that is a part of the truth, That the pious man just can’t accept, Even though it is obvious, And writ large in their own sacred tomes. The truth doesn’t have to ‘return’, In some spectacular display, Of cosmic judgment. It judges every moment of every day. It was here, Before man invented gods in his image, And it will be here long after, Man is extinct. The truth doesn’t pretend to be ‘Good News’, It doesn’t even pretend to be ‘new’, And it cares not, If you embrace it and pray to it. Or curse its name. Perhaps there are some questions, In the polite confines, Of righteous and genteel society, That shouldn’t be asked. They are far too disturbing to contemplate. |
Marc-Andre Senior Member
since 2008-12-07
Posts 501 |
The Bible starts with one infamous lie: Creation didn’t end on the sixth day; For God creates, it goes on still today. And while some rabbi preach in synaguoges And Christians kneel besides a pew to pray From God teem creatures born to see the day. To pray in words or not is optional But in thy work and daily interaction I beg to see Christ’s teachings’ incarnation. For when a living creature thou have harmed I tell you truly, thou have spat on God It matters not if thou do God belaud. Nice introductory poem, Vestibular. And very inspiring! It makes me want to work on the theme at a deeper level. By all means keep posting such verse ![]() [This message has been edited by Marc-Andre (12-14-2008 12:02 PM).] |
Vestibular Bard Member
since 2008-12-11
Posts 284New York |
My goals are not so lofty, or ambiguous. I would be satisfied, If my leaders upheld the Constitution, And my fellow citizens obeyed the law. |
Marc-Andre Senior Member
since 2008-12-07
Posts 501 |
THE VESTIBULAR BARD'S JUDGEMENT - one act play Heaven. Enter God, St.Peter, Jesus and an Angel. God: What? Haven’t thou dispatched this misfit Bard to hell? St. Peter: I have, my Lord. Only, Lucifer, crawling on his belly and biting dust, begs you to reconsider his case. Angel: My Lord, I have reviewed the whole life of the Vestibular Bard. Truly, he has sinned but little and actually should be canonised. God: Has he not questionned my infinite virtue? Jesus: So have Elijah and Jacob challenged you. Likewise, the Vestibular Bard has repented of his sins and now begs to praise you eternally. Angel: We’d love to see his poetic skills employed to such a noble cause. Jesus: For them sinners, I have been crucified. I prithee, Father, do accept him in our kingdom. God: Well… St.Peter: Also, my Lord, please consider that we do not want such a bard to serve Lucifer… God: True, true. It might be that we’ll welcome the Vestibular Bard in heaven, after probation in the vestibule. One last confirmation: Is he of our chosen few? Has he been circumcised, accordingly to my covenant? Angel: Well, my Lord, I’m afraid he… God: Case dismissed! Let him burn in hell! Exeunt. |
Vestibular Bard Member
since 2008-12-11
Posts 284New York |
Ironically enough, I have been circumcised. Alas, not by a holy man, or for the right reasons. Nevermind...I enjoy the warm weather. I very much enjoyed your play Marc. |
Marc-Andre Senior Member
since 2008-12-07
Posts 501 |
Let's face it: not accordingly to the covenant, thou art doomed...I'm glad you liked the play, Vestibular. And happier still to know that I will have access to your verse in hell ![]() |
serenity blaze Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
Posts 27738 |
"You just need to live… and strive, and grow, and learn, and love, and be loved. You need to celebrate life, respect her countless forms, accept her endless cycle, of birth and death, and revere the awesome universe that is her home." ![]() "God is standing right in front of you. She is revealed to all living things, * * * And to you, dear Bard, and to you! ![]() Um, you did know that I am Wiccan, right? ![]() * * * (Sorry for jumping in there like I owned the place--Stephanos and I have a such a long history of bumping heads, why, you could almost call it eternal...) *chuckle* |
Vestibular Bard Member
since 2008-12-11
Posts 284New York |
"Um, you did know that I am Wiccan, right?" I did not know...but suddenly it all makes sense now.... I am not a Wiccan, and I try not to be a member of any group that ends in: ...ist, an, ant, rat, al, ive, rian,...or 'sexual'. Although I will under duress confess to being a human. I am a citizen of the universe... ...and my own mind is my church. |
since 2000-07-31
Posts 3618Statesboro, GA, USA |
