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Gabriel Frost
since 2002-08-15
Posts 216
Between midnight thoughts

0 posted 2002-09-21 12:05 PM

I remember your eyes,
Peering into mine,
I recall feeling the sincerity,
That soothed my troubled mind.
You would ask about my day,
Everything that mattered to me held your interest,
And in your own little way,
Your concern made the world of a difference.
You’d be quiet to let me talk,
And even when I rambled you listened,
Like I was the only man in the world,
And every word I said was golden.
You dried my tears and held me,
Though you didn’t know the extent of my pain,
Your forehead against mine; noses rubbing so gently,
Was like a soothing balm, lifting my cares away.
Holding you in my arms,
Was an experience beyond words,
It was like the sweetest lingering glimpse,
Of life in a perfect world.
You asked what’s in my shadow,
And I disrobed before your eyes,
I let you into my world of sorrow,
And you brought some comfort to my life.
You felt the darkness from the start,
You saw the pain I tried so hard to hide,
You looked within this warriors heart,
And saw the frightened little child.
I pulled away when you reached out at first,
But then you took my shaking hand,
And held it safe inside your own,
Your eyes said, “I understand,”
Your lips said, “it’s ok now,”
“I won’t hurt you, look at me,”
I slowly raised my eyelids to meet yours,
And from that moment you had me.
You used to crave my lips,
Like the aphids honeydew,
I trembled with each kiss,
And I know you felt it too.
I remember all the anxiety,
When I asked you to be my girl,
Then you reassuringly responded,
That you already were.
Every time the phone rang,
My heart would skip a beat,
In anticipation that you’d be at the other end,
Waiting to talk to me.
Your call would make my day,
Your every email I saved,
In number over a hundred,
All your cards I would replay.
Reading the words you left me,
And locking them in my heart,
Till whenever we’d next meet,
As though we never did part.
Now I'm all alone,
Down to my last tear,
At the last fibre of my rope,
Saving my last prayer.
That you’d come back to me,
And make it like it was.
Memories are my gems of yesterday,
But today, where is all the love?
I still feel it, like de ja vu,
The whispers, your warm breath,
Your fingertips along my face,
The kisses, the hugs, the glances,
The questions, the answers, the hope....
The joy... the pain....
Then the relief...
It had to be real.
Can you tell me what is missing?
From the man that I am now?
Everything that is me...used to hold your interest....
Now where is all the love?

© Copyright 2002 Gabriel Frost - All Rights Reserved
Senior Member
since 2000-03-08
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Here, Now, Forever
1 posted 2002-09-21 12:52 PM

gabriel it seems you have found a wonderful soulmate! gobless
Gentle Spirit
Member Patricius
since 2000-10-09
Posts 13989

2 posted 2002-09-21 12:54 PM

Very intense much of this was me in my past......very well done writing!

If I have touched one heart through my words, then I have acheived my dream...

Member Elite
since 2000-07-09
Posts 2175
3 posted 2002-09-21 02:08 PM

It's good to see you posting again! I miss reading your words..and I miss talking to you!!


If at first you don't succeed destroy all the evidence that you tried.

[This message has been edited by Ceinwyn (09-21-2002 02:09 PM).]

Member Ascendant
since 2002-06-08
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Jacksonville, Florida, USA
4 posted 2002-09-21 02:13 PM

Very powerful. Good poem

Cold hands means a warm heart

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
5 posted 2002-09-21 02:30 PM


Everything about this write is lovely ...
but this stood out in my mind -

'Memories are my gems of yesterday'

Oh ... that is so true !
I often hold those 'gems' in my hand ...
turning them over and over ....
until they are polished with the sheen of glowing recall~

And then .... then, I turn them into poetry~

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
           [email protected]                       

Senior Member
since 2002-06-20
Posts 812
6 posted 2002-09-21 02:32 PM

This was awesome.

What is life without poetry and adventure?
"Little sister" is just another way of saying "Guardian Angel"!

Mistletoe Angel
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Portland, Oregon
7 posted 2002-09-21 08:57 PM

"Memories are my gems of yesterday,
But today, where is all the love?
I still feel it, like de ja vu,
The whispers, your warm breath,
Your fingertips along my face,
The kisses, the hugs, the glances,
The questions, the answers, the hope....
The joy... the pain....
Then the relief...
It had to be real."

(big huggsssssss) Oh Gabriel, it is real and my heart goes out to you and wish for this happiness to always be there for you, sweet friend, God Bless You, we all love you so much! You have such a beautiful heart, sweet Paul, thank you for sharing!

May love and light always shine upon you!

Noah Eaton

"Underneath your clothes there's an endless story..."


Member Rara Avis
since 2002-02-22
Posts 9353
Michigan, USA
8 posted 2002-09-21 09:22 PM

A very tender and personal meaning for me read here my friend. A treasure to hold. ThisDiamond
Deputy Moderator 5 Tours
Member Patricius
since 1999-10-22
Posts 10463
9 posted 2002-09-21 09:47 PM

Madame Chipmunk
Member Rara Avis
since 2001-12-05
Posts 8296
10 posted 2002-09-21 10:15 PM

Memories are my gems of yesterday

A beautiful line, Gabriel...
The whole poem spoke to me, but this line says an awful lot...
I think that everything always looks sweeter in remembrance than it really was...
Perhaps because we remember also, what those times may have led to...
Great poem, Gabriel
~ chipmunk hugs


copyright2002 Lyra Nesius

"poetry is life distilled"  Gwendolyn Brooks

Gabriel Frost
since 2002-08-15
Posts 216
Between midnight thoughts
11 posted 2002-09-22 01:11 PM

Thank you everyone for your responses.Indeed, things do appear sweeter in rememberance, but in my case it's simply out of longing for what once was...and shall never again be.
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