Though many be unquestioning followers of dogma perhaps only because they were taught it never weaned from the paps of mere convention and creed (and of such a season there is a need in every truth religious or no) others have asked hard questions either posed by others or from within their own wayfaring hearts and have still come to a positive faithful and most orthodox conclusion That God is no idiot's delusion but was and is and forever will be the savior of their humanity. For such have come to realize the abjuring and alternate view is something like a faith-leap too. For some skeptic tongues will even speak of "truth" and of "setting free" the weak who are preyed upon by zealots and immoral religious deceivers manufacturing believers for their own self-absorbed and hoarded gain And I despise it as much as they, all the "don't do as I do" and "Just do what I say". But to reject the only Cradle-Hill from which reform could ever cry or even make any sense of any prescription 'ere you die to appeal to paradox and then turn 'round and preach religious sin to have 'ought' hid in every verse but declaring there really only 'is'. To say blessings are only apparant while tough times are divine arraignment at the bar of what is "right" and humanly self-evident affirming the strand of art and intelligence through nature only mirage and something like pyrite in the 'Pan' but blasphemy smart, rational, bold and fairly free of difficulties (well, since difficulties don't really matter in the shadow of absolute death) Yes the problems of faith are mystifying and present one with a life-time of wrestling but the problems of the alternative are damning and for some call for just a bit too much of something like a faith-leap too. There are difficult questions for me and you. |
Vestibular Bard Member
since 2008-12-11
Posts 284New York |
Stephan, For the record, after having thorougly and meticously questioned your own personal brand of religious dogma, have you ever come to the conclusion that any of your superstitious beliefs, are an 'idiot's delusion'? If so, which ones are in that category? Would you also mind weighing in on whether Shiva, is really the Lord of the dance, the all knowing, (originally called Rudra), god of fire? Is this god really male and female at the same time, and the true god of creation, destruction, and maintenance? Once again, thanks for helping us seperate memorized dogma, from closely examined religious 'truth', that only an insightful theologian like you would discern. |
SEA![]() ![]()
Member Seraphic
since 2000-01-18
Posts 22676with you |
I do agree with your thoughts here. When I did pray, I would talk to him instead of the formal prayer. Since my dad passed though, I have been spending a lot of time out side the box...and find my thoughts much clearer. |
sandgrain Member Elite
since 1999-09-21
Posts 3662Sycamore, IL, USA |
Interesting from the original post through each response. If nothing else, I learn who are and aren't diplomatic. Rae |
Essorant Member Elite
since 2002-08-10
Posts 4769Regina, Saskatchewan; Canada |
Whoso expects a prize for naught Without it being well besought, Without a contest or a dare Without a please, without a prayer, So let him win the steepest store Of what dungbeetles like much more. ![]() |
since 2000-07-31
Posts 3618Statesboro, GA, USA |
Mr Vestibule, Back in prose mode eh? I'll address these addtional questions, I'm sure, in Philosophy. No need for multiple threads really for discussion, when we can consolidate. Ess, don't insult yourself so. If you think you're being clever, I can only point out that dungbeetles can't. ![]() Stephen |
Vestibular Bard Member
since 2008-12-11
Posts 284New York |
quote: I don’t expect a prize for naught, Much Lotto ticket I have bought, And whilst those ping pong balls do bounce, I pray to gods with every ounce, Of humble begging that I own; To every god I’ve ever known. I’ve prayed to Allah, Ra and Zeus, That Hubbard guy, and Dr. Seuss… I’ve prayed to Jesus, Mary too, The gods of every ancient Jew, I’ve prayed in fields while caked in mud, I prayed so hard I sweated blood But when those ping pong balls stop bouncing My Lotto picks, they’re not announcing, So I’ll keep trying different gods, ‘Till I find one that beats the odds. ![]() |
Vestibular Bard Member
since 2008-12-11
Posts 284New York |
quote: That would be Mr. Vestibular. Or you can simply call me 'sir' or 'your grace'. |
since 2000-07-31
Posts 3618Statesboro, GA, USA |
lol. S. |
Grinch Member Elite
since 2005-12-31
Posts 2929Whoville |
There are thousands of reasons to pray, I thought of three only today: The first was for money, The next for a honey And the last? Well I’d rather not say. ![]() |
Grinch Member Elite
since 2005-12-31
Posts 2929Whoville |
It seems you've decided to stay Oh well, two out of three is ok Not really that bad For an atheist lad Who’d have blown all the cash anyway. ![]() |
Essorant Member Elite
since 2002-08-10
Posts 4769Regina, Saskatchewan; Canada |
Wooest thou brides with wind and air? Thinkst with thoughts to win the fair? And matrimony to be made All for a heap of pray'rs well prayed? Then shall a maid not be thy meed, But life without a wife, indeed. But if thou thinkst Love should smirk When words are woven well with work, Timbered with truth, a marriage bless, Why thinkst a god should look for less? Who louts with numerated pray'rs Is like the man that only stares, And holds a sea in seeing's grip, But never crosses with a ship. On seas' wide back when sailors go The lodestar helps with leading glow, But for the man that patters prayrs And never o'er the ocean dares, Sits in his house, 'tis no surprise Little thilk star e'er greets his eyes. Likewise the gods have op'ner ear When words with works are knit sincere. |
Vestibular Bard Member
since 2008-12-11
Posts 284New York |
quote: Nope...in fact when I break wind, the bride gets kinda cranky... |
Vestibular Bard Member
since 2008-12-11
Posts 284New York |
quote: Dear Grinch, ‘Seems’ and ‘stay’ are fuzzy words, Like random seeds thrown to the birds... It ‘seemed’ a good idea to pray, To Zeus for my big Lotto pay… And while I hope my wife will ‘stay’, Would you blame her, either way? I’m not a lad, or atheist, Such fuzzy labels I resist… The cash was blown, but not by me… I gave it to the lottery. Sincerely, VB |
Vestibular Bard Member
since 2008-12-11
Posts 284New York |
quote: Sorry for the earlier flippant comment on the first line... This is simply outstanding. Shakespeare could do no better, and having read all his sonnets, I know he can do much worse....it's like his ghost is here. I am truly in awe of this Essorant, and I don't know how long it took you to write it, but it is perhaps the most impressive thing I've read here. The attention to detail in the metering alone is mind boggling. Don't mean to blow too much smoke up your kilt...but nice work...it should certainly have it's own thread. |
Grinch Member Elite
since 2005-12-31
Posts 2929Whoville |
There once was a Bard who unable To figure a fact from a fable Mistook him for I Which I cannot deny Brought cheer to this atheist’s table I’m godless but prayed for a honey For cash but I didn’t get money My third request? Was a Bard in a vest Who was tactless, poetic and funny ![]() |
Vestibular Bard Member
since 2008-12-11
Posts 284New York |
It’s true that this bard is unstable, An inner ear can quite disable, Strong steps and clear mind, And well metered rhyme... And make me fall under the table! So again I will offer this truce, With this sarcastic pawn of the Seuss. Who tactless and funny, Can’t get 'im no honey… But I sure like his rhymes... ..of abuse. [This message has been edited by Vestibular Bard (12-17-2008 04:42 PM).] |
Grinch Member Elite
since 2005-12-31
Posts 2929Whoville |
I prayed for three clear things and two came true My honey is my wife - and she’s not you My other wishes - money And a poet being funny I didn’t get the cash I just get you Abuse? That’s not the true effect or cause Offence is not the meter that I chose I read your rhyme And took the time To offer up a poem as applause ![]() |
Vestibular Bard Member
since 2008-12-11
Posts 284New York |
I prayed that yer lim'rick would meter, I prayed yer wife would dress you neater, But now there's no hope, Go gnaw on your soap… Until you have verse that is sweeter. It seems now ‘abuse’ is ‘applause’ An assonant crime that sure was… Well I read your rhyme, Twas pearls before swine… So perhaps the Grinch is Santa Claus?. |
Lighthousebob Member Elite
since 2000-06-14
Posts 4725California |
Well, now, you've seemed to have gotten a greater response to your poem than what any other poem has gotten here in this thread for some time. I'm Jealous (Smiles). Cogratulations!!!! Good question and a well written poem as well. Anyway, I especially enjoyed the couple of lines from your poem that read … quote: Omni-sense / (Omniscient). Nice play on words. Anyway, I thought. Good job, -Bob |
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